Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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The .50 also has enough lead in it's ass to pierce much heavier or thicker materials at far further distance's as well. 👍

In Iraq they told us to stop using it for warning shots because of its distance. The round could punch through a wall miles away, and no one would know where it came from.
My favorites for kindling is a chunk of clear grain black locust and the hydraulic splitter. Can turn out a bucket full in short order

I also like the splitter for making kindling, I made almost double this amount today. My wife pointed out that our kindling container was almost empty. This is pine and cedar.

Nah, I've had my fill of idiots in the snow. Had plenty of near misses when I was plowing at the township. People really are stupid. Oh it's a bug truck thay weighs 64klbs... let's creap so far up his arse he can't see us.... yeah oh joy. But you hit my mail box! No the snow hit your mailbox and the post is clearly rotten. But you broke it. Yoir mail box is also too far into the road, federal guidelines state it should be off the road surface (can't remember anymore) inches, and your post is against the blacktop with the box protruding onto the road surface.
He let's drive Down this heavily drifted road in my prious and hope I don't get stuck.... oh I'm stuck, here comes the plow truck. (Stands in middle of road like an idiot) hey can you pull me out? No, I'll call a tow truck for you. Oh no it's OK I'll get my buddy to pull me out. No we're in a state of emergency and you car is blocking am emergency access road. Oh its ok my friend will be here in 15 minuets. Why were your pit tonight? Needed a pack of smokes. (at 3am) tow truck will be here in 2 minuets..... enjoy your fines....
Yep, seen them all. Even Watched some pretty good ones trying to go up hills I didn't plow yet. If I can't make it up a hill with a 10wheeler, tire chains, both rears locked together and side to side (with a full load of salt) your pickup isn't going to make it either. Yep, nice thing now is, I just call off work and play in it at home. Screw that.

Yeah, the idiots come out in force here when it snows. Some of the locals are pretty bad...the worst are the people that come up from the SF Gay Area to go skiing/snowboarding. They're a danger to others in perfect conditions, let alone in the snow, on a steep and twisty mountain highway.

Sunday nights are like a war zone on the highway if we get any weather. They're all buzzed from too much wine at the resort and then do half a gazillion mph in their(insert luxury suv brand here) back down the mountain to the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes.
Sure wood like to get my hands on a hopped 500 and compare it to my hopped 661. Either of my 661's walk all over my 660, but the 660 is pretty much stalk. I cut with a guy that has a couple 500's at his home down south. Up here he was running a 661 and a 585 He told me a stock 500 didn't have the low end power and torque a stock 661 has. IMOP, other than a good chain. Low end torque is a must in the bigger wood. Especially when the tip is burried and pulling! 👍
Don’t know how it would compare to yours but this one looks like 9.4 hp for the 661 and 8.7 hp for the 500, both modded. Or you could go with the piped 661 for 11.4 hp 😉, I’m sure that wouldn’t get in the way, lol.
I also like the splitter for making kindling, I made almost double this amount today. My wife pointed out that our kindling container was almost empty. This is pine and cedar.

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Anymore we use very little kindling. Mama is home all day and keeps mr. fisher fed up good. On the rare occasion we don't have enough coals to get it to go, we use a cup full of wood pellets and a shot of alcohol to get it started. I do split one way down here and there and just put them in the stack with everything else. We can usually find one or two if we need it.
Nah, I've had my fill of idiots in the snow. Had plenty of near misses when I was plowing at the township. People really are stupid. Oh it's a bug truck thay weighs 64klbs... let's creap so far up his arse he can't see us.... yeah oh joy. But you hit my mail box! No the snow hit your mailbox and the post is clearly rotten. But you broke it. Yoir mail box is also too far into the road, federal guidelines state it should be off the road surface (can't remember anymore) inches, and your post is against the blacktop with the box protruding onto the road surface.
He let's drive Down this heavily drifted road in my prious and hope I don't get stuck.... oh I'm stuck, here comes the plow truck. (Stands in middle of road like an idiot) hey can you pull me out? No, I'll call a tow truck for you. Oh no it's OK I'll get my buddy to pull me out. No we're in a state of emergency and you car is blocking am emergency access road. Oh its ok my friend will be here in 15 minuets. Why were your pit tonight? Needed a pack of smokes. (at 3am) tow truck will be here in 2 minuets..... enjoy your fines....
Yep, seen them all. Even Watched some pretty good ones trying to go up hills I didn't plow yet. If I can't make it up a hill with a 10wheeler, tire chains, both rears locked together and side to side (with a full load of salt) your pickup isn't going to make it either. Yep, nice thing now is, I just call off work and play in it at home. Screw that.

I'll also mention some of the local residents. I live in an area that's just private backroads. We have a landowner's assn that is basically there to chipseal the roads every few years and to plow when it snows. The plow drivers are volunteers and mostly made up of retired guys.

There used to be one that would plow his way to the local gas station(the only store in the area,) and then pick himself up a 6 pack. He'd then plow the other roads until he needed another 6 pack, and then repeat the process. Anyway, we have signs up stating that parking on the roadside is prohibited during the winter months. There's always the lazy residents who don't want to shovel a 20' deep parking spot at the entrance of the driveway and just park on the roadside. The LOA will never tow cars or anything extreme like that, it's just a courtesy thing. Well Alchy the plow driver was a couple of 6 packs into his shift when he pushed 3 parked trucks/suvs into each other, bumper to bumper. I thought it was pretty funny, but he wasn't allowed to plow anymore.

From my understanding, big game are more concerned with artificial smells than natural ones such as urine, feces, and BO. I was always told it was better to be sweaty (IE a bit ripe) out in the woods than it was to smell like deodorant or cologne. Not sure if that holds true or not but we either used no deodorant or unscented hunting deodorant while deer hunting. We are a bit spoiled compared to most hunting camps as we have a sauna and use it every night. I cannot imagine these guys who go to deer camp for two weeks with no bath at all or using what we jokingly call a “PTA bath” ie sponge bath to wash the stinky parts.

From my limited perspective on the subject, bear and wolves are more touchy about smell than whitetail. Lots and lots of stories about old guys chain smoking cigarettes all day in the deer stand and always shooting a deer.
Seems this would fit here.......... I drink coffee all day in the woods yet get deer every year.
My easiest buck was a couple of years ago. I headed to the stand and halfway there realized I forgot my binoculars. Turned around and came back and got them. By this time it was 7:30. 50 yards to the stand and a little spike buck stepped out of the woods and into the cornfield. Didn't want to spook him so I waited. Heard the corn rustling and thought it was him. Turned out to be this guy. He was 6 rows away (180") when I shot him at 7:45.View attachment 1033123
My 68 year old neighbor got a Blacktial not far from the road the day before muzzleloader season closed that's rack is similar to your Whitetail's. 👍 He was pretty excited because he doesn't make it out in the field much anymore. A very good hunter in his day, but now just can't move through the woods or pack like he use to.

Happy hunting fellas! 👍
In 2019 I only went out twice. With the Crossbow I got a 7 pt buck, with the Rifle (30-06) I got a 8 pt buck.

I'm sure it will never happen again, and I'm kicking myself for missing that nice buck with the Crossbow this year my first real time out.

My Crossbow season is over for this year, and I'm leaving today to go to the cabin for opening day tomorrow.

I just hope my "blown" opportunity will not be the only one I get this year, but sometimes it goes like that!
I passed on two pretty decent bucks this season and I am now regretting it. As the saying goes. "Don't pass on an animal on the first day that you're willing to take on the last day" I realize you didn't pass on your animal, but a good opportunity, blown or passed on. Is an opportunity none the less!
Good luck on your hunt tomorrow MustangM. Hope you tag out! 👍
Lol, at one point not so long ago, me, dad both brothers and once cousin all smoked. My other cousin said he could find anyone us from. The smoke smell. But he chewed Levi long leaf and spit like crazy. Wasn't anything to kill 2 or 3 packs in a day if I was staying in all day. We always saw deer and other wild life, always came home with a few tagged.
I will say the Coyotes are pretty keen on scents they arnt used to. I swear they know yardage and what I can't shoot through too.
Kodiak Bear don't like smoke at all! It is a standard well known rule. "No fires in bear camp or any other time or place while hunting bear"! You want to run every Brown Bear out of the area your hunting? Build a fire! No thanks. Cold camp only! Don't believe me? Ask Pinell and Talifson! 🤔☝️ If they were STIHL alive.
I'm sure it had a lot to do with age and length of time the slime was in use. It's clearly stated on the bottle and the link its a 2 year life span.
Well that's good to know, because if I use it, it works, and I can't afford to replace the tires in two years? I may either have to get use to splitting by hand again until the end of my day's, or consider a more profitable profession! 😂🤣👍
My splitter has some old tires in rough shape that won't hold air fir very long. So I will not been using it that much until I get the new rims and tires on it.

These are the tools I've been using for the last couple of weeks to split my scrounge. I break the rounds down into quarters out in the woods. Then load'em and haul'em.👍View attachment 1033039

Remember this snag?View attachment 1033037

My neighbor didn't haul it all out of the woods. He's retired, starts sip'n early and naps a lot. Shortly after I got home from camp. I asked him if he got all this snag out of the woods. He told me "no, I haven't had the time" 🤣😂😉 But I know he's just to proud to say his saw isn't big enough and he's to crippled up to do the work by himself. So I'll be scrounging the rest of it up for him as I can these next couple weeks. 👍View attachment 1033043View attachment 1033045

I scrounged up this four round load fir him late this afternoon.
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Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!
Good for you! I like to read stories like this, people helping a neighbour.... Rarely arms to happen in suburban London so I like to be reminded people can be nice!
I passed on two pretty decent bucks this season and I am now regretting it. As the saying goes. "Don't pass on an animal on the first day that you're willing to take on the last day" I realize you didn't pass on your animal, but a good opportunity, blown or passed on. Is an opportunity none the less!
Good luck on you hunt tomorrow MustangM. Hope you tag out! 👍
I passed on a couple of small bucks the first week of the season.back in 2016. Didn't see anymore until the last day of archery. Thought I jinxed myself by doing that. Last day and last minute decision to go out for an hour or so.(to stay on topic :laugh: I had some firewood to sell that day).You can see i had on my good huntin gear. :surprised3: This was my first buck with the crossbow.
Decades ago I used something else in tires... I have no recollection of what it was but it was a similar product in the tubeless tire sealer category. When it came time to change the tubeless tires I cut a hole in the sidewall and dumped out as much of the liquid as I could and hosed it out before dismounting the tires with hand tools. That made things a lot less slippery to handle.

Slime is water soluble and contains rust and corrosion inhibitors so I don't worry about it, itself, hurting the rims. I had more problems with tube tires that apparently had moisture between the tube, tire and rim... I recall wire brushing rust off the "inside" of rims and also having several rim failures on outdoor power equipment and utility trailers when I was a kid...
I've used it in everything from splitters to quad tires, it's amazing stuff. Before I remove the tires to replace them after I wear them out I'll cut a hole in them and rinse them with water as you said, warm water works best if possible(it dissolves slime like sugar).
I first heard about it at a commercial truck tire shop when talking to the guy about my exmark mower having flats all the time. I happen to live about 8 min from there shop and he said bring it by and he'd hook me up. Three yrs later I had never even re-inflated the tires, been using it ever since. I buy it by the gallon and always have it in the basement.
Best save I had with it was a quad tire that had a slice in it an inch and a half long across the center of the tread. I was able to do what I needed with it until I found a deal on some new tires, as long as I didn't run over any obstacles that would open the slice up, but even then it would seal right back up after leaving a green spot on the ground :laugh: .
Meh, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Come to Northern Mi. during snowmobile season and try dodging all the Redbull and cocaine fueled ******** heading north in their 3/4 ton diesel pickups at 90 mph while towing their 8-place enclosed trailers.
I was glad we were coming out of Detroit yesterday and it was early, rather than up I-196. Dang Chicagoains' have no idea how to drive when it gets bad, and there was a mess from the Indiana border to I-196 when I drove through Thursday. The guy training me is 40yrs old, and if you had to ask me I'd say he's scare to drive in the snow, I've been pleased to drive the last half of the routes this week, especially thru the crud on I-94 and the ice in the thumb. Coming across 94 Thursday he said, yeah, you've done this before and went to sleep :laugh:. He was asleep when I went thru downtown Chicago too the first time I had driven a truck in 10yrs :oops:, guess he thought all the stories I told him were true:lol:.
Got the key to my truck yesterday, pics coming soon. That way I can stay on topic with some other stuff.
Has anyone else been pleased there hasn't been any vermin in the thread lately, some great pics of some awesome hunting season scrounges and bikes too:happy:. Sorry I have no pics of my old 500xr or my 250yz, we didn't have digital cameras back then :picture::laughing:. How about road bikes, anyone, sure there has to be a few in here.
I heard yesterday we set a record for snow, 7.5 inches, the previous was 7.1".
Yesterdays snow. Quite a bit overnight, I'd guess another 5-6".