ArboristSite Lurker
Below is an account of my experience in buying this Chainsaw from Ebay seller goodbuy147.
Here's how the Chainsaw was listed on Ebay:
Item number: 262202280525
Cost USD: $156.70, includes shipping
The Chainsaw was confirmed ordered, and shipped on the same day by FedEx: 7 days ship time
FedEx Activity Log:
1/30/2016 - Saturday
10:41 am Delivered
Left at front door. Signature Service not requested.
7:35 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery TULSA, OK
5:32 am At local FedEx facility TULSA, OK
1/29/2016 - Friday
11:12 pm Departed FedEx location HUTCHINS, TX
4:02 pm Arrived at FedEx location HUTCHINS, TX
1/27/2016 - Wednesday
11:36 pm Left FedEx origin facility SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
6:20 pm Arrived at FedEx location SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
12:00 am Picked up SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
1/23/2016 - Saturday
Here's an account of the condition of the Chainsaw upon arrival:
Correspondence with Ebay Seller goodbuy147:
From: Schpankme
Sent: Jan-31-16
Chainsaw arrived with Box torn open in several places; the BAR and Chain are missing;
the Handle is damaged, with many Scratches in the Power-Head.
From: goodbuy147
Sent: Feb-05-16
Sorry, I feel sad for causing you trouble. We will try to improve this situation next time.
Could we refund USD 15 to you via paypay as compensation ?
Considering the shipping cost, you can keep the item, do you agree?
From: Schpankme
Sent: Feb-05-16
Please refund USD 60 to my paypay as compensation, and I will keep the item.
From: goodbuy147
Sent: Feb-09-16
Thanks for your kind reply and sorry again for all the trouble. Don´t worry, I will ask our finance department to refund you ASAP.
Could you please don't leave any feedback after refunding for my effort ?
It is important to me, I really appreciated for your kindness.
Photo's of the Box and Chainsaw:
Tear in box
Tear in Box, Bar and Chain missing
Muffler touching case, with Muffler Mount bent back.
Note lack of Muffler ports for 62cc motor
Cut in Grip
Anti-Vibe cover required removing Aluminum Flash to fit, was left in bag.
Inboard clutch/Rim drive
Here's how the Chainsaw was listed on Ebay:
Item number: 262202280525
Cost USD: $156.70, includes shipping
The Chainsaw was confirmed ordered, and shipped on the same day by FedEx: 7 days ship time
FedEx Activity Log:
1/30/2016 - Saturday
10:41 am Delivered
Left at front door. Signature Service not requested.
7:35 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery TULSA, OK
5:32 am At local FedEx facility TULSA, OK
1/29/2016 - Friday
11:12 pm Departed FedEx location HUTCHINS, TX
4:02 pm Arrived at FedEx location HUTCHINS, TX
1/27/2016 - Wednesday
11:36 pm Left FedEx origin facility SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
6:20 pm Arrived at FedEx location SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
12:00 am Picked up SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
1/23/2016 - Saturday
Here's an account of the condition of the Chainsaw upon arrival:
- Chainsaw arrived in a box, which was wrapped in a shipping envelope.
- Box had multiple tears and look to have been tapped prior to shipping.
- Bar and Chain were missing from Box, it is speculated that Ebay Seller goodbuy147 knew these items were missing, because Box looks to have been damaged prior to placing in shipping envelope.
- Power head was wrapped in clear plastic bag.
- Power head had one Bar Nut, and one Anti-Vibe cover not installed do to flashing, and found in bag.
- Power head was damaged or scratched in multiple places having sever cut in lower Handle/Grip cover.
- Muffler looks to be wrong size for saw, and is touching case, which also causes Muffler Mount to be bent back to compensate for shortness of Muffler; it should also be noted that Muffler has an extremely small opening for 62cc and will need to be replaced or modified.
- Over all condition of Power Head looks to be of adequate quality, lacking Fit and Finish.
Correspondence with Ebay Seller goodbuy147:
From: Schpankme
Sent: Jan-31-16
Chainsaw arrived with Box torn open in several places; the BAR and Chain are missing;
the Handle is damaged, with many Scratches in the Power-Head.
From: goodbuy147
Sent: Feb-05-16
Sorry, I feel sad for causing you trouble. We will try to improve this situation next time.
Could we refund USD 15 to you via paypay as compensation ?
Considering the shipping cost, you can keep the item, do you agree?
From: Schpankme
Sent: Feb-05-16
Please refund USD 60 to my paypay as compensation, and I will keep the item.
From: goodbuy147
Sent: Feb-09-16
Thanks for your kind reply and sorry again for all the trouble. Don´t worry, I will ask our finance department to refund you ASAP.
Could you please don't leave any feedback after refunding for my effort ?
It is important to me, I really appreciated for your kindness.
Photo's of the Box and Chainsaw:
Tear in box

Tear in Box, Bar and Chain missing

Muffler touching case, with Muffler Mount bent back.
Note lack of Muffler ports for 62cc motor

Cut in Grip

Anti-Vibe cover required removing Aluminum Flash to fit, was left in bag.

Inboard clutch/Rim drive