Nc/sc Gtg 5-10-08

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i ran it by the wife in passing today.
definite chance of a possible maybe.
date dependant among other issues.:)
if so,
i can bring echos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have another option that would be really nice if it's hot. We can also do this at my Fire Dept. It is a enclosed building with a full kitchen and air conditioning, that would be nice to sit down and eat in the a/c. There is no shade on the grounds but I can pull out the trucks and saw in the bays. It is about 5 miles down from my place, towards Aberdeen, right off the main road, 15-501. Very easy to find. I only see the benifit of this for a large GTG group. If it's at my place we will have to saw in the heat/sun and eat in the non cooled garage. If it's at the FD, I can't supply beer though, only sodas and Gatorade. You can bring your own.......

What ya'll think?:dizzy:
What ya'll think?:dizzy:

i think evenbody wants it the first weekend in may and your garage sounds fine.


sundays are better for me because of work.
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i think evenbody wants it the first weekend in may and your garage sounds fine.


sundays are better for me because of work.

If it is done on Sunday it will have to be after 12pm so everyone can get out of Chruch. Sunday is good for me.

Anyone who knows they have a good chance of coming, cast ya'lls vote for the date: Wanabe says May.........It doesn't matter to me but I would like a good crowd.:clap: :clap:
I'll be in

Either Saturday or Sunday would be fine.

That VFD is a little past DeerCroft in the RH side, just before ya get to the road that cuts over to Wagram, yes? (if you decide to hold it there)

I could help set up/clean up if you need a hand with that.
well the VFD sounds great if we have 8 or 10 and if it rains we can still cut but its more work and whatnot.
Either Saturday or Sunday would be fine.

That VFD is a little past DeerCroft in the RH side, just before ya get to the road that cuts over to Wagram, yes? (if you decide to hold it there)

I could help set up/clean up if you need a hand with that.

Yep, you know the area well!
well the VFD sounds great if we have 8 or 10 and if it rains we can still cut but its more work and whatnot.

Only bad part about the FD is I have no way of getting my backhoe there to move the logs. The wood will have to be smaller but I can have a bobcat there to help. The FD is sounding better at this time..........
The wood will have to be smaller but I can have a bobcat there to help. The FD is sounding better at this time..........

how much smaller, will there still be some 12"-15" stuff?
wanab, you gonna have that 361-killer RedMax 621 out there?

she's ready Freddy, ahh, i mean Woody.

but she will only have a 20" inch bar so no wood bigger than 18" please!

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Haha Great!

I'll tote my grizzly old Farm Boss down... to keep it halfway fair, I might have to dull the chain up a little... I'll go cut some cross-ties up.

No sense getting the sexy little 361 dirty when The Boss™ can git 'r' dun.

Better bring your hip waders folks, wanab will be :cry: bucketfuls when that 621 gets it's milk-money took.

:D :cheers:
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I'll tote my grizzly old Farm Boss down... to keep it halfway fair, I might have to dull the chain up a little... I'll go cut some cross-ties up.

No sense getting the sexy little 361 dirty when The Boss™ can git 'r' dun.

sound like a job for my 455 rancher.

What ever the date/day I can leave a bit early and help set up if need be. Clean up may be another ques. since I'm a bit of a drive away. You said you had plenty of timber -- if need be I'll haul a chunk of hickory down.