These tires lasted me about six months and one was free and the other one was $20 so I don’t feel too bad about it. I was just surprised to have two different brands separate at the same time on different ends.
Speaking of guns… I knew this old guy who used to work at one of the mines. He was probably the cheapest SOB I’ve ever met and I’m sure he still had the first penny he ever made.
He was one of those guys that was such a good saver but had his own skewed views about what to do with the money. He saved up a ton of money but he made a lot of bad financial decisions. He certainly had a low seven figure net worth, but had he listened to a decent financial advisor he probably would’ve been worth $10 to $20 million.
He more or less ran unofficial pawnshop out of his house and had acquired about 300 guns over the years. He said he would give people money for their guns as well as gold and silver coins when they were in a pinch and give them the option to buy it back at the same amount later and nobody ever came back to buy them back.
I told him I would buy the whole collection over the series of a couple of years and just to name the price. He never named the price, but he did give me a list of all the guns one time and it was pretty impressive. Not much super high dollar stuff, but a lot of real classics that our fathers, grandfathers, and grandfather‘s probably hunted with. I regret throwing that notebook in the fire a few years back, but I knew he was never going to sell.
He was so obsessed with getting everything from his estate into his kids estates tax-free that like I said he had made a lot of foolish decisions with things. Eventually, he, his wife, and both of his kids died within about a four year span, so nobody really got to enjoy anything.
He had purchased a newer house because his wife wanted a newer house, but they were still living in the old house because he “needed to redo it” before selling. Of course that never happened either because it would’ve required spending money to redo. I told him to sell it for what you can get out of it and move to the new house so you guys can enjoy your retirement. But he wasn’t going to do that.
Known quite a few people like that. As you said had they made some right decisions and not lived like everything was the last money on earth they would have had a decent life or been better to be around. One person always complained on how expensive everything was and just outright miserable to be around. One other tightwad I had delt with was complaining on how his car was starting hard, so I started asking him the basic questions which eventually led to asking how old the battery was. He stated he had put a new battery in the car the year after he had bought it. Turns out that was 10 years prior, to which I told him to replace the battery since it was so old, but he firmly claimed "it should last me the duration of owning the car!".