Chainsaw won't fire

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ArboristSite Lurker
Apr 12, 2024
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Gratiot ohio
I've been having issues with my saw for awhile now and after replacing the carburetor this is the sound.. it's not even trying to fire.. it's only a little over a year and a half old.. I'm confused. Help please I need my saw badly. I'm trying to upload the video and it keeps telling me it wasn't the right format and now it's telling me it's to large. It's only like 20 seconds long. It's easier to hear the noise than having me describe it.. any help on how to upload this? It's been 2 days of me trying now and I'm getting frustrated
I've been having issues with my saw for awhile now and after replacing the carburetor this is the sound.. it's not even trying to fire.. it's only a little over a year and a half old.. I'm confused. Help please I need my saw badly. I'm trying to upload the video and it keeps telling me it wasn't the right format and now it's telling me it's to large. It's only like 20 seconds long. It's easier to hear the noise than having me describe it.. any help on how to upload this? It's been 2 days of me trying now and I'm getting frustrated
What kind of saw, why did you replace the carb, is it an OEM STIHL carb?
What kind of saw, why did you replace the carb, is it an OEM STIHL carb?
Sorry I found how to post the video in the media section.. it's a Husqvarna 120 Mark ll. Sorry I'm new to all this. I replaced the carb because it was idling high and low like surging up and down a little and I couldn't get it to stay running. I spoke with someone at the local dealer and they told me it sounded like a carb problem so I replaced it.. now it acts like it's not getting a is tho I looked.. the video is posted finally tho if hearing it helps
I got the video somehow or the other. Little Husky. Sounds normal other than it's not hitting at all.
Could be flooded, no fuel, or no fire. Who knows.
It's not flooded it sounds like that at the first pull and the spark plug is getting spark . It's getting old trying with this thing.. I'm by no means an expert but I can usually figure out little issues but this is odd to me
Do you have spark?
Pull the muffler and look for a damaged piston.
Yes I have spark. My buddy thought it might be the coil because when you barely pull the string it wouldn't spark but when you pulled it hard it would spark. So he had one at his house we put a different coil on it and now it sparks better even when you barely pull the string so yeah it's got spark. I hope the Pistons not jacked up I don't think it shouldn't be but would that cause it not to start though?
Yes I have spark. My buddy thought it might be the coil because when you barely pull the string it wouldn't spark but when you pulled it hard it would spark. So he had one at his house we put a different coil on it and now it sparks better even when you barely pull the string so yeah it's got spark. I hope the Pistons not jacked up I don't think it shouldn't be but would that cause it not to start though?
Its certainty could cause it. Take a look. Get back to me on the piston condition. Now how do you know it's the right coil, do the numbers on it match?
Its certainty could cause it. Take a look. Get back to me on the piston condition. Now how do you know it's the right coil, do the numbers on it match?
It's from the same brand just a little older it bolts up perfectly was just a tad long but it sparks good better than before really. Could that still be the problem even if it sparks with the other coil?. I haven't had a chance to look yet but I will let you know for sure
It's from the same brand just a little older it bolts up perfectly was just a tad long but it sparks good better than before really. Could that still be the problem even if it sparks with the other coil?. I haven't had a chance to look yet but I will let you know for sure
You asked:. Could that still be the problem even if it sparks with the other coil?.

Well Yes: especially if it's non-points electronic magneto.
Hint: timing issue with the donor coil.
I did not listen to the video.

If you have spark/compression of at least 100psi and fuel of the correct amount it should at least pop if you hold the throttle wide open with no choke.

You say you installed a carb or a kit and it went from running poorly to no start?
Losing ground fast!!! If you still have the old carb then it should start and run somewhat if you re-install it with everything else back tracked and re-stored per your description of the events.

I would re-install the OEM coil the OEM carb, A NEW SPARK PLUG, , remove the spark plug and hard crank and look at the spark in a darken room. If spark and compression it's probably flooding from the NEW replacement carb if the plug is getting wet. Sometimes just letting a saw set for 12-24 hours is required to get un-flooded, unless you can hold the throttle wide open with no choke and just keep cranking until it starts popping and then keep the throttle wide open until it starts running.
Remove all fuel so as it don't get any fuel from the carb, remove the spark plug and let the saw set for 12-24 hours, then after you and the saw has rested and cooled down, dump JUST LITTLE BIT OF MIXED gas into the carb throat and hold the throttle wide open and crank, you should at least get a pop or a momentary run. Quit using starting fluid. It has no lube in starting fluid.

If you need a saw fast/soon you may have to get another.
Don't know where you would even buy starter fluid that does not have upper cylinder lubricant.
we make it take your 1gal (say) mix gallon and pours some into a free or $1 spray bottle.
bingo 2stroke test fuel safe as moms arms.
go easy on the amount sprayed.
if this fails
compression is bad. (way way too low) my oldest law mower does 100psi. and runs, these saws can do 150.
spark is dead
sadly like on cars we cant use a timing light easy, but is possible with a 12vdc battery. (now cool is that)
spark is not timed right (fly key wrecked)
there are stores that sell this mix but is costly , gee make our own.

one more some have bad wires to the kill switch, and shorts out and no spark now, on STiHL we just unplug the switch wire to the coil and coil starts working.
called bad wires. (abraded wires short to casing)