The Official, 2nd. Annual Pennsylvania Spring GTG (May 9, 2015)

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Nov 20, 2008
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Well folks,
Spring is'nt but a few months away.

The 1st. Pa. spring GTG, 2014 was a great time, with a great turn out..
Now that we got one under our belt, the 2nd one should obviously be much better..

This years date looks like the 2nd. saturday in may,,,may 9th....

Last year Woodchipper was alot of help as far as encouraging donations for door prizes, dealer/shop parts, peices, bars, chains, ect...
Anyone who wants to step up and take that part on, feel free....the more guys involved the better..

I'll again have my 8 1/2' x 12' trailor set up as a for sale/trade table for anyone looking to buy/sell/trade..

We'll most likely be doing the food on site again too, that way nobody has to worry about hauling food with em that day.......... I might have an interesting menu thought out by then ??

Last year I had lots of questions about bringing kids, wives, girlfriends, ect....
Wives and girlfriends are great bring em all along.....
Kids are more than welcome as long as they/the parents know how to behave/act in public ..........(I've had some real animals show up here over the last 12 years or so)...

Location is.............
Marysville, Pa. 17053

Saw time will be around 10;30 AM'ish, to allow guys who are traveling to not have to get outa bed at 3;AM..

We will have some log splitters to demo, for guys that never ran either one of these machines..First is my SuperSplit electric, kinetic splitter..........Second will be a Timberwolf TW-6, or a TW-5 if he sells out of 6's by then...

Hope to do a group photo in the early afternoon, followed by door prizes, and FOOD..

Please send farmer steve a PM if you are planning on attending.....Kinda need a close head count to figure out the foods and stuffs...
Hey John.
How are the stairs coming along ??

I'm at a standstill Chuck. My steel guy has yet to get me the last two pieces before I can put them in place. I've called him, stopped by, just can't seem to connect.