It has come pass that the 42" Large Husky mounts are re-branded Oregon bars and not made from Tsumura Steel as they represented. These were the first of these length's Ive ordered and Randy Barnes has brought it to my attention. Called the manager of Tilton and he confirmed they are Windsor bars with Oregon tips supplied by Blount, same people who make Oregon bars (they bought out Windsor).
If you want to exchange the bar for a 36" bar of Tsumura steel, I'd be glad to do that and provide a refund of the difference to you. Seems the only two that sold were both to a Randy... Barnes and Beyer. If you want a refund or exchange, let me know.
The mail lady just delivered mine. Purty, real purty. I'll put it to work later in the week and get a pic or two.
The mail lady.. Or?
Come to think of it, the bar ain't half bad looking either...
Did you send my bars in two shipments? I received a box today with one 42" and one 36". So I am still short three 36" bars. Box arrived in good shape, nothing fell out.
Checked the invoice pile.... your correct. I missed that it was 4 and only got one in the box. I'll get the others out to you ASAP. What do you think of the 42"? If you want a refund, tell me now and I'll have them refund the cost of you can have another 36" Tsumura bar?
No worries. To be honest, I think I would rather send back the 42" and get a fifth 36". Just not a fan of the whippy Oregon. If that works for you, let me know what to do. Sucks that shipping a long bar back and forth is so expensive.
Send back the 42", I'll order another 36" and when it gets here I'll send all 4 at once if that works for you, I'm good. They can credit me the 42" later.
Sounds fine to me. I'll try and get the 42 sent off in the next day or two, will let you know when I do. Sorry to be a pain.
Paid my PayPal invoice for freight today..... Not liking the exchange rate now :msp_thumbdn: as the rates about 0.88 AU/1US when it was well over 1AU/1US.
They look nice on that 562. Are they as light as a Techlite?
Paid my PayPal invoice for freight today..... Not liking the exchange rate now :msp_thumbdn: as the rates about 0.88 AU/1US when it was well over 1AU/1US.
That's a nice looking saw man. I don't run Husqys but I'm not predigest either. Those bar are sweet right?
Mine came Sat or Mon duno. Checked them out last night real quick and they look OK. I'll check the rails and hang a loop on them after they all get three coats of clear and a light bake. I do like that 28" it will be sharp on that Makita 8400 saw going up for sale soon. The 16" is resting waiting for the new 200T to get finish,um, started :msp_sad:. The 20" is just a sweet deal really. It has just right stuff and balance for 361's.
One question, am I really suppose to use that grease hole in the tip?
OK, here come nine thousand opinions.