Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Check your front axle u joints and driveshaft u joints. Been there done that on a F250 that I owned.
Your comment made me think of the half worn out slip splins in my 96.🤦🏻 need to get that rebuilt or get a new one here before winter/snow sets in.
What's the emblem on the doors. Looks like a real "rig" with that CB antenna on it :p.
I think you're gonna need to start buying Chevys, you just go thru those fords like water :laugh: .
Saw some flurries where I picked up yesterday, what's funny is it was 40 degrees. Won't be long and the white stuff will be piling up here too, is it bad where you're logging, or mainly rain.
Thanks. Guy I bought it from had a construction business I assume the emblem is from that, he was original owner, had it sense new. Had a few Chevys, seems like they all have their issues, probably should have bought the one I sent you pictures of at least it’s a long bed. Should have kept the 95 F250. Part of the problem is I need a usable pickup for my job and repair shops here are 1-2 weeks out and want you to leave it with them so they can work it in and I don’t have time or a place to work them myself for anything major.
Check your front axle u joints and driveshaft u joints. Been there done that on a F250 that I owned.
They are good and makes sound/ vibration with hubs disengaged. Thought it was carrier bearing but still does it after that was changed.
Thanks. Guy I bought it from had a construction business I assume the emblem is from that, he was original owner, had it sense new. Had a few Chevys, seems like they all have their issues, probably should have bought the one I sent you pictures of at least it’s a long bed. Should have kept the 95 F250. Part of the problem is I need a usable pickup for my job and repair shops here are 1-2 weeks out and want you to leave it with them so they can work it in and I don’t have time or a place to work them myself for anything major.

They are good and makes sound/ vibration with hubs disengaged. Thought it was carrier bearing but still does it after that was changed.
Have you checked the front bearing hubs? Is the noise coming from the front or rear?
Oh, for the fellow hunters. Dad bagged an 8 point Monday. Had to go out and find it, nice rack for our area, decent body. Makes 8 years in a row dad's bagged a buck during archery season.
That is awesome that he has been able to bag a buck a year.
Have you checked the front bearing hubs? Is the noise coming from the front or rear?
No I haven’t yet. Sounds like from the rear. Starts around 40 mph, worst at 60-65, less at 70. Mostly under acceleration, sound goes away when you let off the gas, still has some vibration but less.
Yep, just a bit plasticy feeling, but they'll cut wood!
I had hoped to get out and do a bit of work on the barn this morning since it's light(because of the time change, or is it because we went back to the right time?), but unfortunately it's raining.
I don't see any wood processing in the near future, but who knows, may need some saw therapy :chainsaw: . I have a few trees left out back around the pond project I need to clean up in case I rent a skid or have an opportunity to use one out there. They are just in the way a bit. Most the mess is all cleaned up around out place from the storm, but a couple days ago the neighbor had a large box elder fall down that the top of broke over the drive. My boy moved the top but It would look nice to get it cleaned up, at least a bit off the side of the drive. Always something to do.
Here's what the place looked like sunday, the log pile is getting big(to big for the location), and I still have a bunch more to add to it.

Knowing what you usually cut with, they are certainly a downgrade but they are a great knock around saw and can be usually be found for cheap. Mine was like new for 40 dollars because it "wouldn't cut" which ended up being a tweaked chain that was getting stuck in the bar groove.
Went back to the log yard this morning. I petered out. Was planning on getting a truck and trailer full, but after filling the truck, I said the heck with it. Felt like work. Yesterday was fun. So I just got the trailer partially full.
No point in killing myself. The remaining 4 ? loads are safe for now being far from the burn pile. And good weather for the next week is expected. I can finish up this pile a couple days next week.
Time to get out the Oregon or Silvey or whatever you own, turn on the Am-Fm and grind away. I have a rather large pile of them myself I need to sharpen but first they need a bath in heated lye and then dried and then ground and then re oiled and bagged according to loop length. None of them are mine, all customer chains. My arborist customers have come to the realization that tossing a dull chain in the garbage cuts into their profit margins today so I get them now to sharpen (for a price of course) but lots cheaper than buying new loops at the saw store. I don't anything gratis unless it's trading for tree work. I'm too damn old to climb up any tree when they have the High Rangers mounted on chip trucks with hydraulic saws. Having said that, most of them don't have stump grinders which is why I bought one for my personal use. I really dislike stumps in general and cutting close to the ground rocks a loop real quick. Besides they provide an obstacle course when mowing.
My issue with roasting large knots is, the smolder forever and always need accelerant to get going. I've roasted some big ones and it's taken literally weeks to get them roasted even adding accelerant. My go to accelerant is used motor oil which I always have an abundance of. My buddy uses old tires and burns at night and then has to scoop up the steel cords and take them to the scrap yard to dispose of. I don't do that, one it's filthy and two, no one wants to smell burning tires and three, here in Michigan they have county sponsored free tire collection days. They just have to be off the rims and no large truck or tractor tires accepted but I use a farm tire outfit when I need tractor tire work and they take and dispose of tires I have replaced anyway and the things are way too heavy for me to deal with anyway.
My memory is mostly absent. I can't recall if I posted this already. Got a good rain a couple days last week so I am in the "sit on my rear" season. The bottom that I am cutting in is now to wet to get in. I have 8-10 cord willow to split/pile and will do a small trailer load or two a day to drag it out. Probably run out of stuff to do before spring comes.
My issue with roasting large knots is, the smolder forever and always need accelerant to get going. I've roasted some big ones and it's taken literally weeks to get them roasted even adding accelerant. My go to accelerant is used motor oil which I always have an abundance of. My buddy uses old tires and burns at night and then has to scoop up the steel cords and take them to the scrap yard to dispose of. I don't do that, one it's filthy and two, no one wants to smell burning tires and three, here in Michigan they have county sponsored free tire collection days. They just have to be off the rims and no large truck or tractor tires accepted but I use a farm tire outfit when I need tractor tire work and they take and dispose of tires I have replaced anyway and the things are way too heavy for me to deal with anyway.
What county? Nothing like that up here!
On getting older (been there, done that), aches and pains (got a few; too few to mention, but I will mention them) and things that don’t work like they used to.

I noticed that my metabolism seemed to slow down, i.e., weight wanted to accumulate, at about 40, 50 and 62 1/2. There were also changes in how physical my job was at those same times.

Right now I am having a toothache; I don’t like them. It is a lower wisdom tooth and I think it has a crown on it. If it gets worse, it may have to come out. That’s the main complaint as far as aches: my teeth aren’t lasting forever. Whatever happened to the lifetime guarantee?

Speaking of lifetime guarantee, there is no guarantee. I was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer in March, so I am about eight months into treatment; chemotherapy. One of the side effects is known as hand and foot syndrome. That and cold sensitivity. Seems to be particularly tied to my hands and feet; they feel cold to me from my side of things even though they may be plenty warm. I wear gloves a lot , especially when handling cold things. Definitely in the refrigerator, but under the mid 60s affects them. And most every edge feels sharp.

This Friday I am getting a CT scan of my guts that will tell much more about how I am doing and what direction the future might go. The monitoring so far says I am doing good.

A couple weeks ago, we participated in a walk about colon cancer awareness. It was a three mile walk. By two miles, my feet were killing me; had to quit. That is how my feet are affected; feels like I am walking on small sharp rocks or broken glass.

Get your colonoscopy/screening for colon cancer. This could have been avoided if I didn’t wait until age 70. I had no risk factors. Well, except for age.
What county? Nothing like that up here!
:Lenawee County, SE Michigan and I roast all the willow I cut down, aint worth a darn and burns fast with a ton of ashes. Same with popple and to top it off, popple splits terrible not that I split any because I don't even own a splitter, just a stump grinder. One of the guys that takes wood from me and splits and sells it to local campgrounds always tells me that campers don't know the difference between maple or oak or apple or willow, just want to roast it in the assigned fire pit and get drunk (and let the skeeters feast on them). If it's wood and dry, it's all good and he sells a shitte load of it. Myself, at 73, I'm not interested at all.
:Lenawee County, SE Michigan and I roast all the willow I cut down, aint worth a darn and burns fast with a ton of ashes. Same with popple and to top it off, popple splits terrible not that I split any because I don't even own a splitter, just a stump grinder. One of the guys that takes wood from me and splits and sells it to local campgrounds always tells me that campers don't know the difference between maple or oak or apple or willow, just want to roast it in the assigned fire pit and get drunk (and let the skeeters feast on them). If it's wood and dry, it's all good and he sells a shitte load of it. Myself, at 73, I'm not interested at all.
I meant the free tire disposal.

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