Yes, I noticed that. That's why I thought it might be some sort of chemical intrusion, especially considering how it continues through several years growth. Do the ghost rings go clear around or just on one side? If the latter, might it be the same side on all the trees?There were 3 of them, all within 20 ft of each other. Interesting story about Dr. Shigo. Dendrochronology is something I want to explore. The thing that interests me the most about those ghost rings is they do not emulate the growth rings of the tree. But they seem to have a pattern, sometimes bisecting several years of growth rings.
The rings went all the way around on all 3 trees. I even thought that maybe it was some sort of bark contour memory. But how could that even be possible? I may never know the answer to these questionsYes, I noticed that. That's why I thought it might be some sort of chemical intrusion, especially considering how it continues through several years growth. Do the ghost rings go clear around or just on one side? If the latter, might it be the same side on all the trees?
To add to Buzz's question, do they appear the full length of the log or just for a portion of the length?Yes, I noticed that. That's why I thought it might be some sort of chemical intrusion, especially considering how it continues through several years growth. Do the ghost rings go clear around or just on one side? If the latter, might it be the same side on all the trees?
Would it be possible to take a thin cookie to a chemist to check for possible chemical contamination or reaction? Just curious.All these ideas and questions has got my mind thinking outside it's usual box. I removed these trees from my nextdoor neighbor's yard. So I am familiar with there daily environment. LawrenceK tracing the rainfall and comparing it to gross rings and ghost rings that's the part that's way out of my jurisdiction. But what you said about the pollutants let me give you some more information about its environment. We're in Northern California and these trees were within approximately 250 ft of the Sacramento River. Our groundwater here is about 15 to 20 ft below the surface. At my well-head it's actually about 11 ft. When you mention possible pollutants the first thing that popped in my mind was my leach field which is probably about 75 ft away (at it's closest point)from where these trees were taken out. The ground where the trees were taken out is about 5 ft higher from the ground where my leech lines end. I mean maybe some type of partial chemical compartmentalization. The most confusing part of all of this is the sporadic pattern and that's what really has me baffled. I want to thank everyone again for trying to help me with this. A couple years ago I reached out to a dendrochronologist at a university. Their reply was "it appears to be some sort of annual occurrence".
Gas chromatograph might give a clue.Would it be possible to take a thin cookie to a chemist to check for possible chemical contamination or reaction? Just curious.OT