Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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One of the young fellas that I had working at my shop a couple of years ago had gone through a bit of a rough patch over the last little bit but got his chit together over the last few months .
I've always stayed in touch with him and tried to nudge him in a path that would see him succeed .
He recently move into a loft that belongs to an old school mate of his and they're turning wrenches on off hours plus working day jobs .
They called me a few weeks ago asking if I had wood because the garage and loft are heated with a wood stove .
I thot to myself that I couldn't make it too easy for them so I told them where to get pallets and that I'd bring wood as I get it from the construction sites that I'm working but they have to pick it up at my house when I get home .
So far they've been at my place every time that I've called them :)
We have window window job on the go in an apartment building so we have a ton of pine scrap from the new interior trim and we have the old hardwood trim that comes out .
I gave them a load , explained how hot kiln dried pine burns , how hot kiln dried that is 20yrs old that is just above a baseboard heater will burn, how hot kiln dried pallets will burn, how hot plywood will burn and how hot mdf will burn .
So, since pot is legal here and they are seasoned test pilots they were sitting by the stove a night or 2 after I gave them the first load of "Premium Gasoline" having a puff or 4 and realized that yes they were baked but they were getting baked so they had to close the damper and open the garage door .
It was 5F outside lol
Well said VT, Once my wife gets her health stabilized I will be back to work and I won't be on here as much if that helps anybody out. Been a place to relieve stress and talk about the things I enjoy with other like minded people. It's been touch and go with constant care since September including multiple ems trips and maybe 50+ trips to the ER. I wouldn't know what I would do without a lot of you gentlemen to conversate with about all the things we conversate about.
It won't help anybody out by you not posting by all means post it up I enjoy seeing all the photos and the back and forth. Always praying that they figure out what's going on for you.
I took advantage of the warm 35 F temp yesterday before the bottom dropped out in the evening. I don't have a right to complain as our single digits and teens aren't nearly as bad as some of you are having. Second mini scrounge of the year. I got the rest of some small Cherry out of the burn pile and a few rounds of W. Oak. I'd mentioned my shocks in another thread and with only a dozen or so rounds from this scrounge, the rear of the truck really screeching and bouncing over every bump. I definitely need new shocks. Come Spring.


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I took advantage of the warm 35 F temp yesterday before the bottom dropped out in the evening. I don't have a right to complain as our single digits and teens aren't nearly as bad as some of you are having. Second mini scrounge of the year. I got the rest of some small Cherry out of the burn pile and a few rounds of W. Oak. I'd mentioned my shocks in another thread and with only a dozen or so rounds from this scrounge, the rear of the truck really screeching and bouncing over every bump. I definitely need new shocks. Come Spring.
I just did mine on my 2500 not to long ago it's not to bad put a jack on the bumper unbolt the old one and grab the new one and manipulate the jack till you get the holes lined up. Repeat for the other side. About an hour job.
Just to keep us off topic. Lol. Scrounged up a pair of old kids skis and made a Smitty sled for ice fishing. Hope to get a chance to try it out next weekend.

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Trying to finish up all my wood cutting chores before tax season starts in a week and a half. Went up to about 30 F today and is supposed to turn colder for a while, so figured I get the saw work mostly done.

Went back to the Fish and Game club and finished bucking up the large stem on that Ash tree.

That MOFO Hybrid pulls real nice, even when the 28" bar was fully buried in that crotch. Can't ask for more than that! That saw broke in very nicely!

My 15 year old Grandson came along to help me out (the wood goes to them). I filled the trailer again, and there is one or two more loads still there! I didn't even take the big stuff yet!


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It won't help anybody out by you not posting by all means post it up I enjoy seeing all the photos and the back and forth. Always praying that they figure out what's going on for you.
I agree brufab ! If you don’t keep us up to date I’ll drive to Michigan and find someone big enough to whoop you!
Ok I give. I’ve spent 30 minutes tryin to find a conversation I had with a fella about old sears saws. Was supposed to get him a pic but can’t remember who it was!!! Does any of you that still retain most of your brain cells (which apparently I do not!) happen to remember who that was?? DISREGARD..... the old geezer found it!
Does anyone have a Sears saw? When I was a teenager, my Dad put a fireplace in the house. He got a Sears saw because it was recommended by my Uncle. And no Stihl dealers around at the time. All I remember is it was light blue and white with, I think, a 20" B&C. Both my Dad and Uncle's were hard to start and my Uncle told my Dad yo had to turn the saw upside down, for a minute and then it would start. And it would start. Heavy, but it was a cutter. When I bought him the Stihl 038, which I now have, he sold it to some a friend for like $50. They guy worked on it, replaced a defective part, and it started normal after that. Man I wish I had that saw back. Probably would have handled a 28" B&C.
This is the ( dirty) one I have.


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This is the ( dirty) one I have.
My Dad's must have been a later version because it was blue and white. Similar to that though. Don't remember much about it other than it was heavy and it cut. That was a looong time ago. You could just let the weight of the saw work the chain through the log.
Went back to the Fish and Game club and finished bucking up the large stem on that Ash tree.

That MOFO Hybrid pulls real nice, even when the 28" bar was fully buried in that crotch. Can't ask for more than that! That saw broke in very nicely!
I think many people think of ash and that it's rather soft/punky because of all of them breaking off at the ground or in the air, but it sure is hard even on the same stem of one that has broken off.
It's great wood for running chain tests and saw test on because its very hard when seasoned and it can have nice straight sections.
My Dad's must have been a later version because it was blue and white. Similar to that though. Don't remember much about it other than it was heavy and it cut. That was a looong time ago. You could just let the weight of the saw work the chain through the log.
James, how old are you, I'm guessing the guys are hearing that it was an old saw and it was a long time ago, and they think you're as old as they are lol. I'm guessing 35-45?
This is what I was picturing.
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Got the first step of my chili done tonight. I'll let this rest tonight in the cold garage and add the beans tomorrow night and simmer for a couple hours until the beans are tender.20220120_221938.jpgMy wife kindly entered me in a chili competition at her employer. She works for a well known brat company from WI. There are 5 food scientists from there who are going to be competing against me plus a chef or two, she wasn't sure. I'm probably screwed.:surprised3:
Hopefully no one is offended if I don’t “like” some of your post, hard for me to stay caught up at times. Then sometimes I read current post first and then start going back and reading older ones, kinda of like reading the end of the book first, lol.
Had some crazy temperature swings for awhile but pretty stable now. Around 10 at night and 30’s during the day mostly. Burned about 2 1/2 cords so far. Snowed a couple inches today, little over 2’ on the ground. Was have nice sunny summers but LOTS of cloudy days in the winter, been getting some sun lately, sure nice6CE464C1-F857-46A9-BD11-5357F34CB26A.jpeg75696FB4-52AF-457A-9659-D31966BEA278.jpeg
We get those during growing season also. I Also get Early Girls, Roma, and the Cherry. Normally I have about 17 plants in all.
i just pulled out all of mine. well, except for my Better Boy. it is covered tonite. 34f but can't take a chance. i grew it from seed so want to see if can hang on. it took a beating in last low temps few weeks ago. now we got lots of green tomatoes, too. smaller. plan to nip the sides, cut thru middle and do fried green tomatoes. tasty!

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