For many years, Oregon has packaged certain loops of chain intended for 'consumer' use, and sold at retail outlets, with a letter-number combination to simplify selection. For example, 3/8 pitch, low profile, .050 gauge, reduced kickback chain (type 91) was designated as 'S', and a loop with 56 drive links is called 'S56' - much easier to remember .
More info at:
Today at Lowe's I saw new labeling, in a distinctive, black, Oregon package:

This is .325 pitch, .050 gauge, narrow kerf (type 95) chain, labeled as 'Pro Series' 'M' series chain (e.g. 'M66' above). This is confusing, because .325 pitch, .050 gauge, narrow kerf (type 95) chain is also sold as 'G' series chain - I know this because one of my saws runs 'G66' chains (also known as Husqvarna H30 chain with 66 drive links, when SawTroll jumps in!).
(The package, below, is G78 for a longer bar. Older packages do not have the 'Micro-Lite', narrow kerf symbol on the front, but it is clearly type 95 chain)

There was also a 'E' series chain there, but I did not look too closely at that one.
I called Oregon, and it appears to be very new. The technical rep answering the phone had to put me on hold for a few seconds. She stated that this is something new they are trying with 'professional' chains, and that it is currently limited to Lowe's as a test market.
She stated that the 'G' and 'M' series are both type 95 Oregon chains, but that the 'M' chains are not rated as reduced-kickback chains (even though the chain in this package did have bumper drive links).
If you look closely at the drive links in the photo above, you will see some interesting, embossed patterns. Not sure if these are to retain bar oil, or are just decorative.
Do others find these new markings helpful or confusing?
More info at:
Today at Lowe's I saw new labeling, in a distinctive, black, Oregon package:

This is .325 pitch, .050 gauge, narrow kerf (type 95) chain, labeled as 'Pro Series' 'M' series chain (e.g. 'M66' above). This is confusing, because .325 pitch, .050 gauge, narrow kerf (type 95) chain is also sold as 'G' series chain - I know this because one of my saws runs 'G66' chains (also known as Husqvarna H30 chain with 66 drive links, when SawTroll jumps in!).
(The package, below, is G78 for a longer bar. Older packages do not have the 'Micro-Lite', narrow kerf symbol on the front, but it is clearly type 95 chain)

There was also a 'E' series chain there, but I did not look too closely at that one.
I called Oregon, and it appears to be very new. The technical rep answering the phone had to put me on hold for a few seconds. She stated that this is something new they are trying with 'professional' chains, and that it is currently limited to Lowe's as a test market.
She stated that the 'G' and 'M' series are both type 95 Oregon chains, but that the 'M' chains are not rated as reduced-kickback chains (even though the chain in this package did have bumper drive links).
If you look closely at the drive links in the photo above, you will see some interesting, embossed patterns. Not sure if these are to retain bar oil, or are just decorative.
Do others find these new markings helpful or confusing?