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ArboristSite Member
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
southern IN
I just bought these two saws both being the same one the muffler was loose so it was a parts saw I took it how and there were no bolts holg it on other then that i think its a good saw
You bought two saws that shared the same muffler, so when you started them they blew up and there were no longer bolts holding them together just some loose parts?
mrk585 said:
I just bought these two saws both being the same one the muffler was loose so it was a parts saw I took it how and there were no bolts holg it on other then that i think its a good saw

Look, I'm really sorry but I've read your thread about six times now and I really can't understand a word of what you are trying to say. Can you rephrase or are you really intending to talk S H I T?
Sorry dosent cut it. it seems to me that there are alot of members on this site that are nice but I have noticed that there are a few *********
with that said

I bought 2 saws both being 041s one runs great . the other the muffler "had a problem " I looked at it the bolts were not in that hold it to the cyl the threads are good I dont know but it seens to be a good saw to
for the record I wast calling you a dick head I just tired of every post i post I get ?????ed at
mrk585 said:
I have noticed that there are a few *********

i know you're talking about me... and i've never been called a ******** before. now i won't take it personal... in a way i am complimented...

hey, guys, been here for months and none of you ********* have invited me to the fraternity... what's that about???

(mrk585, like i told someone else, best to check the attitude when you first get here... )

1. i think the main problem was trying to decipher your syntax...
2. perhaps bullet points would work better than run on sentences???
3. just an idea... from a female ********...
((LOL i love the sound of that... :blob2:))
Where have you been hiding? I only met you this morning!:)

Spell it out for the rest of us boys : what saws to do have? We really don't have any other way to measure each other :)
Today I bought two thirty packs, the top fell off of one, and I cant find the turbo bolts for the other, and now the owner needs a muffler, sorry I'll shut up now
mrk585 said:
Sorry dosent cut it. it seems to me that there are alot of members on this site that are nice but I have noticed that there are a few *********
with that said

I bought 2 saws both being 041s one runs great . the other the muffler "had a problem " I looked at it the bolts were not in that hold it to the cyl the threads are good I dont know but it seens to be a good saw to

Your second version is much easier to understand. In the first, I couldn't tell if you had two saws or not, or quite what you were trying to say. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect, very few here are, but we need to know what you are saying. Plain simple language that can be understood is all that is needed. The first is one confused run on sentence. The second is simple, yet intelligible and conveys what you wanted to say in a manner we can understand.
mrk585 said:
Sorry dosent cut it. it seems to me that there are alot of members on this site that are nice but I have noticed that there are a few *********
with that said

I bought 2 saws both being 041s one runs great . the other the muffler "had a problem " I looked at it the bolts were not in that hold it to the cyl the threads are good I dont know but it seens to be a good saw to

Yes there can be some ********* here, but I have to agree, that your first post was a little misleading. The people on this board will try to answer your question until every stone has been turned over. Nobody was poking fun at you, just trying to understand you posts so we can help you. You have saws... and that is a good thing. We like saws!:D

BTW.... Trinity needs to stay in Hells Kitchen.:bang:

GASoline71 said:
Not to derail this thread, but no it is not a priavte party. But you contributed to this persons question ......how????


by explaining why he wasn't getting answers (no one understood what he was asking) and suggesting some communication methods that might work for him (bullet points-- incomplete but separate phrases)...

so far, how much have you tried to answer his question?
Trinity Honoria said:
by explaining why he wasn't getting answers (no one understood what he was asking) and suggesting some communication methods that might work for him (bullet points-- incomplete but separate phrases)...

so far, how much have you tried to answer his question?

I guess I didn't get your point at first. You said the word "syntax" which I thought was something to do with being taxed for my sins. I have contributed nil. But.... I am waiting for more information form the initial poster to see if I can offer him any advice forthwith.

I don't think there really was a question posed, it was more of a statement. The difficulty in understanding what was being said only added to the confusion.