@ZeroJunkI take a dry wall screw, get the little tab lined up and pull it out. Take a Dremel or whatever you have and grind the little tab off. Put it back in.
After looking over impulse / fuel lines with no sign of leakages, I pulled the muffler just to help decide on course of action.. Looks fantastic for a 20 year old saw. Passes the pull rope compression test easily. Ran saw on it's sides, as well as holding by the handle and idling etc. All good.
Took the carb apart, minimal fines on top of the diaphragm, flexible , gaskets not brittle. Reassembled, a tiny bit of what looked like some oil in spots. Saw no longer changes idle after the cut. Ran two tanks through it. Acts like it used to be when new.
My experience is mostly 4 barrel carbs, but I never in a million years would have imagined a Walbro 2 cycle carb would selectively change idle speeds at will.
Much thanks for your previous help.