My splitter has some old tires in rough shape that won't hold air fir very long. So I will not been using it that much until I get the new rims and tires on it.
These are the tools I've been using for the last couple of weeks to split my scrounge. I break the rounds down into quarters out in the woods. Then load'em and haul'em.
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Remember this snag?
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My neighbor didn't haul it all out of the woods. He's retired, starts sip'n early and naps a lot. Shortly after I got home from camp. I asked him if he got all this snag out of the woods. He told me "no, I haven't had the time"

But I know he's just to proud to say his saw isn't big enough and he's to crippled up to do the work by himself. So I'll be scrounging the rest of it up for him as I can these next couple weeks.
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I scrounged up this four round load fir him late this afternoon.
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Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!