Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Maybe I'm crazy but the load capacity is 700# on 86 atc 250es. I pull a tsc 5x8 trailer 410# plus up to 1/2-3/4 face cord around my cottage in the woods I pull a 14cuft trailer since the trails are narrow
When all the dust settles from total nuclear annihilation, atleast the cocktoaches will have 3 wheelers to ride. Those things never die.

We used to ramp them off a launch pad into a pond growing up. Their balloon tires all that was visible as they floated upside down.

Good times.

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had some melt-in-mouth brisket other day, and today for lunch a day old sliced brisket sam. their meats, pickles and sauce. my onions, and bun. bit on the real tasty side!!! :yes:

very good gennie Texas BBQ ~
View attachment 957443
That looks tasty.... you might want to be careful...I might have to jump a border to get some and to get my $450,000 from the biden admin! :)
Not sure if they are Ruffed Grouse but I've seen grouse in my driveway and in the fields picture from last spring this one had no fear of me . Have pheasant too story is in the late 70s they used to stock the farm with game birds and charge citiots outrageous amounts of money to hunt View attachment 957572View attachment 957573
Yeah about that..pretty sure that things name is dinner... or maybe lunch. thats close enough for me anyways.
I have a huge auxiliary trans cooler on it but the temp coming out of the trans line where my gauge reads it goes up when pushing it . Normal about 125 gets to about 170 on long steep grades . Temp never goes over 200 in the head . Actual water temp is 190 at the radiator inlet (have two mechanical gages View attachment 957598
are you measuring after the torque converter or prior? the output at the TQ is always the hottest spot.
important to note the difference.
34 acres is a big chunk of land. We have 40. Alot is not huntable as its bottomland that usually floods when bow season starts. If you could clear a chunk in dense brush that would be great. It's all oak and maple where I'm at with alil mix of everything else. As you can see I lose atleast 10+ acres with flooding. That frost seeding is the way to go sometimes. There's alot of info on the web about that. Once you get the plot established I just frost seed lading or white clover each spring to maintain the plot along with lime and 6-24-24 but the first couple years the soil test is critical because you may need 0-0-60 and 40-0-0 and then something else too and lime. Where the flood pics are at im standing on our bridge in the middle of property its flooded behind me too. All our plots have been sense woods, clear cutted, round up applied then disced with a small brinley disc behind my three wheeler, seed is applied then rolled with a lawn roller.
Bro, thats looks like the river bottoms in rural Indiana. in the spring it floods within a mile or two of the house (animals, deer, coyotes, etc. move with the flooding) and then it dries out in the late spring and summer. Good hunting and trapping though.
Trying to finish up all my wood cutting chores before tax season starts in a week and a half. Went up to about 30 F today and is supposed to turn colder for a while, so figured I get the saw work mostly done.

Went back to the Fish and Game club and finished bucking up the large stem on that Ash tree.

That MOFO Hybrid pulls real nice, even when the 28" bar was fully buried in that crotch. Can't ask for more than that! That saw broke in very nicely!

My 15 year old Grandson came along to help me out (the wood goes to them). I filled the trailer again, and there is one or two more loads still there! I didn't even take the big stuff yet!
they who shall not be named... the *R* may everyone who works in that particular agency all die of cancer and COVID.
Hopefully no one is offended if I don’t “like” some of your post, hard for me to stay caught up at times. Then sometimes I read current post first and then start going back and reading older ones, kinda of like reading the end of the book first, lol.
Had some crazy temperature swings for awhile but pretty stable now. Around 10 at night and 30’s during the day mostly. Burned about 2 1/2 cords so far. Snowed a couple inches today, little over 2’ on the ground. Was have nice sunny summers but LOTS of cloudy days in the winter, been getting some sun lately, sure niceView attachment 958003View attachment 958004
only mentally disabled children are concerned about likes and frickin post counts. you do what you do and just wake up every day and smile at your freedom.
I work with CO2 lasers at work which have outdoor chillers on them they have freeze protection that cycles every 20 minutes but they still have Glycol in with the deionized water. What most people do not realize is that most vehicle and equipment antifreeze is not rated for below -20 -25 after that you have to add additional glycol to increase the protection. They make a turkey baster looking tool that when you suck the fluid into it has a ball that measures the glycol level and you can go to the included chart to read the level of protection. Cheap insurance to make sure your equipment is not damaged in deep cold.
I really hate to the the bearer of bad news... but we were doing that in the 70's when I was 8 years old... sounds like the new post modern world is a clusterfuck. really simple 40% vs 50% vs 70% on the antifreeze along with the tools and the knowledge to use both of them.
I really hate to the the bearer of bad news... but we were doing that in the 70's when I was 8 years old... sounds like the new post modern world is a cluster****. really simple 40% vs 50% vs 70% on the antifreeze along with the tools and the knowledge to use both of them. Go back and reexamine your lesbian seagull dance routine degree... and examine how much you have been able to pay off since earning it.
I don't have a degree nor do I have to pay one off . I'm a skilled tradesmen. I'm a CNC supervisor and know more manual machining than anyone I've worked around. I work for a small company and I also do maintenance and repair. I've learned on the job and have done quite well for myself. I really don't understand your disparaging remarks. Everyone does not know everything. Just trying to help someone that may not know.
I live for scrounging posts in threads. Never know what you will end up with. A fellow member mentioned to me that I was scrounging stuff 2+ years old🤣 in firewood terms that would be perfectly seasoned!
I was actually talking to the two people who commented on that thread two yrs after you had :).
When it comes to likes I pretty much like everything unless it's derogatory towards someone else unless the guy deserves it. I also like posts to know where I left off. I don't want to miss anything because there could be some knowledge hidden in a post that could help me immensely.
Guess I should throw this in on the likes etc.
please no one ever think anything one way or the other on the like or didn’t like thing.
I seldom think about it. Occasionally I remember that button and hit it but not usually.
I like everyone on here even when one of us gets up on the wrong side of the bed now and again.
Doesn’t matter to me if I get a zillion likes or never get the first one.
Guess I should throw this in on the likes etc.
please no one ever think anything one way or the other on the like or didn’t like thing.
I seldom think about it. Occasionally I remember that button and hit it but not usually.
I like everyone on here even when one of us gets up on the wrong side of the bed now and again.
Doesn’t matter to me if I get a zillion likes or never get the first one.
Thanks for saying that, I was always concerned :laughing: .