Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I would if that was really his name. That's obviously not his name. That's my cousin, and I just put his name into my phone like that, because my phone announces out loud the caller I.D. when somebody is calling me, and I thought it would be funny when if he called me my phone would say out loud "Willy Nailer"! LOL.
Nice, I totally missed the double meaning!
I always try to only remember the date of birth, not the date of death.

Always keep the glass half full, not half empty.

And like I tell my wife about the dogs ... remember all the good times we had with them, not the day we had to put them down.

There are always many more good days than bad ones.
Very good advice! I admit that is something I struggle with at times.
So, do you have to have your load covered at bed height for weight or legal reasons? Just wondering why you don’t load higher than the bed rails…and then cover with a tarp.

Yes, for legal reasons on public roads when coming home. The state revenue raisers highway patrol never let you off with a warning if you have an unsecured load. Also, the ranger has a soft tonneau cover which is rolled back for the photo and I roll it down to come home. If I try to load higher, wood moving forward can damage it when it's rolled back. So, yeah it would be nice to be able to take more at a time but I don't have to drive far so I just get a face cord at a time unless I'm in a part of the farm where I can easily get the trailer.
learned something again about the MS400. It will NOT tolerate and error in mixing gas. I went out this morning to finish clearing away a down log and then, to celebrate Earth Day, fall a big tree. Usual problem getting the 400 started but it smoked badly on start up. 2nd start and it would idle but die at a tickle of the trhrottle. Manage to fight my way to cut up and stack the down log but then couild NOT geet it to even bark when It came time to fall the tree. Bottom line: 60 mile round trip to dealer who diagnosed "Too much oil in mix". Odd as I had just made a new 2.5 gal mix in my new gas can with the clear sight glass to tell how much gas was in the can. Worked great but I obviously I had put in a can of 2.5 gal oil, but only 2 gallong of gas. Dealer said he cleaned it out, new plug and did a "reset" - whatever that is but it is the MTronic carb.

Tree will come down tomorrow morning if the weather cooperates.
You need to put Cowlad on a preseason training schedule a month or two before you need him (lol). Kind of like pro athletes do. That way, you'll be able to take it a little easy and let him do the work.

Getting him to do anything without groaning is a challenge ATM. Although he did say yesterday that he wanted to use the chainsaw. I've been wary of this as he is impulsive and can go from being timid to being way overconfident very quickly. Besides, I don't have the time to babysit him through learning to use a chainsaw at the moment. I'm thinking of maybe taking him to get his formal chainsawing ticket - one of the first things they show you are some of the gory pictures of what can happen if you're careless so he might get the message that way.
I rotary cut them out and then keep the spot mowed, that keeps them out and it's easy to do.

I'm betting some 2-4-D with a little diesel in it will kill them.

Does brush hogging and mowing kill it off, or just keep it in check? I'm looking at 30-40 acres to maintain, so that would require bigger tractors and implements than I have at my disposal.
learned something again about the MS400. It will NOT tolerate and error in mixing gas. I went out this morning to finish clearing away a down log and then, to celebrate Earth Day, fall a big tree. Usual problem getting the 400 started but it smoked badly on start up. 2nd start and it would idle but die at a tickle of the trhrottle. Manage to fight my way to cut up and stack the down log but then couild NOT geet it to even bark when It came time to fall the tree. Bottom line: 60 mile round trip to dealer who diagnosed "Too much oil in mix". Odd as I had just made a new 2.5 gal mix in my new gas can with the clear sight glass to tell how much gas was in the can. Worked great but I obviously I had put in a can of 2.5 gal oil, but only 2 gallong of gas. Dealer said he cleaned it out, new plug and did a "reset" - whatever that is but it is the MTronic carb.

Tree will come down tomorrow morning if the weather cooperates.
Um, it will. I can confirm it doesn't care 50 to 1 to 25 to 1. 40 to 1 is what I normally run.
Good scrounge the other day. Came home and a guy on our street had a IBC tote for free. How could I say no.
Smoked up a corned beef flat yesterday, 5 hours @275 I shot it with apple juice and wrapped it with pickling spice. That's the spice pack the comes with some corned beef. Nice flat cut with a good smoke ring.
corned beef smoked.jpgibc #2.jpg
Had a busy day today. Moved a shed, cut down 3 dead aspens and 4 ash trees. I used the 400 and the(as Chipper calls it) the Japanese power wedge. The ash trees were leaning into the woods so I did the back cut, set a wedge, cut the face cut and pulled them over. 20230422_100621.jpg20230422_150634.jpg20230422_151302.jpg20230422_152736.jpg20230422_155104.jpg20230422_154822.jpg20230422_155159.jpg20230422_164456.jpg20230422_165404.jpg
Busy day...lots of pics!
It drives my wife crazy, but I tend to hoard things I think I may need in the future. I've been known to find a use for things I've had stashed away for over 20 years.

I've collected a lot of reloading brass, little by little, over the past few decades, often shot by others who don't reload. I collected 30-06 brass before I had a 30-06, or the 338-06 because I figured someday, I may have use for it.

Today, I went through a lot of the 223/5.56 brass I've collected over the years, putting the military stuff aside and sorting the 223 marked brass by manufacturer.

I've already loaded 250 rounds of "used" 223 brass and have another 400. With everything being so hard to get, I'm glad I have it.

Most of it is Federal (265), Remington (130), Winchester (120), Norma (85) and about 50 assorted lesser brands.

I guess what triggered me to go through this stuff is I recently went to both the Cabela's and Midway USA websites and neither of them had any 30-06 brass for sale and I was shocked! Good thing I really didn't need it! I still have lots of it (new + used) that I have not used yet. Ditto for the 220 and 270 WSM (mostly new unused brass for those two cartridges purchased years ago). Although I've found a little used 270 WSM, I've never found any used 220 Swift brass.
It drives my wife crazy, but I tend to hoard things I think I may need in the future. I've been known to find a use for things I've had stashed away for over 20 years.
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Same at my house. I make it a production to let her know when I use something that I've saved for 20 years instead of buying new.
learned something again about the MS400. It will NOT tolerate and error in mixing gas. I went out this morning to finish clearing away a down log and then, to celebrate Earth Day, fall a big tree. Usual problem getting the 400 started but it smoked badly on start up. 2nd start and it would idle but die at a tickle of the trhrottle. Manage to fight my way to cut up and stack the down log but then couild NOT geet it to even bark when It came time to fall the tree. Bottom line: 60 mile round trip to dealer who diagnosed "Too much oil in mix". Odd as I had just made a new 2.5 gal mix in my new gas can with the clear sight glass to tell how much gas was in the can. Worked great but I obviously I had put in a can of 2.5 gal oil, but only 2 gallong of gas. Dealer said he cleaned it out, new plug and did a "reset" - whatever that is but it is the MTronic carb.

Tree will come down tomorrow morning if the weather cooperates.

Nope. I did put 2.5 gal gas and a 2.5 gal in the can. I must have poured bar oil in the gas tank. I have never done that....since the last time. In the past I have always caught the error before trying to tun it. This time I cannot recall doing it but it is the only way too much oil could have gotten in there.
G'day fellers,

I was out on the scrounge again today. I think I'm getting even stronger from holding this thread up too :muscle: .

Jumped the fence at Mitch's again today and came across a nice dry peppermint log which was obligingly off the ground. You can see it in this pic from the other day, mid-upper, slightly left, at the back of the logs, angled up to the left.

21st Apr 1.jpg

Major attribute was that it was pretty much dry, and also mostly solid.

23rd Apr 1.jpg

Only issue being that it was behind other logs and up a steeper hill than is apparent from this pic.

23rd Apr 2.jpg

Anyway, I chucked them over the other logs (having halved them so they didn't didn't roll down and destroy Mitch's fence) then lumped the rounds down and chucked them over.

23rd Apr 3.jpg

It's always a guess as to how much to cut to fill the ute and like my tendency at the dinner table, I over-estimated. Which meant that I had to do this.

23rd Apr 4.jpg

And this

23rd Apr 6.jpg

In addition to this

23rd Apr 50.jpg

Anyway, very happy with today's scrounge. Peppermint ready to burn is hard to beat.

Scrounge on :rock:
Nope. I did put 2.5 gal gas and a 2.5 gal in the can. I must have poured bar oil in the gas tank. I have never done that....since the last time. In the past I have always caught the error before trying to tun it. This time I cannot recall doing it but it is the only way too much oil could have gotten in there.

I imagine bar oil in the fuel would do it. That's one thing I've not done. I've done most of the other stupid things :dumb:
I spent some of the nasty winter weekends sorting and cleaning brass.

It drives my wife crazy, but I tend to hoard things I think I may need in the future. I've been known to find a use for things I've had stashed away for over 20 years.

I've collected a lot of reloading brass, little by little, over the past few decades, often shot by others who don't reload. I collected 30-06 brass before I had a 30-06, or the 338-06 because I figured someday, I may have use for it.

Today, I went through a lot of the 223/5.56 brass I've collected over the years, putting the military stuff aside and sorting the 223 marked brass by manufacturer.

I've already loaded 250 rounds of "used" 223 brass and have another 400. With everything being so hard to get, I'm glad I have it.

Most of it is Federal (265), Remington (130), Winchester (120), Norma (85) and about 50 assorted lesser brands.

I guess what triggered me to go through this stuff is I recently went to both the Cabela's and Midway USA websites and neither of them had any 30-06 brass for sale and I was shocked! Good think I really didn't need it! I still have lots of it (new + used) that I have not used yet. Ditto for the 220 and 270 WSM (mostly new unused brass for those two cartridges purchased years ago). Although I've found a little used 270 WSM, I've never found any used 220 Swift brass.
Nope. I did put 2.5 gal gas and a 2.5 gal in the can. I must have poured bar oil in the gas tank. I have never done that....since the last time. In the past I have always caught the error before trying to tun it. This time I cannot recall doing it but it is the only way too much oil could have gotten in there.
Only once so far I stopped cutting to fill up my saw and started putting bar oil in the mix tank. Realized my error before I tried starting the saw again. Didn't matter even after dumping the oil and filling it with mix, dumping that and filling it again. It wouldn't start. Ended up replacing the fuel filter. Who knew bar oil would plug up a fuel filter? I do now. I call it one of my stupid human tricks. :drinkingcoffee: