Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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G'day scroungers,

A warm summer scrounge today, out at the farm. I have 80 days worth of access left so might as well try to get a few years ahead. I came across a couple of fallen peppermints in a scattered stand of living and dead standing.

27th Feb 1.jpg

Interestingly, both forked close to the base and had fallen directly onto one trunk, keeping the other off the ground away from damp and termites as well as making for easy scrounge. I cut the root section of the farther tree first. It was good and solid and termite free but holy spiders, Batman, there were a million spiders running out of the bark all over the place when I started cutting. Huntsmans, of varying size. You can see a little one on the top of the cut section by his shadow but they're hard to pick in the photo since they're the same colour as the bark.

27th Feb 4.jpg

I cut a few bits off the big end first but after a while, the novelty of brushing spiders off the back of your neck and arms that have climbed up over your clothes mid-cut wears off. You can have too much of a good thing, it seems. I went down the other end for a bit taking off the small stuff.

27th Feb 2.jpg

Working back...

27th Feb 3.jpg

Being a bit warm, I paused for a moment to have a drink and take a serenity shot.

27th Feb 8.jpg

Loaded up

27th Feb 7.jpg

And back home to add to the non-spruce pile. Still no oak though.

27th Feb 9.jpg

tmp_15575-IMG_20170207_1414251308124439.jpg Couple of hours work getting my son some more wood, i cut, he loaded and i pushed him pretty hard, he caught up on refuels. Wood is wattle, left on log landing after being put through processor, then abandoned. Wattle is so underated as firewood, best coaling wood we have available here in Tasmania, Australia. Good that hardly anyone knows this! But a good jag of wood id say.
No oak today
All apple from next door
I like apple 20170227_115938.jpg
First load
After I unload I get the trailer Getting to old to lift all day
That's better
Hand truck up the ramp
Thats my green pole barn 20170227_173715.jpg
4 loads total
Add a half if you count the truck
only had to drive 300 feet
That is a good scrounging 20170227_141406.jpg
3700 and 4000 And a homelite super 2 ...
Old school all day
No oak today
All apple from next door
View attachment 561159
I like apple View attachment 561160
First load
After I unload I get the trailer Getting to old to lift all day
View attachment 561161
That's better
Hand truck up the ramp
Thats my green pole barn View attachment 561163
4 loads total
Add a half if you count the truck
only had to drive 300 feet
That is a good scrounging View attachment 561164
3700 and 4000 And a homelite super 2 ...
Old school all day
Excellent! Nothing wrong with apple!!!
Couple of hours work getting my son some more wood, i cut, he loaded and i pushed him pretty hard, he caught up on refuels. Wood is wattle, left on log landing after being put through processor, then abandoned. Wattle is so underated as firewood, best coaling wood we have available here in Tasmania, Australia. Good that hardly anyone knows this! But a good jag of wood id say.

What variety of wattle is that? We have silver wattle which is common but not well regarded compared to the major eucalypts around here. We have some on our property and it grows fast but short lived and I have cut some up for the fire. It burns ok but less dense than peppermint or candlebark and quite ashy. At least with blue gum we're getting decent BTUs for the ash. Some of the other acacias are apparently good but I haven't burned any.
Its Black wattle, regrowth that grew up along creek line in a pine plantation. May be the odd blackwood log amongst it too. Theoretically, BTU wise is about 10% down on local eucalypt, which isnt too bad as its not noticable at all. We dont have redgum or box here, mainly messmate and peppermint. But it is ashy, weekly firebox cleanouts are a must or it will set like firebricks! But beggars cant be chosers, with native forest logging stopped (greenies) and only getting on its feet again due to change of state govt, forest residue wood hooking has been harder than normal.
Its Black wattle, regrowth that grew up along creek line in a pine plantation. May be the odd blackwood log amongst it too. Theoretically, BTU wise is about 10% down on local eucalypt, which isnt too bad as its not noticable at all. We dont have redgum or box here, mainly messmate and peppermint. But it is ashy, weekly firebox cleanouts are a must or it will set like firebricks! But beggars cant be chosers, with native forest logging stopped (greenies) and only getting on its feet again due to change of state govt, forest residue wood hooking has been harder than normal.

Sounds pretty similar to silver wattle in most respects then, though silvers are mostly smaller than your logs there. I hear you regarding gummint regulation which is why I am getting as far ahead as I can while I have a tame farmer who lets me cut as much as I like (79 days left). I have to go into town 100km away soon and there are red gums and grey box along a 40km stretch of the roadside so I'll take the saws and trailer to see if I can pick up a bit of roadside red gum or box scrounge. :sweet:
We have a caravan in storage in NE Victoria, and grew up there as a kid so know the area generally where you are, and see a fair bit of roadside wood in our travels there...everyone keeps saying youre not allowed to cut it (spider and centipede or something habitat), but to me thats great if everyone else leaves it alone!
Been looking at a lot of pictures from all you folks this winter and it got me to thinking...Does it snow anywhere in the US, south of Canadian border states and east of the Rockies?
Very little snow this year. we're on track for the 5th least snowiest year on record. been on the mild side too. i haven't been able to get to some of my scrounge sites due to soft ground. well i could but i don't want to pi$$ off the farmers by making ruts in their fields.
No oak today
Old school all day

Your old school you brought to the GTG impressed me.

Very little snow this year. we're on track for the 5th least snowiest year on record. been on the mild side too. i haven't been able to get to some of my scrounge sites due to soft ground. well i could but i don't want to pi$$ off the farmers by making ruts in their fields.

I wanted to help you cut more wood this year but its been a sloppy mess. Just enough moisture to keep the ground soft.

On another note I am really thinking about sending the 365xt to the saw spa for some work since I hardly have anything into the saw. Anyone have a reason why I shouldn't send the saw out for an attitude adjustment?
Your old school you brought to the GTG impressed me.

I wanted to help you cut more wood this year but its been a sloppy mess. Just enough moisture to keep the ground soft.

On another note I am really thinking about sending the 365xt to the saw spa for some work since I hardly have anything into the saw. Anyone have a reason why I shouldn't send the saw out for an attitude adjustment?

IMFO 60 to 70 cc range saws are the way to go 20 inch bar 75% of the time that's all I need.

If the 365 in not right try to figure it out your self first the guys in the stickies are are very helpful or find someone you trust and pick there brain
Wish I knew of this site when i had my 440 mag only saw I ever sold cost to much $ and was never right

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