Large day up here , real nice to see after the mini Polar Vortex we just went through , when the temps came up to reasonable around 10am off to the scrounging grounds I went .
Didn't know if the little MF1020 would go after all that sitting in the cold but she fired up on the first go round .
Like I said , big beautiful large day .
First order of business was to haul up a 1/2 dozen hardwoods from last weekend to the landing .
All done by Samich time so went home , stuffed muh face and went back for round 2 , I figured there'd be a stem or two to be had but Jerry showed up so we went for a production run
Jerry's up there at the end of the winch cable setting chokers on the last set of hardwoods to come out of that corner of this block we're cleaning up , pulled another 6 stems there and up to the landing they went .
With plenty of warm sunlight left we went over to the other side of the block and went for the blown down pine and a few dead standing spruce , for this one we fired up the MF135 an set it to do the winch work .
Pine and a couple of spruce poles in that mess .
MF135 up thataway ...
A few hauls and the trail is pretty evident .
Porcupine are a scroungers friend , they like spruce .
We've got one more nice spruce leaner and another 1/2 dozen spruce poles to go back for so we're not done in this block yet
Mighty Mouse Scrounging LLC
Didn't know if the little MF1020 would go after all that sitting in the cold but she fired up on the first go round .
Like I said , big beautiful large day .

First order of business was to haul up a 1/2 dozen hardwoods from last weekend to the landing .
All done by Samich time so went home , stuffed muh face and went back for round 2 , I figured there'd be a stem or two to be had but Jerry showed up so we went for a production run

Jerry's up there at the end of the winch cable setting chokers on the last set of hardwoods to come out of that corner of this block we're cleaning up , pulled another 6 stems there and up to the landing they went .
With plenty of warm sunlight left we went over to the other side of the block and went for the blown down pine and a few dead standing spruce , for this one we fired up the MF135 an set it to do the winch work .
Pine and a couple of spruce poles in that mess .

MF135 up thataway ...

A few hauls and the trail is pretty evident .

Porcupine are a scroungers friend , they like spruce .
We've got one more nice spruce leaner and another 1/2 dozen spruce poles to go back for so we're not done in this block yet
Mighty Mouse Scrounging LLC