Official Stihl Disser
Ron its bleeding !!!!!!!
You are just messed up if you like that !
YUK !!!
OL said she almost barfed when she seen it ! LOL
The brick looks better ! LOL
yeh,,so ?
it's bleeding,,animals do that when you cut them !!
in case you havent noticed the "likes" to that post and the replies,,,,it seems like your the only one that dont approve ??
HHHMMMMmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,..................... maybe theres a cult in Ohier we havent heard about ???
some covert group of radicals assuming the guise of ordinary citizens ??
posing as basket weavers and oil field workers as a cover up ??
but ACTUALLY some denizen aliens plotting to over throw the WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :msp_ohmy:
using chainsaws to cut up human bodies before cooking to a crisp to use the ashes in some kind of alian religouse rituall !! ??????
durned meds do some strange things dont they ????