Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I was glad we were coming out of Detroit yesterday and it was early, rather than up I-196. Dang Chicagoains' have no idea how to drive when it gets bad, and there was a mess....
Has anyone else been pleased there hasn't been any vermin in the thread lately?....
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St. Louisians are bad too. Pedal to the metal regardless of the weather conditions. Forget the speed limit.
Oh and the lack of vermin is good.... I just wish everyone would stop using filthy Four Letter Words like .... SNOW!! You guys up North can just keep your snow. Don't let it come down here!
I was glad we were coming out of Detroit yesterday and it was early, rather than up I-196. Dang Chicagoains' have no idea how to drive when it gets bad, and there was a mess from the Indiana border to I-196 when I drove through Thursday. The guy training me is 40yrs old, and if you had to ask me I'd say he's scare to drive in the snow, I've been pleased to drive the last half of the routes this week, especially thru the crud on I-94 and the ice in the thumb. Coming across 94 Thursday he said, yeah, you've done this before and went to sleep :laugh:. He was asleep when I went thru downtown Chicago too the first time I had driven a truck in 10yrs :oops:, guess he thought all the stories I told him were true:lol:.
Got the key to my truck yesterday, pics coming soon. That way I can stay on topic with some other stuff.
Has anyone else been pleased there hasn't been any vermin in the thread lately, some great pics of some awesome hunting season scrounges and bikes too:happy:. Sorry I have no pics of my old 500xr or my 250yz, we didn't have digital cameras back then :picture::laughing:. How about road bikes, anyone, sure there has to be a few in here.
I heard yesterday we set a record for snow, 7.5 inches, the previous was 7.1".
Yesterdays snow. Quite a bit overnight, I'd guess another 5-6".
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A small town north of Buffalo recorded 71.5 inches of snow ❄️ that just insane!!
Any of you buy tires online? I still need tires (car) for my trailer. I google my size and come up with some great prices from companies I've never heard of. Anyone know of reputable online companies?
Tire Rack is a decent place .
My 68 year old neighbor got a Blacktial similar to that not far from the road the day before muzzleloader season closed.👍 He was pretty excited because he doesn't make it out in the field much anymore. A very good hunter in his day, but now just can't move through the woods or pack like he use to.
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Happy hunting fellas! 👍
Good for him!!
Any of you buy tires online? I still need tires (car) for my trailer. I google my size and come up with some great prices from companies I've never heard of. Anyone know of reputable online companies?
I bought a set a few years ago from Simple Tire. Price was right, delivered to my door in 2 days.
My stepson lives in Buffalo . Where he is they got a little over 2ft and still snowing just south east of him over 70 inches . Pretty amazing that at times the north side of town gets an inch or two and the south side gets a few feet .
We are supposed to be leaving tomorrow to go to Albany for Thanksgiving. I may postpone the trip by a day depending on how much snow they get and how bad the roads are near the Buffalo area.

I sent Matt a message but I think they’re all up a deer camp right now. Maybe we could all get together for lunch later in the week if you guys are free?
I live in a tourist area and we do get a lot of out of towners from fishing opener through mid fall. Add another burst of snowmobilers once the ice and trails are safe.

My ex used to work at the grocery store and back in the day a lot of people would show up drunk from drinking along the 4 plus hour trip including the driver. That seems to have declined a little bit lately fortunately. Still have a lot of out of towners who think they can come up here and rules don’t apply and then go to the bars an act like idiots. That will never fully change but again it’s not as bad as it used to be.

One nice thing about there being no deer left is the amount of out of town Deer hunters has gone way down. It’s funny because anybody traveling from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area drive through the best area of hunting in the state long before they get to our barren land.
What happened to Global Warming?!!
Actually with the earth getting slightly warmer there will more severe storms . Just like the one that hit Buffalo if the temps rise the lakes won’t freeze or will freeze much later . It’s when the lakes freeze that the lake effect turns off .

New York has already seen the change in climate the growing season in the wine areas is now much longer . They were talking about it the other night on the local news
We are supposed to be leaving tomorrow to go to Albany for Thanksgiving. I may postpone the trip by a day depending on how much snow they get and how bad the roads are near the Buffalo area.

I sent Matt a message but I think they’re all up a deer camp right now. Maybe we could all get together for lunch later in the week if you guys are free?
State of emergency as of today . 90 is Shut down causing all the traffic to get stuck in side roads state road 20 is now impassible with all the trucks stuck
Sorry I have no pics of my old 500xr or my 250yz, we didn't have digital cameras back then :picture::laughing:. How about road bikes, anyone, sure there has to be a few in here.
I've been riding my Sportster the most,


I also have a Yamaha XS650 twin,


and a couple Goldwings.

How about road bikes, anyone, sure there has to be a few in here.

I've got one of them too...2019 Yamaha mt09. I'm debating on doing suspension work to it, or just buying a dedicated sport bike. The motor is a crossplane triple and the throttle is addicting on it...suspension though, not so much.

