All members participating in the helmet signing, please check in here.

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Arboristsite Raconteur
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Newport TN
This project started out to be a simple project.Send a helmet around the country,have a member sign it,and send it to the next member on the list.It sounded pretty simple really.I had no idea the amount of pitfalls this thing could run into.
First we had problems with some of the signatures rubbing off while in transit.We solved that problem,and at my own expense I sent the helmet back to the members to have them resign it,and shipped it back to me,again at my expense.

Then we ran into members that so loved the helmet,they were reluctant to send it on to the next member,instead sat on it for almost a month and denied a lot of members a chance to sign it themselves.A lot of prodding,a few phone calls, and we managed to get it back on track.And I thought that was the end.

As you all know, AS went through some major changes earlier this year, and sadly a number of members went elsewhere.It happens,I know.But unfortunatly,some of those members were on the list to sign the helmet, and were no longer willing to participate in our little project.
I have spent the last 5 weeks going down the list of members, and watching each and every member for their activity.If they dont appear to be an active member, I have PM'd each and every one of them to see if they want to participate,and gave each of them a week to get back to me.Its about all I can do.But it has proven to be a tedious and time consuming affair,and I havent even gone down the entire list yet.

I have the helmet here.I sent it out to a number of members close to my location,and it came back here sitting for its next adventure via the USPS.But what to do about the list?I dont know and here is where I need your input.

What do we do?
1.Anyone wanting to participate, sign up all over again and start a new list?
2.Send it out with the list we have,and hope we dont land it on the doorstep of someone who doesnt want to participate?
3.Give up now and auction it off right now?

Right now I am not accepting any PM's on this subject.Dont PM me your address and ask to be added to the list.Right now,as a group,we need to decide what to do with this project.I think, considering all the time,effort,and expense involved, we should keep it going, start a new list,and have everyone that wants to participate sign back up,but thats just me.
Your opinions, post em!

If you are new here and have no idea what I am talking about, read about it here.
I inquired about it. Spoke to you through a pm. then never heard nothing else.

I say auction it off and put it to use :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
Option #1 sounds good. Somehow, those who hold the helmet for too long (more than 1 week) need to be punished... :) I figure since it seems many of those on your old list don't want to do it anymore, we should just make a new list.


In the end, it all comes down to what you want to do.

(can we get Aussie1 to sign it? :D) heel of a tripe, dere. :)
I didn't participate in the project but had a bad feeling about it from the beginning.
The idea was very noble, but one could easily foresee that the only one really benefiting from it was the shipping companies.

Kudo's to Avalancher for putting so much effort into it, and still willing to continue....but there's no shame in admitting that the result is not what was expected, and to put an end to it.

I would auction it off, but the decision should be made by those who participated in it.
sounds like one of those "be careful what you ask for" or "no good deed goes unpunished" deals. i'm certain you're worn out by this but thanks for your effort. i just now saw this and don't know how i missed it. if you decide to open up for additional sigs i'd like to sign. if not, i completely understand. reps to ya.
I didn't participate in the project but had a bad feeling about it from the beginning.
The idea was very noble, but one could easily foresee that the only one really benefiting from it was the shipping companies.

Kudo's to Avalancher for putting so much effort into it, and still willing to continue....but there's no shame in admitting that the result is not what was expected, and to put an end to it.

I would auction it off, but the decision should be made by those who participated in it.

Very well put. My sentiments exactly.
I appreciate the comments so far, I really do.But I want everyone to think about a few things before deciding to end the thing right here.It is more or less my viewpoint on the subject.

I chose this project for a number of reasons.First off, you all have been friends to me.I have enjoyed posting some of my stories here,both to give you a little insight into a world that revolves in my own head,as well as to manifest the fact that I consider you all my friends.And for that reason, I not only wanted to share some things in my life,but to make a gesture of unity.We all find ourselves in a craft that dies steadily as the days go by.Wood burning, our love of saws and related tools, they all seem to be becoming victims of the high tech world we live in.

And that is what the helmet was supposed to represent.A class of men (and a few women folks) that enjoy the great outdoors,heating our homes relatively cheaply,tinkering on small engines, etc.We are a dying breed, no matter how you want to cut it.Twenty years from now, I seriously doubt we will see ourselves being allowed to run our dirty two stroke engines in the vain attempt to shove wood in our stoves to keep mother nature at bay during the cold winter months.I wanted that helmet to represent to us all that we stood together and signed our name to a testiment to our trade or hobby, and then auctioned it off and used the proceeds to help one or more of our fellow wood cutters in their time of need.

What I really wanted was for some member to win that auction and hang that helmet on his mantle.I wanted for that one person to have that testiment of a dying breed that we all stood together and worked for a common good.I fully intend to take pictures of that helmet before it ships to that lucky winner, and send a glossy 8X10 to every member that signed it as well.It may not be as good as a helmet,but it will be a reminder of the good old days when our saws sang through the wood,to a time when our knees werent to old to take us out into the woods,when our backs werent to timid to shoulder the product of our labor into the back of our truck.

Your right.The USPS has made a few bucks on this deal, and if we continue they will make some more.But think of the chance that you have to participate in a venture that really hasnt been done to this magnitude before?At least to my knowledge anyway.I have been a member of several boards over the years, and still am,but have yet to see anything like this done before.Maybe Im wrong.

Sure, you will fork out $6.50 to ship that helmet to the next guy.But what you will get in return is the feeling of helping out someone has real need.Maybe someone that has lost a loved one,maybe someone who is dying of cancer and just wants the chance to pass his craft on to the younger generation.Maybe someone who had his house burned down and is wondering where he is going to be sleeping that night.
You will also get a nice picture of the project that you participated in.You will get a chance to see the signatures of your comrades who signed before you,and marvel at the idea that this helmet has already traveled over 3000 miles already.

I am not trying to talk anyone into this project,really I am not.I, like most of you, like to finish what I started.And just dont mind a few pitfalls along the way.
I willing to do it. :)

Let's see what other people say.

(do you think... nevermind.)

Whatever you do, don't send it to Globotree... he'll eat it. :D
I say finish it no need to quit now you already have time and money invested and you didn't do it to make a profit anyways.
I was on the first list and was able to sign it. I would like to see this go onto any members that are still interested in it. Lets make a new list but puy a dead line on when you have to sign up by. After that make a list of those that signed up and send it back around for its last trip before we give it away. Avalancher I am happy you want to see this thru , And am glad that this hasn't died.

Just my 2 cents worth

I say finish it no need to quit now you already have time and money invested and you didn't do it to make a profit anyways.

As mentioned no need to quit now.also when you decide to have the photos made let me know.I will gladly pay for mine ,,a good photo of the helmet on the mantel will make a dandy conversation piece.
As mentioned no need to quit now.also when you decide to have the photos made let me know.I will gladly pay for mine ,,a good photo of the helmet on the mantel will make a dandy conversation piece.

I second it!! Even if it takes another year, it would be neat to see how many people sign it.
It is a noble cause, and true many noble causes hit road bumps, but if no one rallies the causes, none would ever bear fruit. I say keep it going! If you do decide to make a new list I wouldn't mind signing up myself. :msp_thumbsup::cheers:
I always said it was a stupid idea. That's why I liked it! :clap: I'm very glad to have signed it and been a part of this.

I like option 1 or 3, but don't give up. If it's full of sigs, then perhaps it's time to auction it off, but if not, send it around to some more people and fill it up.
I somehow missed this the first time around. I be happy to sign and send the helmet on. If you do it let me know and I'll get on the list. JR
Yeah, i am the same.....dont know how i missed it the first time, but I wanna sign up if there is another list....dunno if i could send it out in a week thought as i work crazy hours, sometimes 20 hr days for a few weeks at a time