Nc/sc Gtg 5-10-08

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Stihl User
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
western/eastern NC
Who's up for a GTG? I can supply food, drinks, beer, etc. The biggest trees I have to cut around the house are 20"-25" max, hardwood, oak. If any of you guys burn firewood, you may want to bring a truck/trailer. I'm off on Saturday's as of now but that could change. Sat. or Sunday would be best. I'm in Laurinburg NC, right off 15-501, between Aberdeen and Laurinburg.

I can also have 5 gallons of fresh 93+HP Ultra mix and Stihl bar oil on hand so you can leave your gas cans at home. If we burn up 5 gallons, the store is 500 yards away.....I will have a tach also and screnches for Stihl saws. As of now the only thing you will have to bring is chaps/glasses.
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Who's up for a GTG? I can supply food, drinks, beer, etc. The biggest trees I have to cut around the house are 20"-25" max, hardwood, oak. If any of you guys burn firewood, you may want to bring a truck/trailer. I'm off on Saturday's as of now but that could change. Sat. or Sunday would be best. I'm in Laurinburg NC, right off 15-501, between Aberdeen and Laurinburg.

your not very far from my home town. I miss NC. if i was there id show up
Where are you in relation to Asheville, Sylva, or Highlands, NC? I got family there, and might try the drive again, esp if another Kansan goes with.

Its one heck of a drive isnt it dude. I have made the same drive from here to NC several times

And what might be the date on this here gala???


I been owin' my buddies and my mom's a visit...
Its one heck of a drive isnt it dude. I have made the same drive from here to NC several times

Yeah 900+ miles to Asheville. long way to drive..........:monkey:

I just checked. 1,113 miles to Laurinburg. It wood hafta be a long stay to drive that far. Maybe next time........
Now if I had one of those chainsaw-powered
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Yeah 900+ miles to Asheville. long way to drive..........:monkey:

I just checked. 1,113 miles to Laurinburg. It wood hafta be a long stay to drive that far. Maybe next time........
Now if I had one of those chainsaw-powered

its exactly 1100 miles from my door step here to the door step home. about 18hrs of driving. im almost to the coast in nc and in the far north west corner in ar

How about havin' a GTG somehere in the center of the US?
Ya know, the geographical center of the USA is in Lebanon, Kansas, which is about 75 miles north-northwest of Salina Bowtie, are you up fer hostin' one?
I think there are some trees on what useda be the tallgrass prairie!l lol

We have sum big trees here in KS, believe it or not!:greenchainsaw:

I didnt mean to hijack the thread......... I'll just shut up now and go sit in the corner.........:)
I would be interested and I know of a few more guys that would probably be as well. We are in Lexington, SC.
I was asked how about a weekend in June? Sounds ok to me. We are in a crappy little town but we do have 4 nice hotels/1 bar if anyone wants to stay. I have some outside power outlets if anyone wants to camp but it will be dam hot in June.:dizzy: :dizzy:

Just throwing out some dates....... I will start passing around my address/cell # in pm's when I know more will show and a date is set. I rather not put it on a public site.:)
I was asked how about a weekend in June? Sounds ok to me. We are in a crappy little town but we do have 4 nice hotels/1 bar if anyone wants to stay. I have some outside power outlets if anyone wants to camp but it will be dam hot in June.:dizzy: :dizzy:

Just throwing out some dates....... I will start passing around my address/cell # in pm's when I know more will show and a date is set. I rather not put it on a public site.:)

first weekend in may at the latest. the sooner the better.

:) weather should be perfect in 2-3 weeks.