Detroit GTG - March 15th

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. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 1, 2005
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East Lansing, MI
Since there has never been a metro-Detroit GTG, well, it’s time for one!

This will be a bit of a hybrid GTG, since its purpose is partly practical and partly recreational. I am the president of the non-profit Association that manages and maintains the historic Redford Cemetery on the Redford/Detroit border, which has been in continuous operation for 170+ years. We are a private cemetery, with burial rights limited to descendants of the original Redford families, and we've been working to reclaim the property for the past few years after a generation of neglect. We also have a number of veteran burials, some dating back to the Revolutionary War, that had been nearly lost to overgrowth and poor maintenance.

I had two large hazard trees put down last month that were too messy to just flop and drop. There is a fair bit of stuff needing to be cut up, ranging from twigs to 48”+ chunks. So instead of just going down to Detroit with CaseyForrest and my splitter, I figured it might be more fun as an informal GTG. If we get enough of a turnout, we can drop a couple other offending trees, too.

Here’s the plan. Saturday, March 15th, starting at 9:00am or so and running until we’re tired or bored or whatever. We’ll have a chance to actually run saws in a bit of wood that will bury a 42” bar and maybe even a 48”. So bring your bigger saws, longer bars, and your semi-chisel chain if you want to make some big cuts in some larger chunks of hardwood; we’ve got some nasty old chunks of elm that were dumped in a drainage hole that need to be cut up, too.

This is not going to be a structured GTG with 8x8” poplar cants, just an informal event where we cut up some stuff that needs to be cleaned up. A working GTG of sorts. Cut some cookies, block stuff to firewood length, trim and limb, a mix of "real" chainsaw stuff.

I'll bring some snacks and non-adult beverages, as well as a few saws (including the yet untested Husqvarna 154DN).

If anyone has a chainsaw on a stick (Echo PPT, Stihl HT) that they'd like to bring along, it could come in handy for some trimming and for pre-limbing a dying weeping willow from the ground, since I've got a bunch of new bareroot trees planted in the drop zone for the crown, should we end up doing a flop-and-drop on the willow.

The cemetery has no facilities of any sort, no power, and no amenities, but since it is in the ‘hood there are plenty of gas stations, cheap carwashes, and liquor marts nearby! Oh, a nice mix of bums, drug dealers, and dirty prostitutes roaming the streets, too.

Pictures of past cemetery work can be found at REDFORDCEMETERY.ORG (I swear I’m going to update the page and re-resize the pics for the website one of these days so they don’t look quite so blurry…), as well as: BIG WILLOW TREE TAKEDOWN.

Here is a each shot of the hazard trees that was put down in January:


Some of the chunks that need to be cut up:

Past fun:




Dont let Brandon disway anyone...Its really not THAT bad a part of town. I only saw 1 person walking around with a 9mm last time I was there.


Its a great cause...lots of history on the stones and a good time for mingling. Theres a Little Ceasers across the street and a Gas station I think a block or 2 away.
I might be able to attend, but I wont know until we get much closer. Sounds like a good time with a good cause. I wouldnt mind trying a few different saws too, lol
Sounds like too much fun to pass up, especially since my house is only a mile away. Small world...

And it's not that bad a part of town. Another 1/2 mile east is where all the fun stuff starts.
Man, I'd love to come and bury my new 575 into some of them rounds, but thats clear the other side of the state from me. I can only afford to go to Detroit about once every 2 years and I already went last year. :(
Count me in! Anyone on the west side need a ride just let me know. I'm curious how my Homey 540 stacks up w/ some of these other large saws...only saw I've ever run over 70cc's.
Any particular size saws needed? or just bring them all? Any need for an ATV to tug things around?
Count me in! Anyone on the west side need a ride just let me know. I'm curious how my Homey 540 stacks up w/ some of these other large saws...only saw I've ever run over 70cc's.
Any particular size saws needed? or just bring them all? Any need for an ATV to tug things around?

I don't think we have anything that'll require an ATV, but bring whatever in terms of saws! The goal is to have a bit of fun while getting the tree debris cleaned up for the spring mowing season. If we can get that done, we've got a willow (30-40") that could do to come down and get blocked up. We've got a couple larger stumps that need to get cut down to ground level, too. So, basically, I'm sure we can find something of almost any size to try saws out in.

I'll plan on bringing the following:


We might also have a stock ex-rental 6401, too.
I'm kinda catching on here but what exactly is a GTG? I'm a fellow Michiganer up around Fowlerville. What do you all do with the wood? Assuming take what ya want and cut?? Soundsd kinda fun and a oppurtunity for seeing how the other saws live. I'm only a couple hours from Detriot.
I'm kinda catching on here but what exactly is a GTG? I'm a fellow Michiganer up around Fowlerville. What do you all do with the wood? Assuming take what ya want and cut?? Soundsd kinda fun and a oppurtunity for seeing how the other saws live. I'm only a couple hours from Detriot.

In the early days of AS, GTGs (get-togethers) were recreational competitive saw events. Over the years that I've been here, there have also been some GTGs that focused on cutting/splitting/delivering firewood for the needy, that focused on milling, and others that focused on just screwing around with saws.

I'd put this one in the latter category - just some fun. We've got wood that needs to be cut up, and it's usually more fun to do that with others. And since a couple chunks are of a larger diameter, well, these chunks can be test logs for folks who want to test their saws out with longer bars.

Like I said in the initial post, this is a semi-working GTG. There is some work that actually needs to be accomplished, along with the fun. But since the work itself is fun, too, all the better! I have a few logs that are solid and with minimal taper that we can prop up on improvised log stands, and will be a good "real life" cookie cutting testbed to use in comparing various saws timed performance. And we have a couple trees that we might end up dropping and cutting up, which will be a good way to try out a couple different limbing saws in real-world use.

As for the wood when we're done, I was planning on leaving the small stuff (under 3") in piles that I'll take care of when I rent a chipper in May. The larger stuff that isn't cut into cookies will be cut to length and I was going to split some of that stuff and give it to my grandfather for his fireplace. If we end up cutting down any willow, sumac, or ailanthus, we can cut it to length, stack it along the driveway, and I'll post a Craigslist ad for free firewood and it'll be gone by the next day.
Sounds fun, I don't have a big saw but I would be interested to do some cutting B.S ing and watch the bigger saws go at it. I occasionally use a 084 but have never seen a big Husky go at it. March 15 huh... I will never guarentee anything but I might have to get directions when it gets closer. Thanks for the reply. Frank
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