No need for that research. Follow the "law" as you state it, fine if you want. The reality is that every state here in the northeast and in the Pacific NW have many many periodicals and newspapers and internet sales of wood stoves ( the very "illegal" type) going on as we speak

e.g. go online and look at Want Advertiser, or Uncle Henry's, or.......
Now for "burning down". A brand new EPA inspected legal stove if installed incorrectly will be dangerous. Clearances, quality of manufacture, chimney setup and construction. It ain't the stove. Are we all dopes

Again: do you know of any fines (those heavy ones) actually paid, or summons ( what are those buyers and sellers, pedophiles ? :deadhorse: ) for selling or purchasing one of those dreaded non-EPA stoves ? I've asked Code Enforcement Officers, the State Fire Marshal, one ever even heard of it. People spoken to or with, that's it.
Don't want to get tough about reality, but it is. Don't forget those who can't afford the $2000. and more for the stoves we useand can afford. Ask ArboristSite how many of the wood stoves used for a barn, a shop, a spare cottage, a sauna, you name it, are one of the non-EPA approved wood stoves. Ask.
What do you have ? How long have you been using wood for 24/7 heating ? How many wood stoves have you used in your life ? Ever rebuilt a stove ? How many stoves or chimneys have you installed ? Curious minds want to know.....