So whadja do today?

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Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel

Today I woke up to the sun rising over the ocean horizon at 6:15. Eventually made my way down to the beach about 10 and played for a while. Flirted with a fairly hot babe at the pool., serviced...

the babe? :cool: :blob4:
If you look closely, you can see the pitch running down the trunk! It took Ian a good 1.5 hrs to brush out the tree...he started from the fork and worked was the buckets of pitch. The first load of rope, slings, and gloves is in the washer, with some citrus cleanser...I hope it works! The crew is due here any minute, hope they're aren't stuck at the hip...:D
Yes.  Gojo followed by dish soap/whatever (if necessary for odor) will remove tree gunk of all kinds from all manner of equipment.

My new toys from Sheirrill came today. Bar_bar ascender system and Big-shot. Had fun playing with both. Got up about 35' and remember that I had not clip-on a lanyard. Had fun geting down!

Ascenders and big-shot work great. Had to order these new tools to do a 100' oak trim. The first limb is about 70' up and runs almost 90 degrees from trunk. I'm going to have fun. :D
3 hours later.....


Ian flip line is still gunky after lots of soaking and scrubbing, so I gave it another spray of citrus, will get it later.....
That's possible, Butch. I'm hoping the big fir has kept it's sap to itself....I looked at it today, but wasn't thinkin' 'bout pitch, just weights and crane angles.....We'll find out manana, 9 am!!
Monday I tried girdling the three pines I was to td. It didn't seem to stop the sap flow one bit. I sure was hoping that idea of Daniel's would work, but it didn't for me.
Well, I had a whole week of takedowns. Two water oaks today that wouldn't have been so bad except for the dual service drops to two houses.:(

Anybody do any trimming?:)
No trimming just a large maple set over a glass enclosed Olympic sized swimming pool, crane was late fighting city traffic. Butch how hot? It’s really cool up here and I’m lovin it:p
Shoot Rob, I guess it wasn't that hot today. A lotta cloud cover and a breeze... what more couldja ask? I bet it's nice up there where youse live. Wasn't I supposed to be up there right about now with you? I guess that new hotshot climber bumped my euc arse.:D

Yo Rocky, a Louisiana climber? Eh? Suweet! Did he talk funny?