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TreeHouse Elder
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Bayou Country
I TD'ed a screwey pecan at the zoo, with a 15 ton. Everything went well, and my saw was sharp. A bunch of lil kids on some tour there got a look.

So anybody get any sawdust in their ears?
i took the day off and did laundry from my vaccation. putting some mulch in my yard was the closest thing i did to tree care today.
No sawdust but I did pick up another job :) Seem to be getting a couple jobs a week...just right for this part-timer.

i probably shouldn't of done anything, becuase a couple of the beech trees i was dropping next to my driveway just didn't want to go where i wanted . got lucky with one of them it almost took out my power lines would have if it didn't get hung up in one of the trees that was right next too it:eek: as it went i was lie sh!t then phew. hate to say it but pure opperator error:eek: but i quess sometimes its better to be lucky than good. but then i quess it would be better to be lucky and good:D
First job: Removed a grapefruit tree and 3 podocarpus, ground out the stumps, pruned a queen palm.
Second job: Shaped 3 huge ligustrums, pruned a ten-headed senegal date palm, another queen palm, and pruned 2 ugly little ligustrums.
Third job: Removed a cherry laurel and ground out the stump, cutback a chinaberry overhanging a rose garden.

In between, managed to eat lunch, take a nap, and wait for a thunderstorm to blow past.
Hey Butch, if you are starting a thread to talk about your day, I hope that doesn't mean that you didn't get any pictures. Come on! A high profile crane job at the zoo with an audience and no pictures? I don't believe it.:confused:

I deadwooded Siberian Elms, and cut some broken branches out of a Caragana. Got some pictures but have to take nine more before I can develop. Mind you after Aussie Lopa's cool pics mine are going to be pretty lame.:eek:
Brett, don't tell me you did all the climbing, in this Florida heat that sounds like the work of 2 crews.
Today the temp got to 97 and the heat index was 105 --HOT!!! We took some long dead branches off of a sweetgum, deadwooded a live oak, and removed a large dead loblolly pine branch at about 55ft.
We had a small low $$ palm trimming job that I blew off for another day, it was just too hot, and I was too tired. We were done at 2pm. And I mean DONE!!

MB -- you seemed interested so I'll give you another update on my Geckos, I really like them now, they are awesome climbers, the offset gaff is really cool and makes climbing easier, and the pad set up is great!

Sixty six degrees here....drizzling all day too. Put this Plant Health Care boy back on the computer to figure out who hasn't been visited lately.

Took me at least an hour to figure out an Access equivalent of Excel's COUNTIF function, but a little query work (using criteria and the Count function) came up with a solution.
Originally posted by matthias
A high profile crane job at the zoo with an audience and no pictures? I don't believe it.:confused:

I dunno if it was high profile, or not. Just another day sweating to the oldies. Besides, there are just so many pics you can post before it becomes humdrum.;)

Greg, I am interested in the Geckos. But wait a little longer til you make your final judgement. Do ya have a lot a miles logged in em? Have you adapted to the different sticking style?

That's a walk in the park around here. Ligustrums are nothing to write home about. My typical day is 8-5 w/ a 30 min lunch. Last Friday's list: deadwooded a live oak dbh 6.5', 8 queen palms trims, two long leaf pines (floppers), raising the canopy on two hollys......then went home and cut my grass. It pays to be a native...
pruned 2 big shumard oaks that were dying back due to trenching for irrigation--my best guess anyway, the client paid me to look for pathogens but I got real curious when he couldn't quite remember where the lines were:rolleyes: It's weird when you know they're lying to you but there's no way to call them on it because they're lying to themselves too...

Took from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.with my kid as crew. Lotsa cuts. It got up to 95 but some storms were nearby so breeziness made it tolerable, at times very nice. Fun to get outside and prune trees. Took pics of latent buds as natural targets and reduction cuts; one day we'll learn to post here.

Will return to the worst-off tree. ( 2 other tree "services" sid no way it could come back, must remove. Underinformed, not fools, I keep telling myself.) The central leader died back, and the client agreed for me to install a cap to keep water off the wound. Will take pics of that for sure.

Then did consult/treatment of woodboring insects in a big maple, then a free estimate/referral from the city. Any tree in their ROW can only be pruned with a permit and by an arborist, so they look in the YP under arborist. Makes sense to me...
Besides, there are just so many pics you can post before it becomes humdrum.

What about all of your adoring fans? I heard that Sherrill is producing sleeveless shirts, head towels and temporary tattoos all stamped with the Masterblaster logo.;)

We should ship Butch one of those checkered tablecloth dingdoodles that those fellers wear overseas eh? That would set off his title real nice.

Today apart from the typical discussions with the real estate groups, we killed a few pines and a large red oak, picked up my latest truck project, a silver 4x4 ranger that will receive a 500 hp supercharged 5-liter beast. Picked up a bunch of new shop equipment and have to deal with the insurance company concerning the unwarranted increase they want for the company