Husqvarna full-wrap handle questions. 390 and 372.

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Dec 17, 2015
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Spoke to a good guy over at HL Supply today. Nice people to deal with. We never actually clarified things by the end of the call though. He ended by saying he needs serial number's from the saws in order to locate the correct handle.
Specifically, I'm looking for a full-wrap handle for my 372XP, and for the 390XP I'm planning to purchase. It is unclear if their handles will fit my 2 year old 372XP, or the new 390XP I'll be buying.
*Their website has some confusing references, especially on the 390 handle. Why should there be different handle designs on any 390? Why the redundant references to specific years? The "2018-06" already encompasses "2016-10" dates. What are they saying?
* Why is one 372 handle so much more than the other? They are both OEM.
Also on the 372, the $49 handle has the bucking spike's with it, the same identical handle for $132 has no bucking spike's. What's the physical difference in the handle if they are both OEM. :dizzy:. I don't get it.

OEM Husqvarna 372XP Wrap handle, $49.99, Part# 588846302.
OEM Husqvarna 372XP Wrap handle $132.99, Part# 503628671.

OEM Husqvarna 390XP Wrap handle kit. $49.99, Part# 5888463-01.
Fits: 390XP from 2018-06
390XP from 2016-10

Anybody ever bought these items from HL Supply before? What did you conclude?

Those 372xp part numbers really make me wonder too. Saw the same thing the other day from my supplier, way cheaper with the spikes
Spoke to a good guy over at HL Supply today. Nice people to deal with. We never actually clarified things by the end of the call though. He ended by saying he needs serial number's from the saws in order to locate the correct handle.
Specifically, I'm looking for a full-wrap handle for my 372XP, and for the 390XP I'm planning to purchase. It is unclear if their handles will fit my 2 year old 372XP, or the new 390XP I'll be buying.
*Their website has some confusing references, especially on the 390 handle. Why should there be different handle designs on any 390? Why the redundant references to specific years? The "2018-06" already encompasses "2016-10" dates. What are they saying?
* Why is one 372 handle so much more than the other? They are both OEM.
Also on the 372, the $49 handle has the bucking spike's with it, the same identical handle for $132 has no bucking spike's. What's the physical difference in the handle if they are both OEM. :dizzy:. I don't get it.

OEM Husqvarna 372XP Wrap handle, $49.99, Part# 588846302.
OEM Husqvarna 372XP Wrap handle $132.99, Part# 503628671.

OEM Husqvarna 390XP Wrap handle kit. $49.99, Part# 5888463-01.
Fits: 390XP from 2018-06
390XP from 2016-10

Anybody ever bought these items from HL Supply before? What did you conclude?

The 372 wrap kit pricing is just Husky voodoo, they are the exact same handles in the kit and individually. All 36*/37* Huskies use the same handles, you can put a 371 full wrap on a 365XT tank and vice versa. The only change is OE saws had smaller dia tubing and knobbier wrap grips, the current kits have larger dia tubing and flatter grips. I prefer the more modern ones, fyi. As for the 390 stuff, IDK.
Spoke to a good guy over at HL Supply today. Nice people to deal with. We never actually clarified things by the end of the call though. He ended by saying he needs serial number's from the saws in order to locate the correct handle.
Specifically, I'm looking for a full-wrap handle for my 372XP, and for the 390XP I'm planning to purchase. It is unclear if their handles will fit my 2 year old 372XP, or the new 390XP I'll be buying.
*Their website has some confusing references, especially on the 390 handle. Why should there be different handle designs on any 390? Why the redundant references to specific years? The "2018-06" already encompasses "2016-10" dates. What are they saying?
* Why is one 372 handle so much more than the other? They are both OEM.
Also on the 372, the $49 handle has the bucking spike's with it, the same identical handle for $132 has no bucking spike's. What's the physical difference in the handle if they are both OEM. :dizzy:. I don't get it.

OEM Husqvarna 372XP Wrap handle, $49.99, Part# 588846302.
OEM Husqvarna 372XP Wrap handle $132.99, Part# 503628671.

OEM Husqvarna 390XP Wrap handle kit. $49.99, Part# 5888463-01.
Fits: 390XP from 2018-06
390XP from 2016-10

Anybody ever bought these items from HL Supply before? What did you conclude?

I've bought 11 of those wraps
Usually 25-30.00 shipped
They are the more modern
XT 372 versions
Slightly taller than OE 371/372 height
To clearance the stupid hi tops
They introduced.
I run those wraps on bat country 365/372s
And modify them for my 2 series 266/268/272s
I've bought 11 of those wraps
Usually 25-30.00 shipped
They are the more modern
XT 372 versions
Slightly taller than OE 371/372 height
To clearance the stupid hi tops
They introduced.
I run those wraps on bat country 365/372s
And modify them for my 2 series 266/268/272s

So if I understand correctly, my two year old 372XP X-Torq High Top saw requires the slightly taller, modern, full wrap handle. Which is what BOTH of the handles offered by HL Supply actually are. Right?

Obviously, I'll buy the $49 handle with spike's, instead of the $132 handle with no spike's.

For some reason, I was under the impression the $49 handle was thinner tubing, or maybe a lower height.

So if I understand correctly, my two year old 372XP X-Torq High Top saw requires the slightly taller, modern, full wrap handle. Which is what BOTH of the handles offered by HL Supply actually are. Right?

Obviously, I'll buy the $49 handle with spike's, instead of the $132 handle with no spike's.

For some reason, I was under the impression the $49 handle was thinner tubing, or maybe a lower height.

I can't promise they'll be like mine
But all them came from different sources
Bailey's eBay and Amazon
I just bought the cheapest ones I could find
All of mine are the taller XT version
I'll probably just buy one from HL Supply and take a chance.
The clerks on their customer assistance line won't know the difference between a taller or shorter version... at least not without knowing measurement parameters ahead of time.

As for the 390XP handle, I'll buy one from HL Supply after I purchase/receive the saw. Husky dealer already said it's about $139 from Husky... so might as well get the handle from HL Supply for $49.

I'll probably just buy one from HL Supply and take a chance.
The clerks on their customer assistance line won't know the difference between a taller or shorter version... at least not without knowing measurement parameters ahead of time.

As for the 390XP handle, I'll buy one from HL Supply after I purchase/receive the saw. Husky dealer already said it's about $139 from Husky... so might as well get the handle from HL Supply for $49.

You need to tell your dealer you want the West coast “kit”, not just the wrap. I believe it’s $40 for each, the 372 and 390
You need to tell your dealer you want the West coast “kit”, not just the wrap. I believe it’s $40 for each, the 372 and 390

I need the Husqvarna part numbers for the 390 and 372 "west coast" full wrap handle's.
If I ask the dealer for the west coast handle's for those two saws, his eye's will glaze over, and the two of us will spend 45 minute's staring at his computer in confusion.
Would you have those number's?
Thank you.

I guess living on the west coast I rarely see a 390 with half wraps, I think I have 2 sets that came in some boxes of parts, 372 is a toss up - some have them some don't but easy enough to get from my local dealer.
For a fortune, Gord. The price on these kits are amazing. I wanted the old style 372 wrap got the last one in stock for $150. All the Xtorq ones were $2OO. What's that..$168.00 out the door VS $220.00+

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