We cut and split off site and fill a 5’ x 8’ trailer on the go so it might be a little over 1/3 cord of oak if it for home use. Once we pull on to the property, I connect the trailer to the Sportsman 800 and the Specco 34 ton splitter to the 500. Well go in to the woods where we have wood stack along the trails for up to 2 years. The wife will pull the splitter next to the pile while I pull the trailer next to the splitter. We split all wood at least once and load the trailer. Once the trailer is filled, we leave the woods, connect the trailer to her Honda CRV and we are on our way to a 35 mile trip back home. We average about 1 trailer per hour and two loads per day on the weekends. (some of the larger rounds might be split in fourth so we have a mixture of wood in the pile)
After we fill our second load, we start cutting on the white ash that has been dead for two years now. Most of our ash is 16 to 20” in dia and 30 to 40 ft long. We cut this in to 18 inch rounds and stack it along the trails for next years splitting. We keep between 6 to 10 full cords at home and another 10 cords on the property.
On an average, we only split 1/2 cord per day (two trailer loads) or maybe four trips per weekend. The rest of the weekend is spent working on trails, filling deer feeders, checking food plots and having roasted hot dogs and chips for lunch. I could do more wood per day but the wife calls it our bounding time and I’m no spring chicken.
We don't think if cutting our wood as working. We would be going up to the property to fill deer feeders and making trails anyway so the wood is a bonus for us.
We cut on 80 acres of woodland so we never leave any cut or split wood where it can be seen from the road.