Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Well its Northeast 30 out here on the Cape and rain.
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So I decided to finally Split the quartered wood in my yard
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and get it stacked in the arctic entrance.
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Although I don't use kindling that often. I try to pick up any small kindling size pieces in the area's on my property where I just happen to be splitting wood.
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Not much goes to waste or gets thrown away in rural or remote Alaska. So I save my used motor oil from all my equipment and vehicles and mix it into saw waste fir fire starter. View attachment 1033484

It works quit well! 👍Thats why I don't use kindling. If my wood is seasoned properly? I don't need it, but my Squaw likes to use kindling because she says my firestarter stinks! 🤔

How do you deal with your squaw, I mean scrounge?

Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!

I get my kindling as the scraps from a cabinet shop...I wouldn't bother with it, but it makes starting a fire super convenient. I keep a 50gal can full of the scrap on the front porch, I grab a handleful of it and 20 seconds with the butane torch, I have a fire.

We've only had 1 week that it was belligerently cold, so I just light a fire when I come in at night and let it die in the morning.
Yes I read the whole story, and I never said the neighbors were right in having the deer, but any dog that isn't home, has strayed, and around here if it's hunting/killing it's shot. You don't have to agree, but that's the way it is.

Keep them home....problem solved!

Accidents happen, but feeding wildlife isn't an accident. 🤷‍♂️
I would hope if one of my dogs or both were running lose and one my neighbors saw them? That they would call me or stop by to let me know that my dog is loose before they made any assumptions and just shot it like an A**h**e That being said. Any of my neighbors would let me know because I've got awesome neighbors! 😉🇺🇸👍
I would hope if one of my dogs or both were running lose and one my neighbors saw them? That they would call my or stop by to let me know that my dog is loose before they made any assumptions and just shot it like an A**h**e That being said. Any of my neighbors would let me know because I've got awesome neighbors! 😉🇺🇸👍
Same thing would happen here, IF they aren't hunting/killing another animal.

I would hope if one of my dogs or both were running lose and one my neighbors saw them? That they would call my or stop by to let me know that my dog is loose before they made any assumptions and just shot it like an A**h**e That being said. Any of my neighbors would let me know because I've got awesome neighbors! 😉🇺🇸👍
Yep same here. Last time I saw a dog running around on my property, I walked her back over to my neighbors house where she came from and let him know that he probably had a hole in the fence. He's generally got a bomb-proof fence, but stuff happens.

We used to have a guy in the area that would shoot on site...he quickly ostracized himself from all the neighbors and nobody would give him the time of day. It may not be a big deal in some places, but here it can be...get your truck stuck in the snow or something like that? If they like you, you'll end up with several people out with shovels. Burn some bridges, and people are just going to watch you struggle. I can't imagine burning bridges with neighbors up in some place like where you live...not good.
Yep same here. Last time I saw a dog running around on my property, I walked her back over to my neighbors house where she came from and let him know that he probably had a hole in the fence. He's generally got a bomb-proof fence, but stuff happens.

We used to have a guy in the area that would shoot on site...he quickly ostracized himself from all the neighbors and nobody would give him the time of day. It may not be a big deal in some places, but here it can be...get your truck stuck in the snow or something like that? If they like you, you'll end up with several people out with shovels. Burn some bridges, and people are just going to watch you struggle. I can't imagine burning bridges with neighbors up in some place like where you live...not good.
I Know you are trying to single me out with a negative comment, but I said "around here", and this is farm country, folks don't like dogs killing animals, folks have lost calves to stray dogs, so include my neighbors with the shooting of stray dogs! lol

I pulled the motor out of my BSM, it needed the valves adjusted, it has exhaust leaks and maybe a bad switch, so I moved it to my basement to work on.


It's nice and warm in my basement so I can just take my time and get it all fixed up!

hope you folks up north are being careful out on all the snowy roads....
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This make me remember a few years ago, I was out plowing the back 40, basically in no man's land. Snow jet falling harder and harder. Got to the point where I just stopped the truck cause I couldn't see. About a half hour later it kept up enough I could continue on my route. Came around a turn and realized I plowed about 1/3 of the lane I was in and 2/3 the field next to the road.... straight down to the dirt. Ended up going back that spring to fix my f-up. Property owner didn't begrudge me too much.
Yeah, I've never encouraged nor condoned dogs doing that sort of thing. That particular dog wasn't allowed to leave the fence without being on leash, just because her prey drive was so high...even though we lived in a rural area, it wasn't cool to just let the dogs roam.

I don't have dogs anymore, but my last dog (different dog,GSD/border collie mix) was well trained. I could walk her off leash could see that she wanted to chase animals, but wouldn't do anything without permission. The few times she did start to run, she could be recalled easily. In her case, I think it was more of a herding thing rather than trying to kill animals.

I did have one incident where a doe jumped inside the fence that I didn't know about. My dog would basically corner it into this fence/woodshed area...when the deer would try to leave that spot, my dog would push it back into it...she never did do anything to intentionally harm it. Once I came down to where the deer was, she basically backed off as to say it was my problem now. It was quite bizarre, as I never formally trained her to herd, just the genes in those particular dogs. She did that to a barn cat I had as well, she'd occupy herself with making sure the cat didn't wander too far from the shop.

The whole wild animal thing is kinda outta wack here. There are quite a few people who feed the deer, so the deer have no fear of seems as if they don't even care about natural predators. Along with the abundance of deer, we also now have an abundance of mountain lions. Now people are bitching about how common lion sightings are and think we should be out hunting lions.

I'm not a lefty greenie type guy by any means, but IMO this is just nature trying to correct an imbalance caused by us. If people would stop providing an unnatural amount of food and water, maybe the deer population would migrate back out into the backcountry...and bring the lions with them? Hunters would actually benefit as well, as the deer would actually be out in the public land.
My Shepard will run a deer off the property, she won't kill or even attempt to harm them. Stops dead at the property line or if I call her off. Can't stand a dog that doest listen.
I would hope if one of my dogs or both were running lose and one my neighbors saw them? That they would call my or stop by to let me know that my dog is loose before they made any assumptions and just shot it like an A**h**e That being said. Any of my neighbors would let me know because I've got awesome neighbors! 😉🇺🇸👍
Last neighbor that shot a dog, nearly got shot himself. Actually there was a stand off between the two neighbors and the cops. I won't lie, the jerk neighbor that everyone Hates got off easy, just like normal. Really as many jerk things he's done over the years I wouldn't lift a finger to help him one bit. As a matter of fact I stop plowing the lane at my property line because he's such an arse.
I pulled the motor out of my BSM, it needed the valves adjusted, it has exhaust leaks and maybe a bad switch, so I moved it to my basement to work on.


It's nice and warm in my basement so I can just take my time and get it all fixed up!

If it's an exhaust leak because of bad manifold gaskets, find some 1/8" dead soft aluminum or copper sheet (copper is better) make some new gaskets and add a very thin layer of copper rtv to each side. Once it's all set up they will never leak again.
I Know you are trying to single me out with a negative comment, but I said "around here", and this is farm country, folks don't like dogs killing animals, folks have lost calves to stray dogs, so include my neighbors with the shooting of stray dogs! lol

I'm not trying to single you out. If I had animals and I saw a dog(or insert predatory animal) harassing them, I'd probably take what steps are necessary to protect them...but we're talking about deer. I'm not for indiscriminate killing of deer, but we have a problem with deer here because of people feeding them...they even hand out depridation permits because of it. Taking a shot at a dog harassing deer isn't worth whatever trouble might come to me of it IMO.

This really isn't farming country, but more timblerland...we are surrounded by private timberland and national forest land...there are actually quite a bit of cattle, but they are basically free-range through private and federal grazing leases...not so much dogs, but I'm sure a bunch of the calves fall prey to mountain lions. They unload the cattle in late spring and then come back to round them up around the time the first snow flies.
If it's an exhaust leak because of bad manifold gaskets, find some 1/8" dead soft aluminum or copper sheet (copper is better) make some new gaskets and add a very thin layer of copper rtv to each side. Once it's all set up they will never leak again.
The tabs that the bolts go through are bent, there's quite a gap to the head. I'm going to heat them and bend them flatter and then flatten the whole surface.

Well first day of rifle season been hunting a nice 8 pointer on my friends farm . Got there early this am saw nothing all day not even a doe . So around 3 I drag out the chainsaw and cut some RTB wood . Loaded and left and at the end of the 400ft driveway there is my deer on the grass under the farm sign . Someone hit him both front legs were twisted and mangled . Such a shame . A67A21C7-819B-4DF3-B1C4-5CD2C58FE91B.jpeg
But I managed a nice load of wood C6CBAF9D-A25E-4ED5-97DE-19890D4AA202.jpeg46971F78-937E-4142-B753-8DE6634CF2F0.jpeg10788E4F-2B74-4EC8-ACAA-367DFA1C92DD.jpeg
Well first day of rifle season been hunting a nice 8 pointer on my friends farm . Got there early this am saw nothing all day not even a doe . So around 3 I drag out the chainsaw and cut some RTB oak and hickory . Loaded and left and at the end of the 400ft driveway there is my deer on the grass under the farm sign . Someone hit him both front legs were twisted and mangled . Such a shame . View attachment 1033493
But I managed a nice load of wood View attachment 1033494View attachment 1033495View attachment 1033496
I hope you butchered him? Shame, he's a nice looking buck. Rifle season is around the corner here and were seeing more and more hit on the road I have a lot of state game lands around my place and the activity in the woods has gone through the roof again, that and archey being in season the deer are moving like crazy.
I hope you butchered him? Shame, he's a nice looking buck. Rifle season is around the corner here and were seeing more and more hit on the road I have a lot of state game lands around my place and the activity in the woods has gone through the roof again, that and archey being in season the deer are moving like crazy.
No in NY you need the proper tag to harvest roadkill . In my experience it’s not worth the trouble most of the meat will be bloodshot .
No in NY you need the proper tag to harvest roadkill . In my experience it’s not worth the trouble most of the meat will be bloodshot .
Thats too bad, it's a quick call to the GW they take some info down, you drop the rack off or (if they have time) they will come and get it from you. I've gotten a lot of good meat from road kills in the past. You can afford to be picky in those circumstances, kept meat on the table for years. There's even a list you can get put on for pick ups. I don't have the time to run around and get them since starting at the park, so I haven't signed up in the past 2 years.
Yep same here. Last time I saw a dog running around on my property, I walked her back over to my neighbors house where she came from and let him know that he probably had a hole in the fence. He's generally got a bomb-proof fence, but stuff happens.

We used to have a guy in the area that would shoot on site...he quickly ostracized himself from all the neighbors and nobody would give him the time of day. It may not be a big deal in some places, but here it can be...get your truck stuck in the snow or something like that? If they like you, you'll end up with several people out with shovels. Burn some bridges, and people are just going to watch you struggle. I can't imagine burning bridges with neighbors up in some place like where you live...not good.
Dealing with the exact same dog killer issue here in Utah. We live in a 1 acre lot neighborhood. New guy shot our friends family pet that wandered onto their lawn. Super friendly dog no threat to anything. Guy shot the dog and said i warned him. Next time anyone in his family needs any help for anything he will be completely ghosted. And yeah illegal to discharge a fire arm in our area. Makes my blood boil!
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Probably the only one I will get this year. I usually try to take 2 per season but, I just found out I have Kidney cancer and will be having surgery in a few weeks. I have 4 more similar size deer coming to my feeder, not counting the does. I also found out my firewood scrounger makes a great deer hauler.
I had it 5yr ago and it was tough. I won't lie to you. I'm still kicking not as high as I used to but I'm 65yrs old.

Just take care of yourself and get away from the Drs as quick as possible..
Good luck
Yes I read the whole story, and I never said the neighbors were right in having the deer, but any dog that isn't home, has strayed, and around here if it's hunting/killing it's shot. You don't have to agree, but that's the way it is.

Keep them home....problem solved!

When we moved into our house we got a welcome to the township newsletter for our mostly rural township that included a small section on dogs. It basically said if you let your dog run wild, expect it to get shot.

Edit: This township does have a lot of hobby farms with livestock/pets. I believe that was mentioned in the newsletter as well. I'm sure there are guys that would shoot on sight, but most would be protecting their own investment. Or a known problem animal. I know that if a dog attacked me it would not get a second chance.
Okay 9 pages. I'm caught up. Was cold as heck at the cabin mostly cause the wind was howling the whole time. It should only take about 4000 BTU's to heat my cabin cause its only 200 sq.feet but It was hard to keep it warm even running 12,000 BTU's. I survived thankfully. Had to slow to almost a stop on the way home for a big doe that decided it needed to cross the hyway right in front of me.