Is there an accepted limit to the number of scrounge pics that should be posted?
No more than two thousand per week…
Is there an accepted limit to the number of scrounge pics that should be posted?
Playing with my knob today
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I painted it black and cleared it three coats then used a paint pen to fill the pattern .View attachment 1084556Sanded with 2500 paper then cleared it again View attachment 1084557
Not perfect but it’s better than the Chinese junk that the pattern is silk screened and wears off in a few miles
I bought the Flex it has the lifetime warranty so if a battery goes I get a new one . I have a couple of their tools for a while, they make one of the best polishers on the market. The one I have is made in Germany it’s about 5 years old now . I use Griots pads and polishedI'm sorry, but I think I missed something. The new Dewalt had the warranty? Or the Flex? Never heard of them. I've stuck with Rigid brand (HD). because of the warranty and free batteries. Probably not as powerful as Dewalt or Milwaukee, but I never have to buy batteries again.
Wasn’t going to put one on the truck but I found the cutout fender at a local swap meet it was in mint condition . Took me about two years to find the mount itself .I figured you would only put OEM on that truck. I'll just find something cheap. When I was in high school I had a 1937 Cord 810, that had been street rodded with an early Olds Rocket V8. It had a rear tire mount that hung in our barn for at least 40 years. I think when Mom and Dad moved I left it there. It was cool.
I’ve looked for NOS knobs but when I found one the guy thought he had gold .
You misspelled fire lol.This is a fir tree
A week of storms heading your way?Another mountain neighbor went up to look at access to our places last Sunday.
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He saw a couple locals.
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He then continued up to see how it is getting to the upper access road, he saw this and turned around. He made it a little over half way.
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This is a fir tree.
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Have you tried flipping the bar to see if that fixes the wandering cut? I wonder if the bar rails are worn unevenly.
Nor I but I have had them stick open.I have never had a CR leak yet.
IIRC there was a limit of 3 per post way back when I first started here. That didn't last long. I usually don't wait for pics to load or I'd neveer be able to stay current. Very slow broadband here.Is there an accepted limit to the number of scrounge pics that should be posted? I'm starting to worry that I am OVERLOADING the 'other stuff' thread with scrounging pics. Someone please tell me if I'm out of line.
Here's some scrounge
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Here's some more
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Here's a bit more
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And some more again
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It looks kinda ratty in the pics, unlike some of the nice clean ash and oak pics you blokes (used to) post. But it's clean burning and solid BTUs so I'm very happy with what I've been getting. Especially now I'm up to around 22.5 cubes or 6 cord from the one tree![]()
I stop by the log yard and found a small pile of branches of R. Oak. The pile consists of mostly Soft Maple, Birch, Pine and Ash. I don't mess around with those because this is "Hardwood Country". At least not now, yet. If I get an excess this year, I couldn't sell that 'stuff' around here. So I grabbed the branches before they got pushed onto the burn pile. Happens daily.
The question is, does this constitute as scrounging?
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We were at Bike week in New Hampshire about 10 years ago . Woman who was a passenger was struck by a falling tree on the Kancamagus highway . She was knocked off the bike and killed the husband survived with minor injuries. Clear sunny no wind day
That's what I first thought when I saw your wood. That's garbage! Then I saw it cut open and it was solid. Different part of the world, you take what you've got. No disrespect intended. If it burns hot, it's good wood. and I like the idea that it's seasoned or at least partially seasoned wood. Can't believe six cords (so far) from one tree, that's insane. My scrounge would be over.
As others said, keep the pics coming.
Well, last night after work (day shift for one day... now back on the 1 to 9pm shift ffs) my logging buddy called, needed a hand with his truck. Stopped by after work and helped him out. We've both had rough childhoods, not that either of us are any worse off. We were talking about this and that, and he told me about something that happened to him this past weekend that I found quite profound.
He's big into knives and throwing knives/axes. He was invited to a local competition/flee market of a sorts. The guy that puts the show on and my friend are very close. The show guy wanted my friend to meet a young kid that's making knives. They went and checked oit his (kids) stand. My friend said he was immediately drawn to this cleaver style knife, but it was drawn to a fine point, said the blad was amazing, craftsmanship was beautiful, even the holster was hand made by this kid.(using the tern kid loosely, he's most likely my age so mid 30's) my friend gave the kid high praise. He didn't have any intention of going to this meet to buy anything. The guy that put the show on asked the kid what he wanted for it, and promptly forked the money over and handed my friend the knife. My friend refused, said you didn't have to do that. The old guy said thays exactly why he did it. If he had to buy that knife he wouldn't have, but he didn't have to and wanted my friend to have it.
That really hit me hard. I've been very fortunate in life to have people that didn't have to help me, or take me in, that have made me who I am today. My grandparents and my adoptive parents didn't have to take the responsibility of raising another kid, that owned them nothing. I'm very fortunate to have these people in my life, and extremely thankful for each and every one of them.
Same here. It doesn't take much to cause the cut to drift.