They said they was gonna do it, they did!

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I have known a lot of really good salesmen in my life. Just judging by what I read I'm not sure you are the best, but I'd say you are definately among the top 5. :cheers:
You are however among the top 2 instigators I've ever known. :hmm3grin2orange:


What's up Andy....Did you come over to play with Tommy Boy:cheers:
Echo, what a joke. Talk about going downhill fast......
STIHL is number 1 so get over it.

As far as your posts... WHO CARES!!!!!!!

just what i expect from a stihl EMPLOYEE :)

i didnt say anything about echo quality i just said they are number 1 selling in the handheld market. makes no difference who's number 1, the margins are all the same. :givebeer:
Like I said earlier in the thread, in 2009 Echo was leading in the handheld category combined, not STIHL. I saw this on a glossy comparison sheet. Where the hell is STIHL getting this they're the best selling in the world crap? They've been saying number 1 worldwide for years so i guess they will change it to number 1 selling brand worldwide now? more marketing garbage. you can be the best selling brand, who cares? that's like saying vanilla ice is a great musician because he outsold everyone in his era. Husqvarna makes the best saws with or without a gimmicky slogan.

Who produced that glossy sheet grasshopper, Echo, well geeeeeeeeee,LOLOL
Well Andy what did you read that has you giggling so much? Wait till you see the new Stihl ad in the Wall Street Journal, you will really giggle then,hahaha

Oh, I was just commenting on your skill's that I've seen over the last few years. It is amusing watching an artist at work.
I've never met you, but I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and you my friend are a charicter. :cheers: I was just saying (judging by what comes on my monitor) that you are a very good salesman. And that's not a bad thing.

Who produced that glossy sheet grasshopper, Echo, well geeeeeeeeee,LOLOL

yes infact echo did lol. all i said was thats what they showed us, and you said what you said.... who is the fibber? I think they all play tricks to give their stats an edge. The sheet i looked at had echo clearly blowing stihl out.
All those crappy cylinders, poor reliability, sorry azz dealers have really hurt Stihl, yup, Stihl quailty has really declined. So much so they may not be in business much longer, oh wait, lookie here,LOLOL

STIHL is the Number One Selling Brand of Handheld Outdoor Power Equipment in AmericaMajor Milestone a Historic First for the Company
Release Date: June 2010

Press Inquiries:
Anita Gambill
(757) 486-9151 office

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – STIHL, already recognized as the number one selling brand of chain saws and cut-off machines worldwide, reached another milestone as the number one selling brand of gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment in America. Officials at STIHL Inc. announced today that syndicated commercial and independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data shows that the brand has extended its market leading position to handheld outdoor power equipment for consumers and professional landscapers.

“The STIHL story is filled with many firsts which have earned the company numerous marketplace recognitions over the years,” said Fred Whyte, president of STIHL Inc. “This latest achievement is especially gratifying and affirms our dedication to manufacturing excellence and our unique distribution strategy.”

STIHL Inc., founded by ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG in 1974, is based in Virginia Beach Va., and manufactures over 180 different model variations of gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment products for sale in the U.S. and around the world.

Becoming the number one selling brand is especially significant given that almost every one of STIHL’s competitors in the consumer and professional handheld outdoor power equipment market utilize mass merchants to sell their product. STIHL’s distribution network in the U.S. includes 12 distributors and more than 8,000 independent servicing dealers and its decision to forgo the mass merchant retail channels and distribute product only through servicing dealers was featured in the recently released book “The Distribution Trap: Keeping Your Innovations from Becoming Commodities” by Dr. Andrew Thomas and Dr. Timothy Wilkinson.

"Number one selling brand" is based on syndicated Irwin Broh Research (commercial landscapers) as well as independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data for the gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment category combined sales to consumers and commercial landscapers.

Lol there is a lot of suckers in the home owner category:monkey:
yes infact echo did lol. all i said was thats what they showed us, and you said what you said.... who is the fibber? I think they all play tricks to give their stats an edge. The sheet i looked at had echo clearly blowing stihl out.

Oh, I was just commenting on your skill's that I've seen over the last few years. It is amusing watching an artist at work.
I've never met you, but I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and you my friend are a charicter. :cheers: I was just saying (judging by what comes on my monitor) that you are a very good salesman. And that's not a bad thing.


Brahahaha to be a good salesman honesty go's right out the window:laugh:
Shyster and salesman both start with s:monkey:
yes infact echo did lol. all i said was thats what they showed us, and you said what you said.... who is the fibber? I think they all play tricks to give their stats an edge. The sheet i looked at had echo clearly blowing stihl out.

I disagree nothing and I mean nothing blows like stihl:hmm3grin2orange:

I'm tickled pink with Stihl, and Husky and Dolmar and Echo.

Alls I'm sayin' is FIGURES DON"T LIE.............................but a liar will damned sure figure!

And that goes for corporate office executives and market research firms too!

yes infact echo did lol. all i said was thats what they showed us, and you said what you said.... who is the fibber? I think they all play tricks to give their stats an edge. The sheet i looked at had echo clearly blowing stihl out.

Blowing Stihl out, Echo said that about Echo, how neat,LOLOL

Flam just so you know Stihl did not make the claim, they accepted the claim from reseach professionals that research the OPE market overall using data from many many sources such as those huge retail chains that sell what, Echo,LOL
Oh, I was just commenting on your skill's that I've seen over the last few years. It is amusing watching an artist at work.
I've never met you, but I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and you my friend are a charicter. :cheers: I was just saying (judging by what comes on my monitor) that you are a very good salesman. And that's not a bad thing.


Well thankya, thankya very much. You know the ole saying I'm sure Andy, it doesn't matter how good it is, if you can't sell it its not worth a dayumm,LOLOL
Blowing Stihl out, Echo said that about Echo, how neat,LOLOL

Flam just so you know Stihl did not make the claim, they accepted the claim from reseach professionals that research the OPE market overall using data from many many sources such as those huge retail chains that sell what, Echo,LOL

ive got no argument one way or another im just wondering who is right is all. i know echo is fulla chit just like i know stihl is too. I dont believe either! whoever is top dog, so be it. i don't own either company so makes no difference to me :) husqvarna is a chitty company for dealers too but i think their saws are tops!
Almost 70% of all Stihl made is made in Va Beach by American workers. Far as I'm concerned Stihl is more of a American company than a German one based on WE Americans are producing the largest % of it. That said I feel good knowing the good ole USA worker is still the best in the world and if they produce a No.1 brand more power to them,:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

Nah Stihl remains a German company Tom, it's just they're using you guys as the Mexicans :cheers: Heh heh. Remember the pro saws are still German though...
Seriously though, US made stuff is top notch and I will buy US made, German (and most European) made, Australian made, and Japanese made tools etc with not one quality concern in the world, nor have I ever had any problems with stuff sourced from these countries.
As far as the good ole USA worker being the best in the world they're certainly equal top but it's OK to be biased when you live there ;)
Nah Stihl remains a German company Tom, it's just they're using you guys as the Mexicans :cheers: Heh heh. Remember the pro saws are still German though...
Seriously though, US made stuff is top notch and I will buy US made, German (and most European) made, Australian made, and Japanese made tools etc with not one quality concern in the world, nor have I ever had any problems with stuff sourced from these countries.
As far as the good ole USA worker being the best in the world they're certainly equal top but it's OK to be biased when you live there ;)

ah-hem... Canadian made?
buying a stihl is like getting a harley. all the weekend warriors have to have one to look tuff! :hmm3grin2orange:
My employers/customers don't need a saw I take care of them:monkey:

Do you call you homeowner customers that need your services suckers?? Its ok if you do, you should hear some of what my homeowner saw buyers call you, thats why they are buying a saw,LOLOLOL

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