Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Scored a free saw doesn't run, but has compression. Original owner long term-loaned it to someone and it came back a year later, not running. He's of the age that his cutting days are behind him, so he figured I could make best use of it.

When I'm not busy on all the other projects I have going right now, I'll take a look at it. Even if it really is roached, it'll make a cool wall hanger at least.
Cut a bucket of firewood that went right to the woodshed for 24/25 season, the kids put it in there for us. When they were doing that I cut a couple more buckets worth up, no proof because my camera/phone was in the house. I also moved a few yards of dirt from the pond, it's really starting to look like a pond rather than someplace someone borrowed some dirt from lol.
I'll get some pictures later :).
Hope you all had a good day.
Everyone got plans for the weekend?
Cut a bucket of firewood that went right to the woodshed for 24/25 season, the kids put it in there for us. When they were doing that I cut a couple more buckets worth up, no proof because my camera/phone was in the house. I also moved a few yards of dirt from the pond, it's really starting to look like a pond rather than someplace someone borrowed some dirt from lol.
I'll get some pictures later :).
Hope you all had a good day.
Everyone got plans for the weekend?
Hope to haul a tree home I cut for a lady after the tornado a while back. No one ever took it and it's still in their yard.
Probably look at the black suburban's brakes as it still pulls hard left after getting the new 4x4 switch. It hasn't been driven much for a while so I may have some sticky caliper slides to address.
Cut a bucket of firewood that went right to the woodshed for 24/25 season, the kids put it in there for us. When they were doing that I cut a couple more buckets worth up, no proof because my camera/phone was in the house. I also moved a few yards of dirt from the pond, it's really starting to look like a pond rather than someplace someone borrowed some dirt from lol.
I'll get some pictures later :).
Hope you all had a good day.
Everyone got plans for the weekend?
Weekend?...šŸ¤£ Did the first teardown today...toasted crank bearing.
The other two, crushed, saws have good compression, lol
These saws were so abused I'm not sure how they ran at all. I'm hoping to make 2 good saws out of the pile + the needed new/used parts.
Gonna go buy a couple cases of "Awesome" at the dollar store tomorrow...
G'day fellers,

Bit of a gloomy day here but nothing that a bit of scrounging couldn't brighten up. Went back out to Will's farm today to help out Roscoe. Mrs Roscoe feels the cold and has mastered the art of shoving wood in the fire but has not yet worked out how to come out and assist in its collection.

Anyway, here's Limby with his new 25in bar. I remember those days :laughing: . I was initially disappointed that the old bar couldn't be rehabilitated but now I wonder if I might get extra street cred from having a non-Stihl bar on there. The original bar prolly cut somewhere in the vicinity of 40-50 cord of wood so I don't think it owed me anything.

27th May 1.jpg

I had Roscoe and his son Linc picking up all the dead tops that broke off to slice up on the sawhorse, then start splitting and loading the wood I cut on Wednesday.

27th May 2.jpg

Meanwhile, I selected a place on the trunk further up where I thought I might be able to get through without getting squashed. I wasn't convinced I could so made three cuts (from each side) then chunked out some of the wood of those two rounds.

27th May 3.jpg

Finally, I was satisfied I could get through without losing a limb by crushing and worked my way through.

27th May 4.jpg

Glad we had young Lincoln there because I didn't want to split this.

27th May 5.jpg

Alright, I split it since he is 14 and weighs about 80 pounds. Thank goodness peppermint is agreeable.

There's a lot of wood in this tree. Not sure it is quite as big as the Monstromint but it could be a 3-4 cord tree. Peppermint again. Termites love it too, unfortunately, but stihl large amounts of good wood in it.

27th May 6.jpg

I split chunks of these rounds while Roscoe and Linc worked on Wednesday's cutting.

27th May 7.jpg

There were two loads like this on Roscoe's trailer but he drove off with the first before I could take a pic. I don't think the single axle would take a full overloading. 8x5 ft trailer.

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And this in my trailer that I took around to his place.

27th May 9.jpg

So a satisfying scrounge. Prolly 4+ cubes into Ross's carport now, or a cord and a bit.

Scrounge on :rock:
....... There were two loads like this on Roscoe's trailer but he drove off with the first before I could take a pic. I don't think the single axel would take a full overloading. 8x5 ft trailer.....
That's about all I put in my SA 5x8 trailer. Any more and tires start to bulge.
...... Everyone got plans for the weekend?
Still working in the garden. Should finish up soon. We've been having pleasant weather, low temps/humidity, here in StL area. Long days. Haul more compost and mulch if I have the energy.
Zero turn has been leaking massive amounts of hydraulic oil for a while. Got a new carb on my pressure washer and cleaned it out yesterday. I'll start it up and investigate the problem sometime this weekend. It's a brand no longer manufactured in StL, but the place still may be a parts center.
On the plus side, BBQ, baseball games and cold beer all thread days (after work).

Edit: Put a new carb on my mini cultivator, but it still won't stay running. More head scratching.
G'day fellers,

Bit of a gloomy day here but nothing that a bit of scrounging couldn't brighten up. Went back out to Will's farm today to help out Roscoe. Mrs Roscoe feels the cold and has mastered the art of shoving wood in the fire but has not yet worked out how to come out and assist in its collection.

Anyway, here's Limby with his new 25in bar. I remember those days :laughing: . I was initially disappointed that the old bar couldn't be rehabilitated but now I wonder if I might get extra street cred from having a non-Stihl bar on there. The original bar prolly cut somewhere in the vicinity of 40-50 cord of wood so I don't think it owed me anything.

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I had Roscoe and his son Linc picking up all the dead tops that broke off to slice up on the sawhorse, then start splitting and loading the wood I cut on Wednesday.

View attachment 1085757

Meanwhile, I selected a place on the trunk further up where I thought I might be able to get through without getting squashed. I wasn't convinced I could so made three cuts (from each side) then chunked out some of the wood of those two rounds.

View attachment 1085758

Finally, I was satisfied I could get through without losing a limb by crushing and worked my way through.

View attachment 1085759

Glad we had young Lincoln there because I didn't want to split this.

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Alright, I split it since he is 14 and weighs about 80 pounds. Thank goodness peppermint is agreeable.

Time to get a 42" for the 661 šŸ˜
Where do you start on a mess like that?

With one saw and just take them all apart, lol. Need to get a case splitter as 2 of the cranks seem ok. Only enough good cases for one saw, however.


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