Not very long, I took lessons from this guy...
the best so far has been 22 minutes per cord sawed split and loaded on truck.
care to guess how much in truck loose vs stacked?
loose load in 44 minutes , 2 people
stacked load 1hr 8 minutes 3 people
Thats exactly what a cord of wood is 4'x4'x8'... I only call it a cord if its in 8ft logs. The whole face cord envolves cutting and stacking and settling of the wood and the rounds are cut to 16"s.Seems like everybody has their own interpretation of a stacked cord of wood. In the old days around here, we had to have a stack 4 foot wide x 4 foot high x 8 foot long before it was called a cord of firewood.
You have to see the size these fellows are talking about when they talk about there speed in time. I talked to the lady in Perryville she has a $80.000.00 dollar processer. She said they can do a cord an hour. Just her and her son. She have a big operation something most firewood people dream about.Okay. I'm new to splitting firewood, and I'm curious to find out how long it takes others to split a cord. Let's say the wood is oak in the round approximately 12-16" in length.
Please state your method (gas splitter, wood maul, etc.) and how long it would take in hours.
I only do bundled firewood I started a 10:00 at 15:00 I had split a rank bundled it into a 100 bundles. It was 98 deg. So I took breaks regular. I split the big stuff with my three point tractor splitter so I can get it down to my size then I take them inside to my 20 ton electric splitter. That's cleaning up my mess to and putting every thing a way. I thought about speed one time that lasted about 2 seconds. A rank a day at $2.50 a bundle whole sale gross me $250.00 a rank. I don't need speed. My wife said I need a processer I said no I am just fine out here in my shack.Okay. I'm new to splitting firewood, and I'm curious to find out how long it takes others to split a cord. Let's say the wood is oak in the round approximately 12-16" in length.
Please state your method (gas splitter, wood maul, etc.) and how long it would take in hours.