Yup.That's exactly my point more that you know.
I think RFK's lawsuit against Bayer with regard to Glyphosate was complete horse ****. There is not a good chemical scientist in the US that would agree with the findings of the jury. I am familiar with the case. Very familiar. It was the finding of a jury and not scientists.
But RFK had enough money and backers that he could go into a court of law and convince a jury of 12 that those people contracted Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma from Glyphosate.
Now all we her are advertisements from blood sucking lawyers about whether or not your non Hodgkin's came from glyphosate and whether or not you due damages...........
I'll still vote for him if he has a knats chance in hell but he was all wrong with this one. But money will be made, so it's ok.
You on the other hand have direct damage to you property, but will not see a penny unless your loaded with money and can pay thousands to the blood sucking cork screwers.
It's a damn shame.
I'm also pretty disgusted with those NGO's who claim to be in support of the environment and against polluters.
I contacted several of them two years ago via email and phone calls. Told them all about what's going on here. They sent me links to "join their cause" and to send them money so they can help people who have been injured from these chemicals. For cripes sake, HELP ME. Nope. All they want is money and volunteers to join their cause.
I did notice one of them was involved in that recent Dicamba/EPA ruling, but as far as I can tell that only involved changing the label, as usual.
(Did you say you're voting for RFK Jr.?