Tree Freak
open a case now on e-bay, and PAYpal.
Ahhh, I know... I'm just sitting here driving myself nuts thinking about it.. Lol... I tend to have OCD when it comes to stuff like this.
Just found out too that the crank bearings are bad as well...
I'm still out money/parts from a MEMBER here, who stiffed me on ebay.
Never again.
Do a search
Well, I ended up buying this saw from the dealer you traded it to on your 362 deal. ('Preciate the PM info, btw.)
But out of curiosity, what led you to believe the crank bearings needed to be replaced? Your own assessment, or the dealer's? A basic check without actually splitting the case seems to indicate they're fine. I asked the dealer about the bearings and he just casually indicated "they sounded a little noisy" and "should probably be replaced just to be safe". Hmmmm......
Guess I'm wondering how he heard the "noisy" bearings or how you came to the conclusion they were bad if indeed you made your own call.:msp_confused:
But congrats on your new 362!
I still have the sick feeling that this saw was started by the buyer with no sprocket on the clutch....
He told me they were bad right when he fired it up for the first time. Maybe I shouldn't have trusted him??? But he was certain they would need replaced.
Just trying to go on with the info supplied. If the clutch came apart with the sprocket intact, it would have been a "controlled " event, and the damage would have been nil, unless someone kept running the saw I guess.....,.,.
But if the saw was bought on ebay with no sprocket, and the new owner didn't read the details, and he gassed and fired the saw without a sprocket, the clutch would have "grenaded" and caused all of the damage that you have described. Just thinking "outloud"......
I don't mean to be picking on you, but I work on this chit for a living............
And if all was true from the get/go, out of the box, there would be no post here, but you would have done a lot of biatchin on ebay/paypal....
Well if none of it's true I sure wasted a lot of my time telling a story now didn't I?
Even posted pics of all the oil too... If that happened in 10 seconds then I'm dang good!
How are we to know what happened? To be honest, if you didn't give a "durn" about being "cheated", then this whole thread wouldn't be here then........
The gang here just has to go with what is posted/started.....
If it doesn't go exactly your way, well that is the risk you take.....
You may be totally in the "right", but you need to "fess" up with what is going on, or some guys may not buy into your original thread...
Sorry, just my thoughts....
Any pointers on replacing the oiler and clutch... Got. Flebay special " excellent" shape... Fired it up and heard a nasty noise. Clutch cover is flopping in the breeze, pulled the cover off the clutch is soaked in oil, I put my finger on the clutch to check if it really was oil and the entire clutch falls off into my hand... NICE!!! I think the clutch cover was whipping back and forth and in turn cut a hole through the oil line...
Last time I eBay a saw...