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Sep 16, 2006
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Bakersfield, Ca.
The Company I work for has been experiencing lost of equipment lately. What was troubling is the fact all of its employees are treated like family and trusted by the boss.
I just started full time there and the owner is a friend as well as my employer, so I felt it my duty to do a little investigating. Being a little more objective then the boss I suspected several long time employees who are all related.
They said they had to have today off for some reason or another. I understand enough Spanish to pick up they planed on doing a tree job.
A fellow employee and I took it on our selfs to stakeout their apt. this morning. We watched as they loaded equipment, some I recognized even from a distance. We followed them to their job then called the boss.
There wasn't much satisfaction in this. He showed up. Contacted the home owner and we entered the back yard. They were busted cold, but the hurt in the bosses face and voice broke even my cold heart.
They were working for a landscaper, he was contacted. After being asked if he had workers comp., or insurance or a contractors lic.(no to all) he was a stand up guy after that and said they were fired, my boss told him it was ok to let them finish the job. Insult to injury they were hammering these oaks and were wearing his company shirts.
He ask us to leave and I don't know what want on after we left, but I heard him saying to one of them,"you were like a brother to me".
Just sad. Business has been picking up and we have a lot of work coming up. Losing three climber right now will be devastating for him.
I can't help but wonder if I handled this correctly or caused him more problems, but I can't stand a back stabbing thief. I don't know why I feel guilty but I kind of do. Beastmaster
The Company I work for has been experiencing lost of equipment lately. What was troubling is the fact all of its employees are treated like family and trusted by the boss.
I just started full time there and the owner is a friend as well as my employer, so I felt it my duty to do a little investigating. Being a little more objective then the boss I suspected several long time employees who are all related.
They said they had to have today off for some reason or another. I understand enough Spanish to pick up they planed on doing a tree job.
A fellow employee and I took it on our selfs to stakeout their apt. this morning. We watched as they loaded equipment, some I recognized even from a distance. We followed them to their job then called the boss.
There wasn't much satisfaction in this. He showed up. Contacted the home owner and we entered the back yard. They were busted cold, but the hurt in the bosses face and voice broke even my cold heart.
They were working for a landscaper, he was contacted. After being asked if he had workers comp., or insurance or a contractors lic.(no to all) he was a stand up guy after that and said they were fired, my boss told him it was ok to let them finish the job. Insult to injury they were hammering these oaks and were wearing his company shirts.
He ask us to leave and I don't know what want on after we left, but I heard him saying to one of them,"you were like a brother to me".
Just sad. Business has been picking up and we have a lot of work coming up. Losing three climber right now will be devastating for him.
I can't help but wonder if I handled this correctly or caused him more problems, but I can't stand a back stabbing thief. I don't know why I feel guilty but I kind of do. Beastmaster

Wish I had someone with your ethics to come work with me. Good job dude, fer real....
The Company I work for has been experiencing lost of equipment lately. What was troubling is the fact all of its employees are treated like family and trusted by the boss.
I just started full time there and the owner is a friend as well as my employer, so I felt it my duty to do a little investigating. Being a little more objective then the boss I suspected several long time employees who are all related.
They said they had to have today off for some reason or another. I understand enough Spanish to pick up they planed on doing a tree job.
A fellow employee and I took it on our selfs to stakeout their apt. this morning. We watched as they loaded equipment, some I recognized even from a distance. We followed them to their job then called the boss.
There wasn't much satisfaction in this. He showed up. Contacted the home owner and we entered the back yard. They were busted cold, but the hurt in the bosses face and voice broke even my cold heart.
They were working for a landscaper, he was contacted. After being asked if he had workers comp., or insurance or a contractors lic.(no to all) he was a stand up guy after that and said they were fired, my boss told him it was ok to let them finish the job. Insult to injury they were hammering these oaks and were wearing his company shirts.
He ask us to leave and I don't know what want on after we left, but I heard him saying to one of them,"you were like a brother to me".
Just sad. Business has been picking up and we have a lot of work coming up. Losing three climber right now will be devastating for him.
I can't help but wonder if I handled this correctly or caused him more problems, but I can't stand a back stabbing thief. I don't know why I feel guilty but I kind of do. Beastmaster

And people wonder why their bosses are such pricks all the time........
I really do know how you feel. Been there, done that, felt the same way. Your boss/friend was betrayed and that fact has him upset. Just remember, you're not the one that really caused the problem, you just helped bring it to light so it could be dealt with. It was an ongoing problem, and from the sound of things would get worse with time. You did him a big favor. Hang in there, things should get better.

Like someone else said, I would love to have an honest employee like you working for me.

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Not to be cold but that's why I don't try to get close to employees or trust anybody.

I'm glad for your boss you busted those guys and good for you for doing it!
Not to be cold but that's why I don't try to get close to employees or trust anybody.

I'm glad for your boss you busted those guys and good for you for doing it!

That's why they call it business, and not a "monetarily beneficial friendship" HAHA!
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The Owner of this company is an amazing Man. The Jobs he gets, his reputation, and he is a salesman with out peer. I am sometimes difficult and high maintenance and have my share of problems, but he has always been there for me.
Lots of local Companys are jealous of him because every piece of equipment he owns is the newest and best and he is has a little bit of an attitude. I am a foreman, crewleader so on, but not at his company, he always says everyones equal there. That is his flaw in my eyes.
Not to sound corny but I ride for the brand, I have old school loyalties. Lot of Owners here on this site, but I'm just an employee, I bounce around from company to company sometimes, but I believe you suppose to make your employer money otherwise how can they pay you? If you don't like who your working for move on, don't bad mouth them or steal from them. Where is some peoples integrity these days?
I can't help but wonder if I handled this correctly or caused him more problems, but I can't stand a back stabbing thief. I don't know why I feel guilty but I kind of do. Beastmaster

Feelings were hurt : the boss even the guys that got busted , So of course you feel some uncertainy , We Should make descions based on whats right , not on how we feel.
You did the right thing, I tell people right off the bat if your gonna do something dishonest don't do it in front of me " cause i am telling on you "
Not sure I understand completely. Did they steal equipment from your boss to do the job? If that's the case I would be calling the law.

Anyway, I tell anyone who comes to work for me that I will wish them all the best if they want to try to go it on their own. There will be no hard feelings. Most I have parted ways with has been amicably. There have been those who have stolen from me, tried to work using my name and even tried to pass my insurance certificate off as their own. Those can rot in hell.

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