You say used. That needs to be a carefull purchase. Many used saws are more than used, they sometimes are shot. The 026Pro has been out for years and years. Its a reliable saw as any out there, maybe more so than some. By today saws the 026Pro may lack the vib system but to date I've never had a complaint about vibration. Seems only the real picky folks on this site even give vibs a concern at all. Customers I deal with have never made memtion of vibration levels of any saw and that's thousands of customers over the years, not a few.
Power wise its ample, not a speed buggy but gets the job done just fine. I got a 026 thats 11 yrs old now, maybe 12 and its never seen a repair of any kind. If your buying used make sure the saw in good condition. The 026 is a good saw regardless of the hoop la blah blah ya read about it. The sales of that saw and the number of years its been on the market proves beyond the critics whether its a good saw or not, it is. A handfull of critics and 100's of thousands of buyers, who ya gonna believe.