Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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8394EE8A-B09D-445F-A10D-1C6879F83120.jpeg When I was noodling the other day, I made one cut and thought “wow that was a straight cut, wonder if I can do it again!” Looked ok so I tossed it in the garage. Father in law came over and I gave it to him to run through his planer. Hit it with a palm sander and put a coat of linseed mixed with a bit of ebony stain, followed by plain linseed oil. I’ll rub it with linseed several more times then probably coat with either parafin or beeswax. Voila new cutting board.
Wouldn't surprise me if at least one neighbour near that tree is about to lose the bet they placed against you finishing that log.

It becomes a bit of a challenge after a while. Why do I need to cut it? Because it's there.

Well, that, and so I can post pics of it on the interweb :laugh:
That looks very nice Jeff!

Did you use raw linseed (flaxseed) or BLO? I was just reading BLO isn't actually boiled these days. Instead it has metal salts added to speed up the drying/polymerization and these aren't food safe. Raw linseed still dries, it just takes weeks not days, which can be a good thing as it allows it to penetrate deeper.
That looks very nice Jeff!

Did you use raw linseed (flaxseed) or BLO? I was just reading BLO isn't actually boiled these days. Instead it has metal salts added to speed up the drying/polymerization and these aren't food safe. Raw linseed still dries, it just takes weeks not days, which can be a good thing as it allows it to penetrate deeper.
Raw linseed oil. Using wood that hasn’t been kiln dried presents it’s own challenges. In my limited experience, it likes to crack as it dries. The couple boards I have made, I use a well seasoned round and treat it with oil as soon as I can after cutting/ sanding. I leave it in my cool garage for the first couple days, rubbing a coat of oil in every day. Then into the house. Here’s where any problems start, as the moisture leaves the wood more quickly, cracking occurs. So it gets more linseed oil until it appears to be stable. I’ve been reading up on it, some guys actually soak their boards. I was going to try that but couldn’t find a plastic container big enough around the house.
It's amazing what a badge and uniform can do to a "good guy". We service the state police vehicles at my dealership, most of them are cool guys, but a few........... yeah buddy, they are on another planet.

Its unfortunate that it is that way but it is. My worst experiences are with a wildlife conservation officer up at my camp. I went years and year without being checked but when he was assigned the region, I was getting checked 3,4,5 times a year. The guy was 6'4" and I am a short guy. He wanted to get in your face and personal space and would stand inches from you while he grilled you. Its an awful feeling being considered guilty until proven innocent. Now when I am stopped these guys get yes and no answers and nothing more. That guy was a real piece of work and ruined my opinion of that job and the people that do it. It will take a lot before I trust a pa wild life conservation office enough to have a conversation with them more than yes/no. The good thing is he must have been moved out of the region because he is no longer filing the published game reports and I have not seen him or any WCO in the last few years up at camp.
Flatbroke: That thorn bush you posted a few pages back looks like a Wide Bradford Pear Tree.
The blasted things have taken over large areas here in Alabama.
We have resorted to spraying then with 24D. When they die we cut then down and burn them.
If the stumps sprout we spray them as well.

Its unfortunate that it is that way but it is. My worst experiences are with a wildlife conservation officer up at my camp. I went years and year without being checked but when he was assigned the region, I was getting checked 3,4,5 times a year. The guy was 6'4" and I am a short guy. He wanted to get in your face and personal space and would stand inches from you while he grilled you. Its an awful feeling being considered guilty until proven innocent. Now when I am stopped these guys get yes and no answers and nothing more. That guy was a real piece of work and ruined my opinion of that job and the people that do it. It will take a lot before I trust a pa wild life conservation office enough to have a conversation with them more than yes/no. The good thing is he must have been moved out of the region because he is no longer filing the published game reports and I have not seen him or any WCO in the last few years up at camp.
Usually that type is trying to make a name for themself and usually end up in an office job after a couple of years.
Usually that type is trying to make a name for themself and usually end up in an office job after a couple of years.

Not sure what his end goal was but I'm pretty sure he was generally an A-hole with or without the badge. Anyone that feels the need to lean on their side arm to make sure you know its there while they give you the 3rd degree on a field check probably acts similarly when off duty. Just to say it but I have always been compliant and legal with how I behave when I hunt. So the I'm the big man show was unwarranted. On the flip side two years ago my buddy and I had a deputy stop and do a field check but that was after we talked turkey hunting and everything in between for 20 minutes. That deputy pulled up and when he got out of his truck so did his gentle old lab. That was a good experience. That is how it should be.
My experiences with WLO is usually a foot race. So far I have always won. I did spend on nite in the woods when they brought in reinforcements to search for me. I laid down behind a broken down pine and he shined his light on me three times and still didnt see me. I had to walk a mile thru the woods in the dark before I got away. Went back in daylite and got the light and rifle I had left hidden in the woods. It pays to know the area you are hunting.
Flatbroke: That thorn bush you posted a few pages back looks like a Wide Bradford Pear Tree.
The blasted things have taken over large areas here in Alabama.
We have resorted to spraying then with 24D. When they die we cut then down and burn them.
If the stumps sprout we spray them as well.

Thanks for the info. I will look it up.
Not sure what his end goal was but I'm pretty sure he was generally an A-hole with or without the badge. Anyone that feels the need to lean on their side arm to make sure you know its there while they give you the 3rd degree on a field check probably acts similarly when off duty. Just to say it but I have always been compliant and legal with how I behave when I hunt. So the I'm the big man show was unwarranted. On the flip side two years ago my buddy and I had a deputy stop and do a field check but that was after we talked turkey hunting and everything in between for 20 minutes. That deputy pulled up and when he got out of his truck so did his gentle old lab. That was a good experience. That is how it should be.
Oh yeah, that type usually are arseholes with or without the badge.

A good friend of my dad's was a warden. We fished with him when he was off duty and one time we were within spitting distance of a fellow using two rods. He let it slide. Boy that guy had great stories though of all of some of the bigger busts he made.
Same here. Like this was ever going to bounce out without the tie downs.
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Both good and bad cops pull me over when I've got a load on. The bad ones are looking for anything they can find. The good ones wanna talk chainsaws and trees and stuff.
I will say while in my opinion it is petty to stop and deal with loads like that you must be fortunate enough to live in a low crime, low traffic area.
My town used to be that way and 15 years ago they really started ripping out orchards, developing ag land and building houses in mass quantity. Those officers are missing good leadership, meaning a SGT, who properly guided them early on in their career. unfortunately, it seems common sense, common decency and Country has gone out of most people within our Country. It is a shame, and I'm really quite disappointed with the way we are headed.
Never met a fish and game warden that I would consider to be right in the head. Park rangers and Dog catchers are not too much different then them either.
Most law enforcement are good people, but every now and then you get one that fits the bill "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Unfortunately, those are the encounters you remember.

Also, some of them will morf based on their experiences. They get fooled by someone who is slick, and they are determined not to get fooled again (even though you are not acting slick). It is like they think everyone is muddstopper!
Oh yeah, that type usually are arseholes with or without the badge.

A good friend of my dad's was a warden. We fished with him when he was off duty and one time we were within spitting distance of a fellow using two rods. He let it slide. Boy that guy had great stories though of all of some of the bigger busts he made.
a Deputy and I took the local (off duty) game warden Dove hunting on opening day about 20 years ago. One of us shot a bird that was not a dove, by mistake. The warden chastised us and threatened to issue a citation. I asked him what the heck he was talking about since he was on my property. He pulled out a citation book and showed it to me. I shot the next damn bird I saw and told him to F off. He did not cite me. We never hunted with the Richard Head again either. I pulled up to a BLM hunting area later that season and saw the same warden issue a guy a citation for possessing a loaded firearm in a vehicle for leaning a shotgun against his tire while pissing. The guy had walked back to the truck (in a hunting area) with shells in the magazine (not the chamber) and leaned the riffle over to pee. I told the warden that was pretty crappy and drove off to the bar.
Not sure what his end goal was but I'm pretty sure he was generally an A-hole with or without the badge. Anyone that feels the need to lean on their side arm to make sure you know its there while they give you the 3rd degree on a field check probably acts similarly when off duty.
I doubt it. I have met people like that. At home their WIFE tells them how things are going to be. The only words that come out of his mouth at home are "yes honey".
a Deputy and I took the local (off duty) game warden Dove hunting on opening day about 20 years ago. One of us shot a bird that was not a dove, by mistake. The warden chastised us and threatened to issue a citation. I asked him what the heck he was talking about since he was on my property. He pulled out a citation book and showed it to me. I shot the next damn bird I saw and told him to F off. He did not cite me. We never hunted with the Richard Head again either. I pulled up to a BLM hunting area later that season and saw the same warden issue a guy a citation for possessing a loaded firearm in a vehicle for leaning a shotgun against his tire while pissing. The guy had walked back to the truck (in a hunting area) with shells in the magazine (not the chamber) and leaned the riffle over to pee. I told the warden that was pretty crappy and drove off to the bar.
That is bad...I do not know why you would ticket someone for a honest mistake.

There was a highway patrol fellow about 20 years ago who really made a name for himself. He got my buddy's GF one day and she had a perfect driving record but he gave her a ticket. The next day he pulled me over in the exact same spot, same speed and gave me an illegal window tint ticket (very minor) but I actually got off with a warning for the speeding. And at that point I already had a couple infractions on my record.

He ended up scoring an office job about a year later but last I heard is back out on patrol again in a neighboring city but also seems to be involved in the community now.

When he was a rookie he would do richard things like calling back in on duty to ticket family members and friends when he noticed expired tabs on cars on the street.
I doubt it. I have met people like that. At home their WIFE tells them how things are going to be. The only words that come out of his mouth at home are "yes honey".
Right. He gets the sh.. kicked out of him at home so it needs to flow downhill.

Many prominent men are like that though. They often are the boss at work but report to the little general at home.