Its unfortunate that it is that way but it is. My worst experiences are with a wildlife conservation officer up at my camp. I went years and year without being checked but when he was assigned the region, I was getting checked 3,4,5 times a year. The guy was 6'4" and I am a short guy. He wanted to get in your face and personal space and would stand inches from you while he grilled you. Its an awful feeling being considered guilty until proven innocent. Now when I am stopped these guys get yes and no answers and nothing more. That guy was a real piece of work and ruined my opinion of that job and the people that do it. It will take a lot before I trust a pa wild life conservation office enough to have a conversation with them more than yes/no. The good thing is he must have been moved out of the region because he is no longer filing the published game reports and I have not seen him or any WCO in the last few years up at camp.