In the shop helicoils by the dozens. Common repair so screws stay the same.
Oversize will work in a pinch or if not enough meat for the helicoils.
AND tighten the case screws. The case gasket due to loose screw is the #1 failure on this model.
Another reason for a helicoil is it gives you 1 more chance to repair the threads. Helicoil to 5mm, oversize to 6mm (sometimes) then 6 mm helicoil. I have even used the threaded bushings that Stihl used in the old 028 fuel tanks way back. As long as there is material enough to work with.
When working for loggers, you need all the chances you can get.
Oversize will work in a pinch or if not enough meat for the helicoils.
AND tighten the case screws. The case gasket due to loose screw is the #1 failure on this model.
Another reason for a helicoil is it gives you 1 more chance to repair the threads. Helicoil to 5mm, oversize to 6mm (sometimes) then 6 mm helicoil. I have even used the threaded bushings that Stihl used in the old 028 fuel tanks way back. As long as there is material enough to work with.
When working for loggers, you need all the chances you can get.