Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Dropped a killer 27" dead Ash today at my daughters. This one had a good 5% list out towards the road and overhead wires. The tractor and logging winch came out to play to make sure it didn't end up in the road.There was a Pine tree growing on the other side towards the house. Of course all the dead Ash branches were on the opposite side of this tree and a Cherry tree on the other side of the Ash. I had only one place to drop it. I knew all hell was going to break off when this came down. Glad I know when to move. All the fallen branches were on the side where I was cutting from. That vertical branch was part of this tree.


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I load it at 10 pm and it will still be throwing heat at 9 am . My old stove which was bigger would be done around 7 am

I ordered it with the blower option
Very nice. My Osburn will run from 11-6 if I chuck it full. I can just pull the coals forward and load it up again.
I like a sharpe looking saw. Especially if its a modified stock hot rod saw! They definitely turn heads. How did you dye the plastics and what kind of dye? Dose the dye scratch off exposing the orange again?

I used the Rit dye, I think it's for dyeing fabrics, but works well enough for plastic...I found a recipe on Youtube, but can share it if you're ever interested. Basically you mix the dye, water, and some other things in a 12qt pot you don't care about and bring it to a boil. Dip the plastics for a cumulative time of 15 minutes(5minutesx3 dippings.) End result looks like my plastics.

The best part about them, is the dye seeps into the if you scratch them, the scratch is still the same color as the dye. I purposely gouged a deep scratch on the underside of the cover, still black. I mixed black and a "graphite" color to get a bit of a sheen on it...the graphite color almost makes it a bit metallic looking.
Very nice. My Osburn will run from 11-6 if I chuck it full. I can just pull the coals forward and load it up again.
That's what I do with Mr Fisher. I always keep a huge chunk aside for bed time. Always coals left in the morning.
I went through that one at a tech school, Syracuse U. Got up in the morning and no sight of any cars. Flat snow covered area where the parking lot was. I don't recall the amount but only here and there ione could see an aerial sticking up. It was a week before everything was back to normal. 4 days before we could even get out of the parking lot and then only because we residents had shoved dthe street and dug out all the cars.
Blizzard of 78 was like that here in Mass.
I went through that one at a tech school, Syracuse U. Got up in the morning and no sight of any cars. Flat snow covered area where the parking lot was. I don't recall the amount but only here and there ione could see an aerial sticking up. It was a week before everything was back to normal. 4 days before we could even get out of the parking lot and then only because we residents had shoved dthe street and dug out all the cars.
I went to RIT in Rochester NY. Terrible lake effect snow. You could go into a one-hour class when there was not a cloud in the sky and come out into a blizzard!

The wind often got so strong it would stop you in your tracks. When the snowplow went through, all the snow would be blown back into the road before the plow disappeared from sight.

I remember all the roads in the County being closed for 3 days, and there were reports of people freezing to death in their stuck cars.
There was about an inch of snow on the ground when we got up to the cabin on Friday, and it snowed a little several more times when we were up there, including a little blizzard on Sunday that included 50 MPH winds and full white out conditions, but luckily it only lasted a half hour.

The first night I loaded the stove with Black Birch, as it is the highest BTU wood up there. Keep in mind my cabin is 20' X 24' two stories high, and uninsulated (it just has plywood walls). It burned so hot that it was almost too hot inside even with temps in the mid-teens, but it did not last long and needed new wood 4 hours later. Maybe the stove needs to be chocked down much more when burning that stuff, but we went back to burning the Black Cherry. It does not have the BTU rating of Ash or Black Birch, but it keeps coals for a long time and puts out good steady heat for quite a while.
Last year there were 6 of us, this year we had 9, and I had to turn some away! My cabin is getting popular. We all saw deer, but my 13 year old grandson was the only one to fire a shot, and he took a doe with one of my 30-06s offhand. If fact this year we had more deer sign and less coyote sign (almost none) than we have had in years. There are also two different bears (one medium size and one big one) crossing my property. One of them went 30 yds away from our cabin between Fri night and Sat morning.

We also saw a few (very few) grouse tracks, but no turkey tracks!

It was a nice adventure, and several of us are trying to find time to return before the season is over.

(Last year - me, my daughter, my niece, my brother, MechanicMatt, and his daughter)

(This year - MechanicMatt, his BIL, his daughter, his nephew, his sister, my brother, me, my grandson, my daughter)


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My grandson is prohibited from hunting from a tree stand in NY due to his age, but that was OK.

A buck up there played some games with us. I did a push toward my daughter's stand, and less than 5 minutes later he crosses the trail cam in the same place I did.

Later that day my daughter and I go still hunting and make a big oblong circle (we pushed a doe out). On the way back to the cabin, we see fresh tracks. We follow them and we see that he was following us and walked right in our tracks!

I think next time up one of us is going to hide behind a tree while the other one keeps going.


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We just gave away a bunch of old, dried out cedar fence boards on CL, after taking out an old fence at family member’s house.

Assumed someone would want it for some craft use. Was happy not to haul it. But if no one took it, they probably would have made it to the firewood pile!


G'day fellers, stihl catching up on things because I've been out actually scrounging. Our house was made of cedar but left to deteriorate for 30 years before we bought it and we are currently renovating. Since I have ample destructive skills (but few constructive), the recladding project has yielded about a decade's worth of kindling which is good - especially since we are stihl lighting fires in November.

Anyway, since you blokes have put up about 20 pages of stuff, you're going to have to wait until I catch up before I post about my weekend. @dancan once told me that you like pics...well, you've been warned. And make sure you free up some bandwidth for some hardcore wheelbarrow action! :surprised3:
Good morning. Last day of deer season here. I’ve been out for at least an hour every day and haven’t seen a deer since the seventh. Was really hoping my son would get a shot at one but I don’t think it’s going to happen. The DNR still has the gall to post that “bad weather and too much logging” is the reason why we don’t have any deer up here and will not mention wolves.
One more week here. Got one on Sunday. Still have unlimited CWD tags to fill
My grandson is prohibited from hunting from a tree stand in NY due to his age, but that was OK.

A buck up there played some games with us. I did a push toward my daughter's stand, and less than 5 minutes later he crosses the trail cam in the same place I did.

Later that day my daughter and I go still hunting and make a big oblong circle (we pushed a doe out). On the way back to the cabin, we see fresh tracks. We follow them and we see that he was following us and walked right in our tracks!

I think next time up one of us is going to hide behind a tree while the other one keeps going.
I always tell the guys to watch their back trail when we go out moving deer. We've gotten more than one that tried to sneak around us from behind.
Good dry oak burns hot even on low . Really very satisfied with the stove I would highly recommend it to anyone .
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Lowest setting and it’s at 500 degrees . The stove works so well at removing the heat the flue temp is 250 this is the way it burns all winter. And there is hardly anything in the flue come spring cleaning View attachment 1033819View attachment 1033820
Single wall pipe or a probed double wall? My double wall reads 2-300 with an ir thermo most of the time.

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