in your own words tell us what your definition of the word hack is.
for me the word hack has nothing to do with being a certified arbo. heck, i know a few certs that hack trees! in my words a hack is a person that cuts trees without knowing or understanding the tree, they will often top, spike, strip and or remove trees without having/understand why. i have seen tops cut off, codom leads removed, trees stripped and raped of 80% of leaves, cables so tight they caused failure, flush cuts, stubs, rips, spiked prunes, saw chain scars every where, huge trunk scars from falling wood parts, gut thins, lion tails, home owners being lied to about ants,vines killing trees, people being scared into removal. when will it end? price cutting, circle talk, company bashing. I HATE HACKS!!! i will do poor tree practices but only after i advise the costumer about the problems that follow. i give it to em strait, im not into competitive bidding. I give them my bottom dollar. i do not negotiate with price. i stay up to date with tree care and equipment. i see companies still using 3-strand rope and using the old half hitch to lower wood, they claim to know everything, they dont know chit! just because you are a good climber and can run a saw aloft dont mean ya know what your doing.
for me the word hack has nothing to do with being a certified arbo. heck, i know a few certs that hack trees! in my words a hack is a person that cuts trees without knowing or understanding the tree, they will often top, spike, strip and or remove trees without having/understand why. i have seen tops cut off, codom leads removed, trees stripped and raped of 80% of leaves, cables so tight they caused failure, flush cuts, stubs, rips, spiked prunes, saw chain scars every where, huge trunk scars from falling wood parts, gut thins, lion tails, home owners being lied to about ants,vines killing trees, people being scared into removal. when will it end? price cutting, circle talk, company bashing. I HATE HACKS!!! i will do poor tree practices but only after i advise the costumer about the problems that follow. i give it to em strait, im not into competitive bidding. I give them my bottom dollar. i do not negotiate with price. i stay up to date with tree care and equipment. i see companies still using 3-strand rope and using the old half hitch to lower wood, they claim to know everything, they dont know chit! just because you are a good climber and can run a saw aloft dont mean ya know what your doing.