Stihl User
what is liquidamber?
Same Tree I have here
Yep, sweetgum.
Makes crappy firewood. Pops a lot and not much heat.
The heartwood makes some nice lumber, though.
Well dam, I spent all day yesterday cuting that tree into firewood.I have 2 more to get down also.
Not to worry. "crappy" firewood is still firewood and if the tree has to go, you might as well use the wood.
Harry K
True turnkey, now I don't feel so bad about giving the wood away.Here is the last pic. I ended up with a 30 ft log, 18" at top, 26" at base. Anyone want this log?
im logging a patch right now with a bunch of sweetgum. and my 066 just walks right through it, i love cutting that stuff. not sure what the star is for in the middle of the log. but it is almost always in there.