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Want to Buy Sand Cast Contras - buy or trade

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Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Central Indiana
I am looking for sand cast Contra/Lightning chainsaws to add to my collection. To be clear, this would be machines in the serial number range 82017-86585. I am particularly interested in a saw with a number in the 84633-84832 range.

I'm willing to pay a fair price (determined by the seller), or I also have some trade options that include 090G, Skil 1690, Champ Universal, 041G. I'm a serious buyer and looking for serious sellers. If you have a sand cast you'd consider parting with, please decide what your price or trade option(s) would be and let me know. If we can work something out we certainly will.

I'm also interested in partial sand cast saws or sand cast parts. Also willing to pay a fair price for those or I have some nice 090G parts for potential trade.

Please PM me if you have anything. Thank you.
The sand casts are tough to locate but are out there. I wish I could find another myself.
I want to get my hands on as many as I can! I also try to get information on them any time I find folks who have them. They has some unique features and markings that I track and try to put some rhyme or reason to. The sand casts are a hardcore passion of mine and I try to document them as best I can since there is so little information out there about them. To date I've either seen in person or in photos around 35 sand casts and have been able to gather information on quite a few of them.
Do you have any threads started here with any of your documentation?
Not yet. Truth is, I haven't posted on this forum in quite some time. Most of my saw communication these days is based in a private Facebook group focusing on Stihl 1106 & 1109 series saws. I don't feel my sand cast info is to the point of being ready to share yet. What I've found in the past is that when unconfirmed information is posted publicly too early it gets terribly muddied with speculation and false information.
Guy local to me has two big Stihls listed - I’m not familiar enough with them to know if they fit with what you’re looking for, but you can take a look.

You must be up in my general neck of the woods, I'm up by Placerville. That guy seems to be pretty overpriced on most of his saws in my book, but I haven't seen enough G's or Contras to know whether those are as well.
You must be up in my general neck of the woods, I'm up by Placerville. That guy seems to be pretty overpriced on most of his saws in my book, but I haven't seen enough G's or Contras to know whether those are as well.
Yep, Auburn. He does put quite a premium on the ones he lists. Usually has a wide selection available. I heard from a couple of people that he gets his inventory from a tree company he used to work for.
I failed to re-read my original post before replying. I no longer have the Skil 1690 or Champ Universal available for trade. That said, I'm not just looking to buy/trade for saws & parts. I am also interested in speaking with any sand cast owners I have not already been in contact with to get information about their saws.