Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Morning Brett,

It was about 0F when I left this morning. I think even the regular furnaces are having a hard time keeping up. I did pretty good the other night when it was 10 i managed to keep the living room around 70 with red oak and maple, but the rest of the house was slowly getting colder and colder. Not to bad for sleeping I don't need the bedrooms to be a raging furnace anyways. looks like its supposed to warm up a little next week.
It was -2 here, were up to zero now, warming to 17.
It got down to 70, but it's its back up to 71 now. Burning black locust cookies on top of the coals to get them down and put out some nice heat at the same time, it works very well.
We've never fired the furnace here, bought the place in 2009.
I cut the cookies on the 16th, the pile here is about 8" tall, I have a few inches left. It's a great way to get rid of elm if you have any, makes splitting real easy lol.
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GM Folks, the endocrinologist needs to make sure that the elevated prolactin is not a false positive. My wife had elevated prolactin for years and went thru all kinds of tests. It turned out to be an enzyme which triggers that test. He told her to avoid getting that test in the future. Hope the infertility gets resolved and you folks get the blessing you want.
Welcome to posting Rich :).
Hope you have a great day.
It was -2 here, were up to zero now, warming to 17.
It got down to 70, but it's its back up to 71 now. Burning black locust cookies on top of the coals to get them down and put out some nice heat at the same time, it works very well.
We've never fired the furnace here, bought the place in 2009.
I cut the cookies on the 16th, the pile here is about 8" tall, I have a few inches left. It's a great way to get rid of elm if you have any, makes splitting real easy lol.
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As of right now ours is just supplementary heat. Its an old heatilator and burns a face cord a night. Its bricked in so our family room is not conducive to add a standalone stove, But ill probably safe my pennies for an insert if i get a good supply of wood. Hopefully it warms up soon so you can start sleeping through the night.
thing that worries me most is all of the people at our age suffering from pituary gland and thyroid problems. both os these are particular to cesium intake form nuclear fallout. the timeline is correct as well for people on the east coast as three mile island would be about right for most of us..
As of right now ours is just supplementary heat. Its an old heatilator and burns a face cord a night. Its bricked in so our family room is not conducive to add a standalone stove, But ill probably safe my pennies for an insert if i get a good supply of wood. Hopefully it warms up soon so you can start sleeping through the night.
A face cord a night :laugh: .
I burn about 3.5 and heat the place with our wood stove as the primary heat source. I do put some odds in there, quite a few cookies, and some black locust rounds I bring right from the woods to the house, usually about this time of the yr or right before the ground gets soft in the spring.
No hard feelings sir. I hope you have a good start to your day. And everything is well with you and your family.
You as well. I tend to drunk post a lot as our hours are 13 hours apart. (my off work drinking time) so filter is obviously not always in place, i offer this not as an excuse but simply a statement of fact. I honestly try to tone down my thoughts but they leap from my brain and straight to my mouth.. or in this case fingers. the old adage of measure twice and cut once should be automatic... Unfortunately for me its not. Good Evening Sir and best wishes to your family as well.
Thosr are some good looking stacks you have sir!
I am trying to get some more cut once I can get back into the forest from the previous sno
Thosr are some good looking stacks you have there, sir!
Thank you H-ranch! I am planning on having somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 cords by August stacked and drying for fall. I really love the beetle kill spruce to burn. I haven't yet decided which Husky to save up for on the pro line. I am really liking the 562xp and the 572xp. I have been using the 034 for over a decade and my ms361 for 5 years but my ms361 has left me stranded and sometimes won't even start. I got it used and it was a rebuild at that .
60 full cords? That is a lot of wood!
Yea, some days I can cut 2 cords of logs and haul but I need more daylight for that and I have to start early. I grew up cutting white and red oaks, hickory and sweetgums when they needed to be taken down. Spruce and pine especially are so much easier to take down than those knarly hardwoods in my youth but the crash from the tree on the Earth was much more noticable and you could feel it with the hardwoods.
60 full cords? That is a lot of wood!
I have a very basic way I haul and get my logs. Hopefully this year I will be able to get a nice mid late 90s diesel 3/4 ton and a trailer with a winch on the front to winch up my logs. Using brute Force, aka my body to load logs is really overworking me even though I really enjoy the hard work and workout I get out of it.20211212_105323_HDR.jpg
I have a very basic way I haul and get my logs. Hopefully this year I will be able to get a nice mid late 90s diesel 3/4 ton and a trailer with a winch on the front to winch up my logs. Using brute Force, aka my body to load logs is really overworking me even though I really enjoy the hard work and workout I get out of it.View attachment 959634
Here is a typical load for me. Takes about 2 hrs to fell, buck and load a cord then drive back to low elevation property to cut up logs and split which takes about 1.5-2 hrs per cord to split. I will sometimes drop a big "25-32" tree but it's a bit much for loading by hand lol. So now I make logs 10-12ft long so I can haul a cord plus some I this old truck.20211121_160719.jpg
Well, the wife and I got through the difficult business of saying our goodbyes to our dog Linus this morning, so it is time to move on.

I told her we have to remember we had a good 8 years with him ... we rescued him when he was about 2 and he was about 10 now.

We are still in a bit of shock that he went from appearing perfectly normal to not being able to walk or do his functions in less than a week. The cancer was very aggressive.

Good thing we brought him in when we did cause the first thing they did was install a catheter, because he was full.

I did neglect to post one of my favorite pics of him. I think he resembles a Sphinx in this one.

We thought we would still have Linus when Lucy (on the right, and 14) passed. Guess things don't always go as planned.


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Here is a typical load for me. Takes about 2 hrs to fell, buck and load a cord then drive back to low elevation property to cut up logs and split which takes about 1.5-2 hrs per cord to split. I will sometimes drop a big "25-32" tree but it's a bit much for loading by hand lol. So now I make logs 10-12ft long so I can haul a cord plus some I this old truck.View attachment 959641
Now that's the definition of scrounging :numberone:
Well, the wife and I got through the difficult business of saying our goodbyes to our dog Linus this morning, so it is time to move on.

I told her we have to remember we had a good 8 years with him ... we rescued him when he was about 2 and he was about 10 now.

We are still in a bit of shock that he went from appearing perfectly normal to not being able to walk or do his functions in less than a week. The cancer was very aggressive.

Good thing we brought him in when we did cause the first thing they did was install a catheter, because he was full.

I did neglect to post one of my favorite pics of him. I think he resembles a Sphinx in this one.

We thought we would still have Linus when Lucy (on the right, and 14) passed. Guess things don't always go as planned.
I'm sorry to hear about your beloved dog member. IDSC_0363.JPG hope you guys can move on happily with the memories of him. My Vesla bird dog Penny had a oopsy litter with my pyrenese male last winter and not 2 months later she died. It was middle winter and couldn't bury her so I took her to a mtn top on my snowmobile and found a nice tree that overlooked the whole valley over to the Sangres and rock buried her there under the tree. She was also a beloved dog member who I took everywhere with me in the mtns on all my adventures. I feel for you in this hard time. Memories make me smile as they will you and your wife. DSC_0113.JPG
And the hits keep coming literally . Daughter in law was sideswiped by a bmw last night on her way to pick up my grandson from daycare. 3 lane one way road she was in the middle lane this ahole came up the left lane from behind swerved because someone was making a left. He was going so fast in 30mph zone his car climbed up hers and flipped . Witnesses all claimed he was doing at least double and was swerving all over to pass other cars . She is fine her actual words were I didn’t feel anything just heard a loud scrapping noise . Ahole who was driving the BMW got two tickets speed unreasonable and imprudent and reckless endangerment. Hers is the white Toyota 861227A1-C1DF-4B63-B880-CB24896D9886.jpeg17C8A18C-FE2B-4804-957A-886AA586402B.jpeg
And the hits keep coming . Daughter in law was sideswiped by a bmw last night on her way to pick up my grandson from daycare. 3 lane one way road she was in the middle lane this ahole came up the left lane from behind swerved because someone was making a left. He was going so fast in 30mph zone his car climbed up hers and flipped . Witnesses all claimed he was doing at least double and was swerving all over to pass other cars . She is fine he actual words were I didn’t feel anything just heard a loud scrapping noise . Ahole was driving a BMW got two tickets speed unreasonable and imprudent and reckless endangerment. Hers is the white Toyota View attachment 959660View attachment 959661
Only 2 tix and he's upside 🙃 down ??? Crazy world. Glad she is ok.

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