Went with Stihl MS 211

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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 6, 2017
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SE Texas
So after this thread looking for a t-handle

And this thread looking at the top of the line saws

I ended up settling for the Stihl MS 211

I didn't like the thought of destroying a magnesium case pro saw from trimming live green palm trees and getting acidic palm juice all over the innards. And I admitted to myself that I will use this saw about a half dozen times a year for trimming and limbing...no bucking period...but I could buck a few cuts up to 12" I guess if I need to. So a pro saw was just not for me. Maybe that incredible Ms 261 C-M one day if I ever purchase more land.

I also realized after borrowing a 201T that I'm not a fan of the outboard clutch since I'm going to have to remove the bar and chain often to clean out gummy palm tree juice. Maybe a MS 150 will finalize my three saw combo one day. hehe

I was looking for the lightest, single bar nut, clam shell, strato engine, Stihl saw I could find. So an MS 211 wound up in my hands today and the 18" bar stayed on it from the dealer. I also purchased a 14" bar and chain to limb hardwood oaks and pecans since I'll have to cut up fallen branches from time to time around my property. I got the saw home and got to work with the 18" setup. I burned through one tank of gas trimming three crepe myrtles and one palm tree. My wife went through the next tank and a half trimming more palm trees and a couple bottle brush trees. She came back to me the first time saying the saw cut off, which was because the gas ran out. She never turns the saw off, she just sets it down running on the ground and I'm trying to brake her of that. She came back another time saying it cut off and she couldn't get it started again. I started to fear the worst; some mechanical break down. But I recalled even I switched hands one time and accidentally hit the control lever into the stop position and I bet that's what my wife did too, she just couldn't get it started back up. I got it started after a couple tries. She didn't have the choke sequence down. But still, my experience through the first tank was that it started right back up on no choke after every time I shut it off for a minute. Don't know why I had to choke it again after it "died" on her. I finished up trimming a hundred yards of fence row underbrush, mostly 1" and 2" cuts, but one after another.

The 211 so far is a dream to run for limbing and trimming. We have a LOT of picking up to do tomorrow to say the least, but the saw didn't wear us out. We need to get a large burn pile going now, largest one we've had in the 6 years we've lived here. The 211 never hesitated to make any of the cuts we were doing today. I had it on and off and back on again time after time without the first bit of trouble. This saw, although it is brand new, ran flawlessly.

What else can I expect during break-in?

I can't wait to run the 14" bar on some real wood cuts.
Well after about 20 tanks of fuel you may want to take it back to the dealer to check the tune. Other than that the saw needs nothing special, just run it. I had a 211, it is what it is, just don't push it too hard and I would suggest running the 14" bar most of the time. Expect the oil tank to start leaking in a few months, they all do that, or at least they did. Keep the chain sharpened correctly, a bad chain will kill a small saw real quick.
The 171 and 181 are both 31.8 cc engines and I didn't see the strato feature mentioned. The 181 is C-BE only with that toolless chain tensioning system...not a fan.

The 211 has a 35 cc engine, strato engine, but somehow weighs the same. Both on paper and according to how they felt at the store. I do wish the single nut was self retaining though. Does anyone know if I could add that feature myself by purchasing the correct bushing and nut or a whole side cover for the 211?

Good point as well about keeping the chain sharp. If this saw continues to cut like it did for the first three and a half tanks of gas then I'll be one happy camper. Gotta get good at sharpening though.
Yeah, it's what the Stihl website says too. Even the dealer was surprised. I think he was mostly surprised at the large recommended range of bar lengths; 12-18. I think I'll be glad I got a 14" bar.

I should double-check but here the MS211 maximum bar length is given as 16". It's not a widespread saw by any means so I don't know what people opt for, but the two the local dealership had last year wore 14" bars. Unless customers ask for something different they usually supply saws with the bar they feel is most suited to the saw. They are rarely wrong.
Hi, I am new here. Sorry to bump an older thread.

I have the MS211 that I purchased on a whim from my local dealer about a year or 2 ago and love it. However, it came equipped with the 18" bar and I just figured that was standard for the saw. I found this thread because I had to buy a new chain for it today and learned the 18" isn't common.

Thankfully my dealer had the chain in stock for like $22 but apparently I won't be able to buy the cheaper universal Oregon chain for it.

Should I be concerned my deuce eleven is 18"? Like I said, I bought it on a whim because the dealer offered me 20% off on my entire order and tax free if I added another $200+ on my bill... so I told her to throw in their most popular / reliable chainsaw and that's what she gave me. I took her word on it since she sells Stihl equipment everyday and would have a better grasp on it since I was going in blind.

That said I like the saw and it doesn't leak any oil yet. I really only have used it on 18" pine trees, maple limbs under 10" and pruning under 8" holly trees. Just stuff around the property.
Id still like to see 2 bar nuts ,, any issues with the bar staying tight ?

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