Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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They are talking about doing it here...and in a lot of places. How does it work for those small ones you use as you pick out produce and the like? Are those also banned? If so, what replaces them?
Still have those just none at the checkout for packing groceries into.
Some places are charging or not giving bags, others not.

What really drives me crazy is these plastic bags for the dog pooh … people just throw them into the woods and the often get suspended in trees … so we get to look at that for months instead of the stuff just biodegrading on the ground! Move the pooh into the woods, don't let your dogs on lawns, and let it degrade!

My dogs are in the road until I get to a place where it is OK for them to pooh, then I just take a stick and move it.
Went down to the Ash Hole this morning. Put a good half cord on my buddy's Ram, and close to a cord on my dump trailer. Parked up hill till I decided which trees and which direction I was going to throw them. Marking sure no flying debris hit either truck. Especially since my F150 had it's 1 year birthday last week. Had the tailgate down gassing the saws. Went over and put 3 trees on the ground, got enough cut up for Mike to start loading, and went to pull my truck over. Pulled up ten feet, turned the wheel, BANG. I forgot to put the tailgate up and it hit the jack on the trailer. Caved in the top of the gate. Oh well, what ya gonna do?View attachment 791220
I bought a gate that the guy did the same was buckled in, I needed the hardware for a good gate.

I plan to keep that damaged gate, at some point there won't be anymore...even a damaged one will be better than none.

They ain't cheap to buy anymore...

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While I understand that "we" need to do something, until you reign in the countries that have no environmental responsibility, nothing major will happen. Until everyone is on the same page, it will continue...

They just came up with a new study that said it's raining microplastics in New York now...saw that a couple weeks ago.

A lot of it is also about fearmongering to get public support to tax businesses and people...the carbon tax.

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Some places are charging or not giving bags, others not.

What really drives me crazy is these plastic bags for the dog pooh … people just throw them into the woods and the often get suspended in trees … so we get to look at that for months instead of the stuff just biodegrading on the ground! Move the pooh into the woods, don't let your dogs on lawns, and let it degrade!

My dogs are in the road until I get to a place where it is OK for them to pooh, then I just take a stick and move it.
I hate those bags!! We lived in a townhouse complex for a short time. I would have my dog crap up in the woods. Our big tough guy neighbor (not really) watched me then waited till I was gone then went and shook a bag of dog crap in my wife's face. I had a little chat with him after that.

Same guy would routinely stop on the street and try to spy on us too. One time I came out at dusk and our lovable but bullheaded shepherd mix had her rope all tangled around the porch poles. I said "come on you ****** dummy" to the dog not realizing he was out there spying. He must have thought I was talking to him as he never did that again.

In another neighborhood we lived in, a few people would just throw their bags of crap at a corner in the park, because walking another 50 yards to the trash can was too much work. We did call the police and put out a few "public" Facebook posts and it stopped rather quickly.
In regards to plastic shopping bags: I am all for personal liberties which includes the right for us to use whatever bag we want. HOWEVER when the retailers refuse to provide us with a biodegradable solution and force ****** ineffective plastic bags on us and then the government wants to ban those bags, that is a problem. If I want to stop at the store randomly I should not be expected to keep a supply of reusable bags with me at all times nor should I have to carry armloads of loose groceries.
While I understand that "we" need to do something, until you reign in the countries that have no environmental responsibility, nothing major will happen. Until everyone is on the same page, it will continue...

They just came up with a new study that said it's raining microplastics in New York now...saw that a couple weeks ago.

A lot of it is also about fearmongering to get public support to tax businesses and people...the carbon tax.

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In China they are including recycling into their "Social Score" as well as a ton of other personal data.
In China they are including recycling into their "Social Score" as well as a ton of other personal data.
I've also heard that China is no longer importing plastic waste (mainly from the US) as a means to force recycling in their own country?

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It is funny too, because city folk lauded the introduction of plastic bags because it was "saving trees". Guess they never though about the fact that every household probably throws away 30-50 bags a week and that crap lasts for decades.

Most of our paper mills and OSB plants up here are either greatly reduced in production or closed all together because of lack of demand. The switch to electronic communications really impacted the paper plants. I believe that UPM now employs about 1/5 of the staff that it once did. Now granted some of those jobs were lost to automated processes but several of the "lines" are shut down permanently due to lack of demand.

Our area produces more timber each year than is harvested. Lets start making more paper bags and put these people to work!
Paper bags with handles would be my jam but you can't find them anywhere. I'd get rid of the plastic in a heartbeat.
Those bags really are the best.

Remember back in the day too, grocery stores had a "box hopper" up by the cart return where all of the empty supply boxes would go and customers would scrounge them on their way out. Now they pay employees to break them down and put them in an (expensive) box crusher and then bundle the crushed boxes. Which takes up time as well as a good sized area in the back room.
Those bags really are the best.

Remember back in the day too, grocery stores had a "box hopper" up by the cart return where all of the empty supply boxes would go and customers would scrounge them on their way out. Now they pay employees to break them down and put them in an (expensive) box crusher and then bundle the crushed boxes. Which takes up time as well as a good sized area in the back room.
I scrounge all the banana boxes I can get from the local Wal-Mart. Great for packing up sweet corn,cabbage and small pumpkins I take to auction. A new box that size is about $2. But alas the guberment is stepping in to tell us we won't be able to do that much longer. Grocery stores like Wegmams won't buy local produce in used boxes. My one friend that sells to them and 2 other large local chains said his box bill through the summer is $25,000 a month. Guess who pays for that? Look up Food Safety Modernization Act. Gonna put a lot of small guys under.
I scrounge all the banana boxes I can get from the local Wal-Mart. Great for packing up sweet corn,cabbage and small pumpkins I take to auction. A new box that size is about $2. But alas the guberment is stepping in to tell us we won't be able to do that much longer. Grocery stores like Wegmams won't buy local produce in used boxes. My one friend that sells to them and 2 other large local chains said his box bill through the summer is $25,000 a month. Guess who pays for that? Look up Food Safety Modernization Act. Gonna put a lot of small guys under.
One of my managers at UPS thought the moral in our work area was lacking. Being a shop steward he asked me why. Our work area was the only full time, in side jobs, at UPS in the Atlantic region, and there were only 80 of us, so we were largely forgotten. I told him all the other work areas had dinners or breakfasts a couple times a year. It would be nice if he did something for us. He rented a park for the day, we were on the night shift, and threw a big crab feast for us. Crabs, dogs, burgers, and BEER. At the end of the day I asked one of the vendors if could have one of the bushel baskets because I did a little crabbing in the summer. He pointed at several that had lids on them and said take what you want. I got over and looked at them, yelled back, hey, these are all full. He said that health dept, regulations say they can't reuse the baskets for cooked crabs. He yelled back, we're just going to throw them away, might as well take the full ones. I took 3 bushels of crabs home. Our cook outs became the envy of all the divisions, and our moral did improve a lot. The last year they did the cook out for us they waited till all the drivers were on the road and had it inside our building. The building holds over 400 package trucks. Oh, and the last year, no BEER, it was socially unexceptionable to give employ's alcohol on the job.
What kind of bug might this be...these are all through my woodpiles.

If it didn't know better, I'd think they were some type of cockroach? This is a smaller on, most are half again bigger.

This is why my firewood stays outside until it gets really cold and goes into a solid floored/walled box when inside...

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What kind of bug might this be...these are all through my woodpiles.

If it didn't know better, I'd think they were some type of cockroach? This is a smaller on, most are half again bigger.

This is why my firewood stays outside until it gets really cold and goes into a solid floored/walled box when inside...

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PA wood cockroach Steve. They live mostly in woodland settings . Yes they like to live under bark.