Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Fingers crossed for a good dousingHey Kiwi, looks like some good rain over the fire grounds in the next week. Maybe your aunt's place will be ok after all.
Fingers crossed for a good dousingHey Kiwi, looks like some good rain over the fire grounds in the next week. Maybe your aunt's place will be ok after all.
1) It is not Tax Season
2) Have you noticed … despite all the Husky cheering … when the going gets tough he wishes for the relative with all the Stihls to show up!!!
First step is grab all the pallets I have stacked at work! Second is grab the boy I gave my 305sbc to. I LS swapped my older Camaro and gave a 16 year old boy the 305. Third grab my nephew and the dump trailer. 4th grab the brother in-law. My BIL cutting, me filling in between cutting and loading. 16yo boy loading, nephew loading and driving/dumping. Best I can think of. DANG I wish it wasn’t Tax Season!! Mustang Mike would turn them into firewood rounds in NO TIME!
That's what I'm burning now. Been way to warm for oak or black locust. But next week I'll switch over to them . Not suppose to get out of the 20'sIt’s a treasure trove Uncle Mike. I’ll be able to actually have other wood to mix in with ALL THIS DANG ASH......
It’s a balmy 10 degrees this morning. Supposed to snow 4 out of the next 5 days so I’ll be putting on the plow tonight.
Heck no lol. I hate driving with the plow. If I still had my boss plow I’d disconnect it every day. This Western is a bit more work plus the wiring harness is a little wonky when reconnecting so I try to keep it the motions to a minimum.You mean you’re not going to put your plow on and drive around with it for eight months as a status symbol....?
Boy that happens quite often around here.
Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
You mean you’re not going to put your plow on and drive around with it for eight months as a status symbol....?
Boy that happens quite often around here.
Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Heck no lol. I hate driving with the plow. If I still had my boss plow I’d disconnect it every day. This Western is a bit more work plus the wiring harness is a little wonky when reconnecting so I try to keep it the motions to a minimum.
Celcius or American?Most of my saws don’t need a retune and I try to only run saws when it’s above zero. But both of these absolutely needed to be richened up.
Shoot man you don't want that stuff, it looks like it's been dead for a while lol.What my uncle fails to remember is, he is retired. I only have Saturdays and Sundays to cut wood. But he has all seven days to play outside.
Snapped these pictures as I drove by this morning on my way to work, there’s more wood in the back and the sides
First thing I noticed tooMatt, in that middle pic, I can't tell what is down … but I see standing Locust and Shag Bark!!!
Hopefully it's goodWell Chipper me and the old farmer talked some more about the 4 Huskys. He said the 266 runs but hasn’t ran since I put the jug and slug in it years ago, his pal had replaced it with the 460. 460 he just put a helicoil in to fix the spark plug, when that went down the old man went back to the store and bought a 455. The 455 is straight gassed (supposedly) and the 357 he doesn’t know what’s wrong. I asked AGAIN how much for all 4, he says “why?” I say, cause you know I got a thing for orange and I know you only like Stihl. He says, “buy me lunch today and I’ll give you that 266 cause you never let me pay you for your time when you fixed it” I said ok, what about the rest, “we’ll see what’s on the lunch menu tomorrow” was his answer...
so we’ll see if he brings in the 266 tomorrow...
That's funny!Celcius or American?