P/T is done so I started my chainsaw fitness program tonight using the log piles down at the wood lot. I promised myself and my wife that I wouldn't over do it so I left the gas can and bar oil at home. I took my freshly built and new to me Wicked Work Saw MS361.
I've been dreading starting a saw more than all that hand bicycling the therapist had me do. However, the cycling really paid off as it took me 7 full minutes of cranking to start my saw. I must have missed the "pop". No complaints from the shoulder.

Once it was running, it felt great having wood chips sting my forearm again after almost a year.
My little saw is really impressive. In addition to the power, I was also impressed with the fuel economy. It took just under 40 minutes to empty the tank; my 82cc MACs would probably have gone through 3 tanks in that time. If I had had it years ago, I probably would have never joined AS much less bought all those MACs. But without AS I would have never heard of a ported saw much less met Terry Landrum.
I tried to take some before and after pictures of the log piles with my smart phone to show how much work a tank full can do, but I am not smart enough to figure out how to transfer them to the computer. Just as well, as I find that I actually have no before pictures thus rendering the after pictures meaningless.
If time and the log piles will permit I hope to cut two to three nights a week over the summer to get in shape for the cutting season which begins in September.