Well shucky darn...Finished split/pile the 10th cord and then planned how to get the splitter from there across sthe woodlot to the stack of rounds...then realized I couldn't do that. There is 4 cord there to do but it is planned for the space taken up by 4 cured cord waiting for deliverhy in the spring. That leaves me with around 1 cord or a bit and I will be cabin bound for the rest of the winter.
Supposed to snow again tomorrow for and inch or two. I'll just shovel a path over to that 1 cord pile and manually split if I can find the wedgs and sledge. Got about 8" snow on ground. Shovel rather than fight that snow blower again...It does not do well at all in old snow and most of what is on the ground is around a month old.
Shoveled a narrow path to the rounds rick, turned the corner and was looking at 2' drift right where I wanted to work and pile. I bit the bullet and drug out that 10hp snow blower. Surprise, it went right through it without the usual fight and the slipply disc drive didn't slip for a change. Cleared out the area and went into pussy mode, To lazzy to actually split anything...maybe tomorrow. I did find the fiskars, sledge, maul. Didn't look for the wedges but I think I stuck them in the wood pile next to the sledge. Even found the hookaroon. It was laying horizontal on top of a round but the orange end of the handle was sticking out.