Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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what, the little hickory? :laugh:

Those Shag Barks often grow straight & tall, great for milling! The one I cut that year did not have that diameter, but it was straight and tall, and I got several length's out of it. Also, the bark is just about as tough as the wood, thinking it would be great for a basket weave.
Walked outside this morning and heard saws screaming at the neighbors. Went to see what was going on as he doesn't burn wood or run saws. They were taking down the big dead oak in his yard so I ask what they were doing with the wood. Tree guy ask if I wanted it and where I live so I pointed threw the trees to my wood racks and splitter. He loaded it all on the grapple truck and dropped it right beside my racks for me.IMG_20171130_141621.jpgThe smaller bits.IMG_20171130_141527.jpgsections of the trunk IMG_20171130_141453.jpgand the monster at the bottom. Man the 590 looks tiny sitting on there. Gona be a noodle fest but its free oak.
Most law enforcement are good people, but every now and then you get one that fits the bill "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Unfortunately, those are the encounters you remember.

Also, some of them will morf based on their experiences. They get fooled by someone who is slick, and they are determined not to get fooled again (even though you are not acting slick). It is like they think everyone is muddstopper!
Hey now!!, You know I am just making this chit up.;);)
Walked outside this morning and heard saws screaming at the neighbors. Went to see what was going on as he doesn't burn wood or run saws. They were taking down the big dead oak in his yard so I ask what they were doing with the wood. Tree guy ask if I wanted it and where I live so I pointed threw the trees to my wood racks and splitter. He loaded it all on the grapple truck and dropped it right beside my racks for me.View attachment 615708The smaller bits.View attachment 615709sections of the trunk View attachment 615713and the monster at the bottom. Man the 590 looks tiny sitting on there. Gona be a noodle fest but its free oak.
Candidate for the "You Suck" thread right here Ladies and Gentlemen. :surprised3:
Walked outside this morning and heard saws screaming at the neighbors. Went to see what was going on as he doesn't burn wood or run saws. They were taking down the big dead oak in his yard so I ask what they were doing with the wood. Tree guy ask if I wanted it and where I live so I pointed threw the trees to my wood racks and splitter. He loaded it all on the grapple truck and dropped it right beside my racks for me.View attachment 615708The smaller bits.View attachment 615709sections of the trunk View attachment 615713and the monster at the bottom. Man the 590 looks tiny sitting on there. Gona be a noodle fest but its free oak.

Looks like its time for a GTG at the miller house.
Walked outside this morning and heard saws screaming at the neighbors. Went to see what was going on as he doesn't burn wood or run saws. They were taking down the big dead oak in his yard so I ask what they were doing with the wood. Tree guy ask if I wanted it and where I live so I pointed threw the trees to my wood racks and splitter. He loaded it all on the grapple truck and dropped it right beside my racks for me.View attachment 615708The smaller bits.View attachment 615709sections of the trunk View attachment 615713and the monster at the bottom. Man the 590 looks tiny sitting on there. Gona be a noodle fest but its free oak.
WHO gets all the you suck wood? good Deal James. :rock2: looks like the GTG just got moved to your place. :laugh:
I use RoundUp. Seems to be almost a sure kill. I have used 24d to kill lilac shoots that come up from bushes stumps after I cut them down
Problem is it the tree is located whithin the national forest. I think they may frown upon that. The snows came and the gates are locked. I have to wait until at least April now at the earliest or snow melt. Whichever happens second.
on and off topic. what else? :surprised3: went hunting this morning and went through one of my scrounge spots. nice hickory (sorry @dancan ) that had rotted off at the base but was stihl green on up. came back to the shop and grabbed a saw . can't be trippin over no logs in the woods in the dark. might hunt there saturday morning but no time to hang a stand so i made a seat out of an old white oak stump complete with foot rest . and before you ask, that's the the model 94 30-30.


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Walked outside this morning and heard saws screaming at the neighbors. Went to see what was going on as he doesn't burn wood or run saws. They were taking down the big dead oak in his yard so I ask what they were doing with the wood. Tree guy ask if I wanted it and where I live so I pointed threw the trees to my wood racks and splitter. He loaded it all on the grapple truck and dropped it right beside my racks for me.View attachment 615708The smaller bits.View attachment 615709sections of the trunk View attachment 615713and the monster at the bottom. Man the 590 looks tiny sitting on there. Gona be a noodle fest but its free oak.
I'll just be over here scroungin popsicle sticks....almost literally. I heated the house all day today with Silver Maple bark. For those of you in "Spruce world", silver/sugar maple bark is really thin but super hard. Harder than your pissy spruce. :D
When you let the logs dry a bit before you split them the bark falls off in whole chunks when you smack it. I saved a couple wheelbarrow fulls, left it out in the sun all week then got it "stacked" and brought in right before it rained today. I just now got the last load put in an hour ago. That stuff burns way longer than you think it would. 1hr burn time, heat for 2hrs on an 80% load of bark. The NC30 takes about an 18" log N/S and most of the stuff I got is about 12" so I cant really pack the box.
I'll just be over here scroungin popsicle sticks....almost literally. I heated the house all day today with Silver Maple bark. For those of you in "Spruce world", silver/sugar maple bark is really thin but super hard. Harder than your pissy spruce. :D
When you let the logs dry a bit before you split them the bark falls off in whole chunks when you smack it. I saved a couple wheelbarrow fulls, left it out in the sun all week then got it "stacked" and brought in right before it rained today. I just now got the last load put in an hour ago. That stuff burns way longer than you think it would. 1hr burn time, heat for 2hrs on an 80% load of bark. The NC30 takes about an 18" log N/S and most of the stuff I got is about 12" so I cant really pack the box.
Oh yeah, that stuff burns hot!
Oh we call it ripping. Thanks.
We had this conversation a couple months ago cuz I bought a milling chain. Turns out a milling chain doesnt work that much better than a regular chain in top down ripping. Parellel ripping is noodling. Top down ripping is milling.