Welcome to AS Pete.been at this about 12 years
first year or two the city compost , I live in a small rural city but the city has a place for towns people to drop off brush , and lawn clippings the city has all the trees taken down in town taken there in the size the truck can move usually 8-10 foot sections and all over 5 inches in diameter or it went through the chipper some times this is good findings other years when we have just had a hard winter and the economy stinks it is not so good
---so if you live in a city , village or town check if they have a place that removed trees are taken
then I did some craigs list scrounging and got some good wood and a bunch of garbage but enough to get me through , had one developer who advertised free wood , yeah it was all standing green silver maple full of leaves and he wanted it down before the end of July , man was that hot I cut it and hauled way too much brush for what I got in wood
wife put an add up in the company classifieds when she worked at the phone company got a guy with 10 acre about 2 wooded he mostly wanted dead pine and a few boxelder but enough to mostly fill my 14 foot utility trailer they appreciated me cutting and helping with clean up not to hard he drove by with his garden tractor and small traier I piled the brush on and he drove it to his burn pile , and then a few months later a storm came through and dropped a huge oak on his garage it wasn't a direct hit but boy was it some nice wood accept for that nail I found about 7 feet up and 10 inches into the trunk at full throttle ripped 7 cutters off the chain , oh well the price of good wood some times
the next year a church friend realized I was looking for wood , he had 5 acres of woods and didn't burn , also had several down from storms and a lot of standing dead I cut there for about 5 years till I was starting to get to the neighbors property I marked a bunch of standing dead on the neighbors place with orange tape I like this because it makes it easier to find when all the leaves are off and lets the owner know what I plan to cut , sometimes there is that dead tree that ll the birds sit in that they want left alone . the neighbor called him up and said he is over the lot line my friend said your in a wheel chair you want it cut or not he works for free and hauls the wood away , sure cut it , this was a hill side and I had to wheel barrow the wood out , it was a lot of work
then I scored the sweetest of wood lots , it is a friends farm and he wants it cleaned and thinned , and he runs the skid steer moving 8 foot lengths of log out to the road and piling them up for me while I cut , and how did I get this sweet spot , I asked we happened to be out there one day for a bbq and I said you sure have a lot of trees down he said yeah bad strait line winds the year before , been cutting on that 3 years now.
be prepared to take down a bunch of junk wood in a fence row to get at the sweet wood lot when it's dry it all burns
--- have some cards made up with your contact info a pile of wood is just a storm away
--- ask , be polite , clean up after yourself , call or text them to make sure it is ok to come cut you never know if they just worked a week of nights and they want to sleep or have the inlaws over to sit on the patio
--- if the cows got out and you see them in corn field make sure you help get them back in call them first this is not a one person job
--- sometimes they don't have a wood stove in the house but have an outdoor fire pit ask if they would like some wood for the camp fires if your scoring several cord a half a face left for them cut and split is a small price to pay for free wood
--- go over what they want cut and mark it with survey tape , paint fades much to quickly or the stuff I tried did
I will cut most any tree not in danger of landing on anything of importance
Appreciate all the good neighborly advice.
Sounds like you sure have a good deal going now